Morrowseers messy walk

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(Greatness PoV) 

         I smiled and giggled at how much of a waddle Morrowseer has. Trying so hard to keep his mess from touching his butt. But Just like any hatchling, He can't. It's really just so adorable how he waddles and suckles his pacifier with his tail tucked between his legs. Then I giggled more as I watched Morrowseer start to squirm a little bit. 

"What's the matter dolly? Do you need to go poopy in your diaper more already?" I asked as we kept walking, Arriving at another very popular spot

          Morrowseer nods as he stops and squats down. Making a huge hilarious pooping face as he adds more poop to the mountain I know is already in his diaper.  I smile and rub his head as he finishes, giggling knowing he'll be making at least one more mess in that diaper before we're done here.

"Does my dolly feel better?" I ask as we continue walking

Morrowseer Blushes but nods. His waddle is even wider now.  "Yes, but, dis diapew feels gwoss," Morrowseer then blushes more at how he sounds talking around his pacifier

"Well, that's too bad dolly. Why don't you walk normally? At this waddle rate, we'll be out until the sun goes down," I say while tugging on his leash to encourage him to walk 

(Morrowseer PoV)

          I whine and give Greatness a pleading look. She simply just pulls the leash a little bit again. It takes me a few moments of deciding what I want. But I eventually choose to just stand up straight. Choosing to get back to privacy faster over remaining comfortable. The feeling of having my messes squish against my butt leaves me whining as we continue walking. My diaper sagging heavily. Me still feeling like I might need to poop again soon. 

"Good dolly, listening to me like a good dolly. For listening you'll get a reward when we get back to my room," Greatness said as she smiled, pet my head then my diaper with her tail

           For some reason being praised like that left me feeling good. Though I stopped a smile from appearing on my face at that praise.

"Why did I just feel good for being praised for walking normally in a poop-filled diaper? What is wrong with me. I need to get out of this, but how?"  I thought as we continued walking

               While walking Greatness would occasionally stop and look at the flowers and whatnot before continuing on. Sometimes giggling as she looked me. Pinching my cheek and patting my diaper. It was almost like a cycle. A cycle I really hated because it left me blushing uncontrollably. I'm supposed to be big and tough. Yet here I am blushing just because my diaper is patted and my cheek is pinched. Granted this is a very embarrassing situation, but still. I need to get a grip on myself.

"We're almost done with our walk dolly. If you need to make another poo poo in your pants do so now. If you don't, I won't change you right away when we get back to my room," Greatness said as she stopped walking and smiled at me 

            I stopped walking and looked around. There's a lot of dragons around, making me nervous about just using my diaper. Looking at Greatness with pleading eyes, I begged silently. Whimpering a little bit as I felt a cramp hit.

"No begging, you're using your diaper here and now. I can tell you have to. Be a good dolly and go poopy in your pants right here, right now," Greatness stated sternly

I whined more and kept begging with my eyes. hoping against hope Greatness would give in. 

"No, everyone here knows you're just a dumb overgrown sissy hatchling dolly that needs her diapers. So stop holding it and show everyone the big sissy hatchling doll you are," Greatness said while pushing me into a squatting position

             I whined one last time before starting to push. Greatness started to laugh uncontrollably, so I guess that means my face was scrunched up in a pooping expression. The only thing that came out at first were farts, but then I felt my diaper get weighed down more as I messed again. My diaper sagging even further. Once I was done messing I lifted my leg and wet myself more.

"Good dolly going poopy and wee wee in your pants. Just for going wee wee without me telling you to, you'll get an extra reward," Greatness said while rubbing behind my ear then pulling on my leash

           I couldn't stop myself from smiling that time. Something about finally being praised for something made me feel really good, too good to contain it.  Greatness seemed to notice and giggled more. Her giggles causing me to blush heavily. 

"I see dolly likes being praised for going potty in her pants. Keep doing that and you'll get more praise than your little sissy head could ever dream of," 

            After that sentence, I was blushing the whole way back to her room. Once there she laid me down on the floor and went to a side cabinet. My eyes widened seeing it filled with diapers in all sorts of different colors. Not just pinks and purples, but reds and blues too. My shock must've been written all over my face because Greatness was giggling as she walked over and took out my pacifier.

"Do you like your diapers dolly? I had them all made and delivered while we at the garden," Greatness asked as she smiled at me

"No, I'm just shocked to see colors other than pinks and purples," I said while squirming in my diaper, whimpering from the feeling of having it on for so long

"Well if you don't want the boyish colored diapers..." 

"No no. I want them. I'm just surprised you'd make some that weren't pink and purple is all," I blurted out, not fully realizing what I said just yet

"Oh, so you want your diapers? Alright, well your first surprise is picking what diaper I change you into. This is for going wee-wee without me telling you to," 

I blushed heavily as I looked at the options. I could see hints of designs on some of the diapers. "Uh, a red one," 

"A red one what?" Greatness said as she looked through the cabinet

"A red diaper please," I said blushing more

"Alright, dolly. One red diaper for your butt coming up."

               I blushed heavily as Greatness pulled a very thick red cloth diaper out. Blushing, even more, when she unfolded it and revealed the diapered skywing designs on it. Greatness giggled at my blushing and took my diaper off then grimaced as she saw something. Looking down my body I saw it. A rather large diaper rash. I whimpered just now feeling the air hit it. 

(Yes, I'm still here. College just got in the way of me writing these. But my class is done and I won't be taking another till the fall. If there is any other storyline you'd like to see continued leave a comment below. That's the only way for me to really know what you guys want.

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