Lifekeepers padded morning (Scrollwriter chapter)

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(LifeKeeper PoV)

               I was pretty distracted for the whole day after watching Scroll walkout. Slouching and keeping his head low. I couldn't keep his sad expression out of my head the whole day. Not to mention how my own husband looked at me once I explained to him why Scroll wasn't here. He told me I should've let Scroll explore his feelings. I knew I should've let Scroll explore his feelings. but I could also tell he was thinking I overreacted. 

"You think I overreacted this morning, don't you?" I asked once the last little one had left with their parents

I watched as his light purple scales shifted color slightly while he looked at me, "Yes I do think you overreacted. He was just a little curious. You shouldn't have punished him for it."

              I listened to those words. believing them. Then beginning to think of myself a horrible mother. I pushed those thoughts out quickly as I went up to the nursery and packed a small diaper bag with the intent of finding my son and helping him. I then headed out after kissing my husband goodbye. 

"Come on Scroll, where are you?" I thought as I started walking the streets of our town

             Looking for any sign of where my son could be. Then I noticed it. The house that had been for sale not too long ago had it's for sale sign down. A new sign in its place that reads, Scrollwriters nursery. I sighed and face taloned. Walking inside I looked around. Smiling at the scent of hatchling powder. I then heard Scrolls unmistakable giggles. I walked through the place until I saw Scroll securely seated in a high chair, being fed by a ghostly blue seawing. The seawing being easily a foot bigger than me at least. Scroll's giggles stopped when he saw me. I could tell by the sudden facial expression change he was scared. But before I could do anything, that seawing was on me and i was out cold. Not even seeing its tail swing and hit my head. 

           I came to, I don't even know how much later. But when I saw bright pink bars around me, I figured I was in a crib. That's also when I felt the pacifier in my mouth and the intense pressure in my bladder and bowels. I whimpered slightly, too afraid to move and mess myself. I would've been less scared if I felt a diaper between my hinds. But all I felt was the thin fabric of a pull-up. My whimper must've alerted the seawing because she came right over and gently lifted me up and held me. 

"Do you need something sweetie?" She asked in an overly nice tone, something in it also giving me major hints I'm supposed to ask to go to the bathroom

"I need to go to the bathroom," I said letting the pacifier fall from my mouth

"well, how do we ask for something sweetie?" She asked, putting the pacifier back in my mouth with her tail and holding it there

"Pwease wet me use da bathwoom," I said, cringing at how my voice sounded

"Alright, but I'm gonna stay in there with you. Need to make sure you don't fall in the potty," the seawing said, carrying me to the bathroom and pulling down my pull-up

             After she sat me on the oversized chamber pot that made me feel like a potty training hatchling. I tried pushing, but being watched by her was making me shy about going. She seemed to understand. The seawing turned around, giggling. I was then able to pee and poop without trouble. I reached to clean myself but was stopped by the seawing.

"No, no sweetie. Little drakes like you don't know how to properly wash up after going potty. Let Auntie Anne clean you," Auntie Anne, as it seemed this seawing called herself, cleaned me then pulled my pull-up back up

"where's scwoll?" I asked, hating having to talk around a pacifier

"He should be waking up soon. It is the morning after all. I'm just surprised you didn't load your pull-ups last night.  I'll put a star on your potty training chart for that," Auntie Anne said as she then led me to the places playroom

"So I'm being treated like a potty training drake. That is worse than being left in a diaper. Now when I need to use the bathroom, I need to ask. What have I gotten myself into,"  I thought as I sat there, waiting for Scroll to be brought down

(Scroll PoV)

            I was woken up to the feelings of my diaper being checked by Auntie. I smiled, feeling the huge mess in my diaper. I also let loose my morning pee. Sighing with content at feeling the fresh warmth spread through my diaper. Auntie giggled at me and swiftly changed me.

"Your mommy didn't poo her pull-ups in her sleep. But don't worry, her breakfast bottle will turn her into a burst little fire hydrant and a poop factory for a few hours. I made sure of it. It's gonna be nothing but rainy clouds on her potty training chart today," Auntie told me as she carried me to the playroom

          I giggled seeing mom sitting there, in a pink pull-up and sucking on a pacifier. It made me oddly happy knowing I didn't have to ask to go potty. I was set down next to mom while Auntie went into the kitchen.  I smiled at mom as she looked back at me, a mix of emotions on her face.

"I wonder if she likes her pull-up, or if she'd rather be wearing a diaper. I can't really tell what she's thinking," I thought while suckling on my pacifier and looking at her

Mom spat out her pacifier, "Scroll, sweetie. I know you're sad and angry with me, maybe even scared.  But I came looking for you, to wrap a cute little diaper around your waist. I'm sorry for how I was, but if you're going to punish me like this. At least please tell me the plan,"

"You're weally sowwe?" I asked, doubt filling my voice as I spoke around my pacifier

"Yes, I am. Your father helped me see my mistake. So can you please tell me what the plan is for me?" Mom asked, sounding genuinely worried

I giggled, "Make you use your pull-ups until you're back in diapers and tell daddy how much you need them so he keeps you in them," 

Mom gulped, "Scroll, don't you think that's a bit much?"

(Lifekeeper PoV)

"Unless you'd rather skip the pull-ups filling bit and go straight to diapers. This is the plan," Auntie said as she came back and put a hatchling bottle in Scrolls talons

                She lifted me up and began to feed me a bottle. I blushed hard as I tried to keep my mouth away from the nipple of the bottle. Auntie pinched my thigh hard, causing my eyes to tear up. I latched onto the bottle and began suckling. Not wanting to feel that pinching again. Auntie smiled as I got halfway through it. I felt why moments after as the only feeling I had was of a whole lot of warmth filling my pull up as I soaked it and messed it. Auntie pulled the bottle away and changed me into a clean pull up. slapping a thunder cloud stinker on a potty training chart that has a good 20 squares on it.  The chart having my name written in cartoony font above it. I gulped realizing the plan was probably to make me fill the chart before putting me in diapers. Whining I began suckling the bottle again. 

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