Father and Son time (Winter chapter)

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(Winter PoV)

          Winter woke up in his new crib, confused as to where he is not recognizing the room. He saw his plushie cinder and started to hug it tightly as he whimpered slightly. Then he started crying when he noticed he was sitting in a poopy diaper. Qibli came rushing in and lowered the side rail of Winters' crib and started to hug him.

"It's ok bud, I'll get you in a nice clean diapee," Qibli said while picking up Winter and moving him to the changing table

           Winter took a look around the room while Qibli started to change him, gagging at the smell of Winters' used diaper. Everything in the nursery is in shades of blue and white. Winter then noticed the 5 shelves tall shelving unit filled with brightly colored cloth diapers. The next thing he noticed was the mobile above where his head would be on his crib. The last thing he noticed was a pastel blue playpen in one corner of the room filled with dragonet toys. 

Winter noticed the face Qibli was making and giggled slightly "Daddy making funny face," Winter said as he hugged his plushie slightly as Qibli put a clean diaper on Winter

Qibli smiled a little "And you're a little stinker," he said as he tickled Winters' armpits causing Winter to start laughing

"Daddy stop," Winter said as he laughed

"What's the magic word?"


"Alright, but first plant a kiss on my cheek," Qibli said not letting go of Winter but stopping the tickling

"Moons, he's not actually going to make me kiss him, his he?"

"Do I have too?" Winter asked while his tummy growled slightly

"I don't suppose so, but I think someone probably wants some food? Does my little Winter want some food?" Qibli asked as he set Winter down and chuckled internally at the thicker than normal diaper he put on him that's bright pink and says little stinker on the butt

"yes daddy," Winter said as he tried to walk and found he more so waddled now 

Qibli chuckled slightly "Ok then bud, let's go get some yummies in your tummy," Qibli said as he led Winter into the dinning room

Winter looked around and noticed Moon wasn't there "Where's mommy?" Winter asked as he sat at the table

"Mommy's taking some personal time. We get a father-son bonding day," Qibli said as he came back to the table with a plate of diced meat and a waterskin

"Oh, ok," Winter said as he waited to be fed

"You'll be ok," Qibli said as he started to feed Winter

"Why does my diaper feel thicker than normal?" Winter asked as he shifted his weight to try and get into a more comfortable position

"That's because it is, mommy and I agreed you needed thicker diapees," 

"I didn't think I went that much in my other diapers to warrant going up in thickness." Winter thought as he continued to be fed

"So what are we doing today?" Winter asked

"I planned on going to the park. We need to get you more used to going out and using your diapers in public," Qibli said with a smile as he finished feeding Winter the diced meat

Winter makes a slight whimpering sound "Do we really have to go to the park?"

"Yes, we do," Qibli answered as he put the waterskin to Winters' lips 

       Winter made a slight whining noise then started to drink from the waterskin, noticing right away it was warm milk. Winter started to happily drink from the milk, having gotten used to and liking the taste of it. 

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