Morrowseers dressup time

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(Greatness PoV)

"Oh, he is going to regret that." I thought with a smile "I'll change you once you're done with your breakfast and poopies,"

"Alright," Morrowseer said as he continued to eat

        I smiled as I watched him finish eating and messing his diaper. Once he was done I fully unchained him and laid him down in the crib to change him. I giggled as he squirmed while I wiped his butt clean and wrapped his clean diaper around his waist. 

"Now I know it will be hard for you, but you will go potty in your diapee when you need to today," I said as I got a pink leather collar out of a cabinet and put it around his neck

"I will not. I don't need diapers," Morrowseer said as I pulled him out of the crib and sat him in the center of the floor

"Really? you don't? Because these," I put his messy diaper down in front of him, "these say otherwise. A potty-trained adult wouldn't make such big poopies helplessly and a potty-trained dragon wouldn't wet themselves in a hallway,"


I slapped Morrowseer on his thigh, "That was for yelling at me. Do not yell at me or I will put that messy diaper right back on you. Do you understand?"

Morrowerseer nodded his head "Yes, I understand"

"Good, now I have another question. When did you notice you had to go pee-pee before your accident?" I asked putting his messed diaper back in the diaper pail next to his bed.

I laughed as Morrowseer looked down 

"Not even a minute before my accident," He mumbled

"What was that?"

"Not even a minute before," He said again but clearly

"Tsk tsk tsk, that just proves you need your thick pink diapers. You're just a big piddle pants. Now, since we can't leave you in just a diaper to out, let's get you dressed," I said smiling

"You're making me go out in a diaper? I can't go out in a diaper,"

"I'm not, but I'm also gonna put you in a dress too,"

          I giggled as I watched the color drain from Morrowseers' face. I plopped a pacifier in his mouth while I went into my wardrobe to find a suitable dress for him. 

"I'd rather be in just the diaper," Morrowseer said letting the paci fall out of his mouth as I pulled out a pink frilly dress and brought it over to him,

"No, I can't let my new dolly go out in just a diaper. So forelegs up," I said 

(Morrowseer PoV)

           I didn't lift my forelegs. No way was I going to just let her put a dress on me. I glared at her right in her eyes.

"No," I said angrily 

"I can make your next poopy very unenjoyable dolly, so raise your forelegs,"

"Really? I somehow doubt that,"

"Ok then, get ready to have to really push to make your next poopy," Greatness said as she went over to a cabinet and got a vial out of it, "this will tighten your poopy and pee-pee muscles up,"

"L-lies, you're lying," I stammered out as she walked over to me and made me drink the mixture

"I'm not, you know it, now forelegs up or I spank you," Greatness said

           I gulped and raised my forelegs and let greatness slide the dress over my head and get my forelegs in the sleeves. I whimpered when I noticed the dress didn't cover my diaper. Greatness giggled at my situation as she attached a leash to the collar around my neck. She then put a bottle against my lips.

"Drink it, or I make you drink it," Greatness said forcing the nipple of the bottle into my mouth

            Since I didn't feel like testing greatness more I started to suckle. I almost immediately felt full, but I kept drinking. It took me almost 5 minutes to finish the bottle, but once I was done Greatness replaced the bottle with a pacifier she strapped around the back of my head. 

"Ok, now let's go to the garden," Greatness said as she pulled me out of her room and led me through the halls

             About halfway to the garden, I felt my stomach cramp up. I looked around and saw we're surrounded by other dragons all laughing at me. I whimpered as another wave of cramps hit me. Greatness noticed the faces I was making due to the cramps and stopped walking. She smiled at me and forced me into a squatting position.

"Once you make poopies we'll continue walking. But you have to make poopies first," Greatness said while looking at me in my eyes

          I whimpered but started pushing, the pain of the cramps too much to ignore. I was very aware of how much of a pooping face I was making as I pushed. I spent maybe 5 minutes pooping, and by the end of it, I felt like there was a mountain in my diaper.

"You're such a good dolly going poopy when your mommy tells you to do so. But that diapee can hold more poopies, and I'm sure this isn't the last poopy you'll be making this morning," Greatness said smushing the poop in my diaper against my butt

          I was starting to cry at that point, but Greatness ignored me and continued to pull me along. Almost as soon as we walked in the garden I felt my bladder twinge and I whimpered more. Greatness looked at me and smiled tugging me along to the most popular part of the garden and pushing me into a squatting position again.

"You have to go pee-pee, don't you? Well go pee-pee, you'll just have to focus," Greatness said while tickling my chin slightly

I nodded 

"Is your little wee-wee shy about going pee-pee in front of this many dragons? It's ok if you are, but you need to go pee-pee for mommy right now. If you need to lift your leg like the little hatchling you are, then go ahead,"  

           I whimpered more but lifted my leg. Almost as soon as I did, my diaper started getting flooded. I was crying as I flooded it. 

"You are such a good hatchling dolly. I know you probably want out of that diapee, but I want to finish walking through the garden. Besides, you'll probably go poopy again by then. So come on," Greatness said as she continued to pull me along


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