Winters Bathtime

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(Moon PoV)

         Moon led Winter into his room and changed him into a light blue diaper. She hugged him until he was calm and packed a bag with spare diapers and soap. After making sure Winter was calmed down Moon led him back into the living room to say bye to Qibli.

Qibli came over to Winter and hugged him "Have fun at the river bud," Qibli said while ruffling Winters' head spikes

"I-I'll try to h-have fun," Winter answered, nervous about going out in a diaper 

"It's ok Winter, mommy will make sure you're not made fun of," Moon said as she kissed Qibli and lead him out the door, doing her best to keep a wing around him as they started to walk to the river

       As soon as they left the house other dragons were staring and most were chuckling at Winter. Moon was doing her best to shut them up with warning growls.

(Winter PoV)

         Winter was shaking slightly with nerves the moment they were out the door. His nerves were only made worse by the laughing of everyone around him.

"Why must they be paying attention to me? Why can't they just go about their lives?" Winter thought 

"Winter, you need to breathe. If you don't get a grip on your nerves you might have an accident." Moon said while hugging Winter slightly as they walked

"You want me to calm down while practically the whole town laughs at me?" Winter snapped as he wet his diaper a little unknowingly

"Watch your tone or I might leave you to walk to the river by yourself," Moon said as they stopped walking so she could look Winter in his eyes

"She wouldn't actually leave me alone in a crowd like this, would she?"

Winter looks down slightly "I'm sorry mommy."

Moon kisses Winters forehead "I know sweetie, just try to not snap at me, ok?"

"Yes mommy," Winter answered as more dragons around them started laughing

"Good, now let's get you to the river, the nice cool water should help relax you," Moon said as they started walking again

(Qibli PoV)

          Qibli watched Moon and Winter walk down the street before leaving the house to buy what he needed to turn Winters room into a nursery. The whole time he was walking he was thinking about how to decorate the nursery.

"Icewing styled decor is probably the right choice. I bet I can find a nice icewing mobile too," Qibli thought as he entered the markets

(Moon PoV)

         When they got to the river Moon could hear a slight dripping sound coming from a still shaking Winter. She carefully checked it and saw that his diaper is soaked. Moon leads Winter over to a slightly more private spot and had him lay down.

"What's....wrong..." Winter started to ask before feeling his wet diaper between his hind legs and started to cry

"Oh no, I didn't pack anything to comfort him in case something like this happened. Crap, I should've known better," Moon thought as she quickly changed Winters diaper while the few dragons that were nearby saw and started laughing

Winter coves his ears and closes his eyes "M-make them s-stop mommy,"

        Moon growled loudly and angrily at the laughing dragons which scared them off before starting to hug Winter. While hugging him she started to gently stroke his back which eventually calmed him down.

"Are you ok now Winter? We still need to go to the water to bathe you," Moon asked while she wiped the tears off his face

"Yea, let's just go and get this over with," Winter said standing up

         Moon nodded then took Winter down to the water then took his diaper off so she could start cleaning him. Winter giggles slightly when Moon started washing his armpits.

"Oh I just love hearing his giggles, they're so adorable,"

Moon smiles "Did I find my babies ticklish spot?"

"No, I don't have ticklish spots," 

Moon tickled his armpits again which got more giggles from Winter "I think you lied to me because it sounds like I found your ticklish spot,"

"Ok, I am ticklish, so what? Will you just finish cleaning me already?"

"Fine, but I'm going to tell daddy about your ticklish spot when we get home," Moon said as she went back to washing Winter

           Winter huffs as Moon goes back to scrubbing the dirt out of Winters scales. 

(Qibli PoV)

          Qibli finishes his shopping in the markets and heads home with few dragons helping him to carry the things he got for Winters nursery. Once everything was inside he set to work building everything.

"I really hope Winter likes his new room. It would be a shame if he didn't like it."

(Winter PoV)

         Just as Moon finished scrubbing Winter his tummy growled. Moon smiles and brings him out of the water and starts to dry him off.

"Is my baby hungry?" Moon askes as she has Winter lay down so she can diaper him

"Only a little," Winter answers as Moon puts a yellow diaper with sandwing designs on it on Winter

"A little hungry is still hungry sweetie," Moon says as she gets a water skin out of her bag and puts it to Winters' mouth "I figured you'd get hungry so I brought a waterskin of warm milk for you,"

"But you didn't bring anything to keep me calm?" Winter asked before he started to drink the milk

"I know, and I'm sorry about that. I'll remember to bring your paci with us next time, ok?"

        Winter only nods while he continues to drink the milk while Moon gently strokes his head.

"Don't fall asleep Winter, you can nap when we get home." Winter thought as he felt his eyes get a little heavy 

Moon smiles as Winter finishes the milk and starts to burp him, "Was that yummy Winter?"

Winter Burps "Yes, but can we go home before I fall asleep here? I want to cuddle with Cinder"

"Cinder? Is that what you named your plushie?" Moon asked smiling as she started to walk home with Winter under one of her wings

        Winter nods as they continue to walk. Winter trying not to fall asleep the whole time.

(Qibli PoV)

        Qibli finishes building Winters nursery and puts his plushie in the crib. He then goes out to the living room to wait for Moon and Winter to get back.

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