Scrollwriters Daycare Days (oc Story)

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(Scrollwriter PoV)        

      I woke up and stretched, scratching my dark purple and black scales as I got out of my bed. I rubbed my head as I went into the bathroom and relieved myself, wishing I could just take a day off from working at my families daycare. Just then a thought entered my head as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Scrollwriter no, that's bad. You don't use you're magic selfishly," I said to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror

    I sighed and finished getting ready for work before heading out of my room. On the way to the dining room, I stopped and looked in the large nursery we have for the daycare. I made sure my mom wasn't in the hall then walked into the nursery, then over to the changing table. I was shaking slightly as I picked up one of the diapers and felt its soft fabric. I didn't know how to feel about these feelings I was suddenly having. I quickly put the diaper back when I heard talon falls approaching the nursery.

"Scroll sweetie, you're breakfast is getting cold. What are you doing?" my mom asked as she walked in the nursery

"Uh, just uh, making sure all the diapers are set and in their places for when we open for the day." I quickly lied as I turned around and looked at my mom and watched her black scales shift slightly as she sat down

"Scroll, you know lying to me is impossible. I know when you're lying. So I'll ask again. What are you doing?" my mom asked

      I shifted my weight slightly as my mom starred me down with her dark purple eyes. She was also giving me the 'you can tell me anything' look. I was never good at lying to her, I'm a shitty liar already. I considered my options, I could A: lie to my mom again and hope she leaves me alone, or B: tell her the truth and most likely get kicked out for the feelings I'm having.

"I'm really just making sure everything is clean and in its place mom. I swear." I said while trying to walk to the door

Mom stopped me with one of her wings "I was going to try and give you the chance to admit what's on your mind, but I guess I'm gonna have to say it for you." Mom took a deep breath          "I know you want to wear diapers, I saw you shove the diaper back into place as I walked in the nursery."

I gulped "A-and?" I asked nervously while shaking slightly

"Get out, no son of mine that wants to wear diapers is staying here," Mom said as she stepped to the side to let me pass "and leave all your things here too, they're under my roof so they're my property"

     Tears were forming in my eyes slightly as I passed my mom and walked through the house. looking at the various family portraits and portraits on the walls, thinking of how much I just ruined this family. I walked out of the house with a small hope that mom was just mad right now, and that she would come running to find me later. 

"Maybe I should just use my magic to give me what I want. Would that be so bad?" I thought as I walked through the streets of the town. 

       The street vendors were beginning to set up shop as I walked through town, some of them trying to call me over to buy something. I ignored them as I walked down the streets of town. I stopped walking when I saw an empty home. I got a small idea in my head I knew I should ignore and keep walking. 

"Keep walking Scroll, you shouldn't do this." I thought as I stood there looking at the home "but don't I deserve to do something for myself?"

       I stood there, looking at the home for another good few minutes, weighing my options. I could; A: Turn this empty home into my home. B: Turn it into a magical nursery to explore my new feelings. or C, the choice I should make: Leave it be, and don't do anything. I made my choice when I started to feel like I needed to pee.

"I enchant this empty home to become my personal nursery that magically treats me like a hatchling," I thought as I used my magic to do just that before walking into the home 

     When I walked in the first thing I noticed was the smell of hatchling powder. The second thing I noticed was the walls were all pastel colors, mostly pink and blue. I stepped into the small living room, the only furniture there was a toy chest and bookshelf full of books. I then noticed the whole floor in the house is pastel blue, matted, and soft. I worked my way into the next room which is the kitchen and dining room combo, the only furniture there besides kitchen counters is a high chair. I then checked the cabinets and saw many different flavors of hatchling food. I frowned slightly, but closed the cabinets and went to the stairs by the front door and walked up them.

       I saw two doors as I stepped into a short hallway at the top of the stairs, one at the end and on to the right. I noticed the matted floor here is pink. I looked into the one at the end first and found a small bathroom. I noticed the chamber pot inside is light navy blue, and larger than most chamber pots, meaning its purpose is for potty training. I noticed that was the only thing in the pastel yellow room and checked the other door. The moment I opened it I was picked up by something and carried me over to a purple changing table. I smiled as I looked around the room. On one of the walls, I noticed the alphabet painted in bright cheery colors, I noticed another wall was just a massive shelf filled with diapers, oils, ointments, and hatchling powder. On the wall opposite of the diapers is a large purple crib with a few stuffed animals in it.

      I then looked up as a ghostly white dragon was applying ointments and oils to me before it slipped a purple cloth diaper under me. The dragon smiled at me and put a pink pacifier into my mouth before pulling the diaper up between my legs and securing it in place.  I smiled, liking how the soft fabric felt. 

the ghostly dragon chuckled "My little hatchy likes his diapers doesn't he?" the ghostly dragon asked me as she tickled my tummy

I giggled as I answered, "Yes I do."

"Good boy. I'll take you downstairs to play for a bit, then I'll feed you." the ghostly dragon said before carrying me downstairs and plopping me down on the living room floor near the toy chest

"I think I can get used to this."  I thought as I started to suckle on the pacifier in my mouth

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