Sundews soaked morning

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(Sundew PoV)

           I was having a pleasant dream. It was of me and Willow running through the forest, having lots of fun. Our forest green scales almost blending perfectly with the foliage around us. I was that is until I was shaken awake by Cricket and her typical concerned face. I looked at her confused, then became aware of a very, very wet feeling under me. I gulped and looked away from her. As much as I wanted to cry into her orangy yellow and black striped scales. I wouldn't let myself. That's what I told myself until she sat down next to me and started rubbing my back in gentle circles. I started crying into her scales.  

"Sundew, this has been going on for a month now. Blue and I are sick of cleaning pee out of the sheets. So if you're going to continue to live with us. You're going to come with me to the market today and get some protection for at night," Cricket said gently as I started to calm down

"Y-you don't mean protection as i-in diapers, do you?" I asked, already knowing what the answer would be

"Yes, that's precisely what I mean. I know this is a hard choice considering you have nowhere else to go. But you can't blame Blue and me for wanting less laundry to do," Cricket said while wiping my tears away

"Maybe I can still go apologize to Willow for just disappearing on her. But if I told her I wet the bed now, she'd never stop teasing me. Blue and Cricket actually help me. Maybe I should just agree to wear diapers at night. I doubt I'll have a day time accident. Just have to make sure I use the bathroom often," I thought while getting off the wet spot on my bed and sitting on the floor

"Alright. I'll go with you to pick up diapers for night time. But what happens if I have daytime accidents?" I nervously asked, already a little scared of the answer I might get 

"Depending on what kind of accident you might have will determine what kind of day time padding we get you. If it's a poopy accident then obviously it's straight to normal diapers, but if it's just pee, we'll get you some pull-ups," Cricket answered while stripping my bed, "Go wash yourself and eat breakfast. we'll leave early so we can get our shopping done before too many dragons are out and about,"

          I nodded, happy that Cricket was being so thoughtful. I looked around my room, sighing at how simple it still is. Over a month of living here and I still hadn't made it my own yet. Still the same old wooden trunk in one corner and a single small bed against the wall. I am at least thankful it has a nice big window that opens for fresh mountain air and plenty of natural light.  Making my way into the washroom I swiftly cleaned myself up with a wet rag then went into the kitchen where Blue was already cooking something. 

            The kitchen is nothing too special. A stove and oven up against a wall with an icebox. The icebox a good few feet away from it so the ice inside it doesn't melt. The kitchen island counter in the center full of claw marks from all the meat Blue's cut up to cook for Cricket and me. I smiled a little internally whenever I see those marks. Them just being another example of how I actually found a safe home to live in where I'm genuinely cared about. In another life, I could see Blue and Cricket maybe finding a younger version of myself and adopting me. raising me in this home and loving me. But that's not this life, and I doubt they love me like a daughter. 

"Have another accident?" Blue asked, his blue scales matching my mood quite well right now, but his trademark worried and concerned expression clear on his face

"Yes, I did. I'm sorry," I said walking over to the icebox to get something to drink

"You have no reason to be sorry. You can't control this. I know how painful and embarrassing it can be to not be in control of things. I'm just sorry that Cricket and I didn't try to help sooner," Blue said as I got some water from the icebox

          I watched his 4 butterfly wing-shaped wings gently rise and fall and with his breaths. The way his antennae twitched slightly to some vibrations I can't hear. I just nodded and walked into the dining room and sat down. Already knowing it would be pointless to try and make myself something. Blue wouldn't have it, he prefers to make us breakfast in the mornings. He was humming a gentle tune as he cooked. A tune he figured out calmed me down. I really hate how he has such powerful empathy sometimes. But right now, I don't mind it. I was practically falling asleep again when Cricket shook me gently. 

"Don't fall asleep now Cricket, because once we eat, we're going shopping," Cricket said, sitting down next to me, making sure her 4 wasp wing-shaped wings were furled in nicely against her back so they weren't in my way.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't get that much sleep last night," I said stretching as Blue set down bowls of oatmeal in front of all of us. mine and Crickets having diced up meat in it,

"Thank you," I said blushing 

"I really need to stop letting the thoughts of them adopting me in another life run. I'm going to call one of them mom or dad one of these days and not realize it till I've said it," I thought while Blue chuckled at my blush

"Does someone think of us as the loving parents she never had?" Cricket asked teasingly

"N-no," I lied then distracted myself by starting to eat my food

"I knew you did," Blue said nuzzling my cheek slightly. 

           We all soon finished eating. Blue and Cricket went to their room to get ready for the day. I stayed in the living room. Waiting for them to come out, twiddling my talons. I also wasn't very surprised Blue decided to come along. There weren't many places he didn't go with Cricket. Once they finished up we left for a medical supply store. They led me right to the diaper aisle. thankfully no one else was in it.

"Alright Sun, pick whatever diapers you want. but I also want you picking day time ones and pull-ups, just in case," Cricket said while patting my back. 

          I sighed and looked at my options. There was classic white, but those were honestly boring to me. I liked the pink ones, but they were bland without anything on them. I blushed intensely when I saw the ones I liked the best. It's a very pink diaper with smiling blue silk wing designs on it. Blue chuckled as he watched me pick it up.

"Do those diapers designs remind you of me? is that why you picked them?" Blue asked smiling

"They're going to tease me over my choice, aren't they? they'll never leave me alone about it. But what if this is the friendly teasing. It feels like it's a friendly kind of teasing. Blue wouldn't tease me with ill intent," I thought 

          I put several pairs of pink diapers into a basket. I got pull-ups and day time diapers that have the same designs on them. Cricket quickly picked up hatchling powder and clean plush rags. Cricket picked out a pink pacifier too then paid for everything. by the time we left the streets were starting to get crowded. I whined and tried to hide, knowing everyone would just know the diapers are mine. I was right too because dragons started to laugh at me. Cricket put a wing around me and we hurried home. 

"Sundew, do you want this to suckle on? I got it because I know how nervous you can get," Cricket asked holding out the pacifier for me to suckle on

I blushed as I took it and put it in my mouth. It was oddly soothing and relaxing to suckle on. I sat down and soon found myself drifting off into a nap. before I could fall asleep Cricket shook me awake.

(Cricket PoV)

"Time to see if she'll actually cooperate with this whole thing," I thought as I set down a diaper and the powder

"Sundew, if you're going to nap, you need to wear a diaper," I said while unfolding the diaper, watching and Sundews facial expressions

I noticed Sundew open her mouth to protest, but then closed it, "Alright, I did agree to wear them whenever I slept after all," She said laying on her back

"Good, I'm glad you aren't putting up a fuss for once," I said as I swiftly powdered and wrapped the diaper around Sundews waist snuggly

                I giggled slightly as Sundew purred as she fell asleep right there in the living room. I pulled a blanket over her and slipped a nap blindfold over her eyes so the sunlight wouldn't disturb her sleep. I smiled as I went and helped Blue put the rest of her diapers away in her room.

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