Winters first Accident

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(Moon PoV)

"Daddy's gone now Winter," Moon said pulling away from the hug

Winter breathes, his face slightly tear-stained "Is Qibli gonna hurt me again?" 

"No, daddy isn't gonna hurt you again, I'll make sure he doesn't. Now, you must want food in your tummy," Moon answered tickling Winters tummy a little

Winter giggles slightly "Yes Mo...mmy," he said while hugging the plushie

"Ok, here comes the dragon," Moon said as she held a piece of meat in front of Winters' mouth

Winter opens his mouth and lets Moon put the meat cube in his mouth. "It tastes really good Mommy," 

"Well daddy is the best cook mommy knows, and only the best is acceptable for my baby," Moon said sticking another meat cube in Winters' mouth

"Really, he is? I would've thought you'd know multiple nightwings that can cook better." Winter asked as Moon put another meat cube in his mouth

Moon chuckles "Don't tell daddy, but you're right. He isn't the best cook I know." 

(Qibli PoV)

"What is wrong with me. I knew Winter was still adjusting and yet I hit him for something minor, it was a reasonable snap he did. I'll try to make it up to him and Moon" Qibli thought as he shopped for diapers for Winter

(Winter PoV)

"Was that yummy in your tummy?" Moon asked with a smile after she finished feeding Winter

"It was great considering that's the first thing I've eaten in a week."

"I just have to ask, why didn't you go hunt something to eat?" Moon asked while checking Winters diaper

"I did try. But a white dragon hunting in a forest is a bit of a challenge. I didn't kill anything and went hungry." Winter said looking down "I'll also let you know if I need my diaper changed."

"I guess that's fair. Want a drink to wash your dinner down," Moon asked while putting the waterskin to his lips 

"Yes, please,"

Moon chuckled and put the tip of the nozzle of the waterskin in his mouth, using her talon to prevent the water from flowing into Winters' mouth to quickly "Does that taste good sweetie?" Moon asked as Winter swallowed his first few mouth fulls

"Yes it does mommy," Winter answered between mouth fulls

              Just as Winter finished his water Qibli got home. He took a small bag into the guest room, then went and sat with Moon and Winter, holding a small palm-sized bag.

"What's in the bag Qibli?" Moon asked looking at it

"I got a little something for Winter," Qibli said opening the bag

"Why did you get me something?" Winter asked shifting his weight slightly, feeling like he needs to poop

"I can't shit myself in front of Moon, even if I am her baby now."

"To try and make up for hitting you," Qibli said as he pulled a light blue pacifier out of the bag

        Winter stares at it unsure of what to do. Shifting his weight around a bit more. Qibli and Moon both notice but say nothing, both of them having a good idea of what's wrong.

"Winter, if you need to go potty, then you should just go potty. Holding it for too long isn't healthy," Moon said

"He's just scared about using his diaper for the first time Moon. That's why I got him the pacifier. I figured he wasn't going to use his diaper before I got back. The pacifier should help keep him calm, just like his plushie." Qibli answered while holding the pacifier in front of Winters' mouth

"I just can't bring myself to go potty in my diaper," Winter said looking down at the still clean blue fabric of his diaper

"Alright, but if you wait too long, your body will just relieve itself without your permission. I just don't want that to happen to you bud," Qibli said, still holding the pacifier in front of Winters' mouth

           Winter opened his mouth for the pacifier and Qibli popped it in. Winter started to suckle the pacifier while Qibli wrapped a wing around him and gently hugged. 

"It's ok buddy, I'm sorry for hitting you earlier," Qibli said starting to rub Winters' back gently

Winter relaxed into Qibli after a few back rubs. "It otay daddy," Winter said, his speech affected by the pacifier in his mouth

"I'm glad you forgave daddy," Moon said kissing Winter on his head and hugging him with Qibli

          Winter farted and smiled feeling completely relaxed between Moon and Qibli. He was so relaxed he didn't feel his diaper grow wet from his pee as he wet himself. Moon and Qibli, however, heard the hissing sound of him peeing. 

"Why do Moon and Qibli make me feel so safe? Why does this diaper make me so secure? Why does this pacifier and plushie relax me so well? Am I getting used to this?"

"Do you feel better after that fart buddy? I bet you do," Qibli asked chuckling

"Wes I do," Winter said farting again

"Buddy, do you need to make a poopie?" Qibli asked

"No, I don't," Winter said farting again while starting to doze off

"Is my baby sleepy?" Moon asked as she started to cradle Winters' head in her forelegs

"Ust a wittle," Winter answered as his eyes closed and his body relaxed enough for him to poop himself

"Yea, you're gonna need a clean diaper before beddy bye bud, because you're stinky," Qibli said laying Winter down on the floor

"Wat you mean?" Winter asked

"You did your poopies, that's all. Your tummy must feel so much better now." Moon said in a calm even voice

"No, that's impossible, I would've felt it if I shit my self" Winter thought as he shifted his weight slightly and starting crying when he felt the poop in his diaper

"It's ok Winter. I'll get you changed. Qibli go get a spare diaper," Moon said while she hugged Winter and started undoing his used diaper

(Moon PoV)

           Qibli left the room and came back with a thick light red cloth diaper that has skywing designs on it. He handed it to Moon just as she pulled the diaper out from under Winter which is now dark blue from all the pee that it soaked up and put it to the side to clean later. Moon then took a wet rag then cleaned Winters crotch and butt with it before putting the clean diaper on him and buttoning it snuggly on him.

"I'm all done, and I just wanna say you look even more adorable now than before with that diaper on," Moon said helping a sleepy Winter sit up

"Weally?" Winter asked getting closer to sleep

"Yup, and every adorable baby like you, needs their sleep, so follow me to beddy bye," Moon said leading him to the guest room with Qibli making sure Winter doesn't fall over on the way then laying him in his bed "Good night my baby," Moon said kissing Winter on his head and pulling the blankets up and over him

"Good night mommy," 

"Good night buddy, see you in the morning," Qibli said after he kissed Winters head

"Good night daddy," Winter said as he fell asleep with a quiet fart and smile behind his pacifier

                Moon and Qibli both leave the room quietly smiling at seeing Winter sleep peacefully hugging his plushie and suckling his pacifier. Both of them also worried about how Winter will react to waking up in a messy diaper if he does.

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