Longitudes Morning

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(Summit PoV)

"So? What diapee do you want to wear?" I asked smiling

Longitude blushed as he pointed to the blue one "That one,"

I chuckled seeing his blush and slid the diaper under him "you're going to look so adorable in this diapee"

        I chuckled even more as I slid the diaper under him while he blushed, trying to hide his face with his talons. I just let him as I powdered him and applied some oils to prevent rash before pulling the diaper up between his legs then securing it in place around his waist. I then slipped his hind legs back into the onesie and closed it back up.

"Why were you out there all alone little one? It's not safe for dragonets to travel alone," I asked while feeling his forehead

"I'm not a dragonet, I'm an adult. I just couldn't get any bigger after my 6th hatching day," Longitude answered before coughing

"Oh," I looked down slightly, embarrassed that I thought he was a dragonet when I smelled him the first time, 

"Come to think of it, it was probably the puddle of pee beneath him that made me think he was a dragonet," I thought 

"It's fine if you thought I was a child. I get that enough that it.....," Longitude was saying but stopped mid-sentence before running over to a light blue training potty I have set up in a corner of the room and throwing up into it 

I walked over beside him and rubbed his back as he threw up. "I understand if you want to leave, but please at least stay until your fevers passed,"

"Please say yes, please say yes. I want to care for you just a little while longer," I thought as Longitude was clearly considering his options after he finished throwing up

(Longitude PoV)

"Crap, what do I do? I can't stay here and be cared for like a un-potty trained dragonet until I get better, can I? I mean she definitely looks like she doesn't mean me harm, and these things she put me in are comfy. It's also nice knowing I won't ruin her floors if I have an accident during a coughing fit or if have an accident when I sneeze. I guess it wouldn't hurt, I get the feeling she actually cares about me,"  I thought 

"I'll stay, at least till I get better, maybe longer," I answered as my stomach growled

      Summit smiled so wide I thought her jaw might dislocate. When she heard my stomach growl, she picked me up, still smiling and brought me out of the room. We walked through a short hall into a small dining room. She sat me down in a High chair and strapped me in.

"I don't want to give you anything that might upset your tummy, so I'm gonna make you a bottle. Is that ?" I could tell by her tone of voice it wasn't a question

"Yea it's fine," I said before sneezing again "Do you have any medicine?"

"I'm gonna mix it in with your bottle, ok?" Summit said as she started to make a hatchling bottle of hatchling formula

"Formula? I guess it does make sense, I shouldn't eat much else right now anyway,"

"Ok, thank you," I shyly said

"You're welcome. now, drink your bottle while I go clean the training potty, ok," Summit said as she put the bottle down on the high chairs try then left the room

       I would be lying if I said I didn't get scared when Summit left the room. I started to drink the bottle and it actually comforted me. that's the concerning bit. I did love the sweet taste of the formula though. I suckled every last drop of it, it was calming and the medicine in it made me feel better moments after drinking it.

(Summit PoV)

        When I stepped back into the kitchen and saw Longitude trying to suckle formula from his empty bottle I had to suppress a laugh. It was just too adorable. I walked over to him and replaced the bottle with a pacifier.

"Was your bottle yummy?" I asked as I gently stroked his head and got him out of the high chair

Longitude nodded as he suckled the pacifier

"that's good. Now, I need to clean around the house for a bit so I'm just going to put you in a playpen while I clean. Ok?"

        Longitude nodded again as I led him over to a playpen with walls high enough that he couldn't jump over them. Once he was inside I shut the gate and smiled at him before going off to start cleaning.

(Longitude PoV)

"Why do I like being cared for so much? It makes no sense, I'm a grown dragon, I shouldn't like this, at all. But I do."

        After a bit of me being lost in my thoughts my stomach, painfully. I fell onto my side and held my stomach as I whimpered. I tried to push out the poop I knew needed to come out but couldn't. I started to cry from the pain. That's when mom... I mean Summit came running to me and lifted me up.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked as she hugged me

"I can't poop," I answered

"Well, let's get you a special bottle to fix that issue," Summit said as she brought me back into the kitchen

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