Darkstalkers lunch Time

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(Foeslayer PoV)

        I led Darkstalker over to a food area and got him some mashed fruits and had a vendor fill one of the bottles I had picked up for him with some water. I then led my son, Darky I think will be his new nickname, over to a table and sat him down before pulling out his pacifier. Luckily he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

"Your paci is only out so I can feed you. If you fuss or resist even the tiniest bit, I'm spanking you. Am I understood?" I asked as I took a spoonful of mashed carrots and held it in front of Darkys mouth

"Really? Mashed food? I have developed teeth, I don't need to eat this crap and I won't," Darky said

"Really? Putting up a fuss when I just said not to?" I stare down Darky, ready to flip him over and start spanking him if I have to

"I will not eat that crap, I am not a hatchling," Darky said defiantly, thinking that pulling this would get him his way

"Fine. Then it's a spanking and nothing to eat until you decide you want to eat the mashed carrots," I said grabbing Darky

            Before Darky could respond to me grabbing him, I flipped him over on his back and pulled his diaper down. I then started to spank him hard. I didn't stop when he started to cry after 10. I stopped after 30. By that point, Darky was blabbering like a dragonet. I pulled his diaper back up and pulled him into a hug, starting to comfort him. I noticed that all the dragons in the food area were laughing at him and carried him out of the town. By the point we left the town Darky was calm, but still cuddled against me.

"I'm sorry Darky, but you left me no choice. I don't want to do that to you again, and if I have to, I won't do it in a place so public," I said rubbing his back and taking the hatchling bottle of water out of his diaper bag I bought while we were shopping 

Darky sniffled slightly "Really? Darky? Why such a childish nickname?" Darky was still clinging to me, he only took his paci out long enough to ask the question before popping it back in his mouth, I chuckled to myself seeing that

"Well you are my kid, are you not?" I asked gently stroking the side of his head after putting him on the ground beneath the shade of a tree

"I'm not a kid anymore, I haven't been for the last 2000 years," Darky answered after taking the pacifier out of his mouth and just holding it in his talon while glancing at the bottle of water in my talon

I raised an eye ridge "Does my little hatchling want his ba ba?" I teased as I put the tip of it right in front of his mouth

(Darkstalker PoV)

"No Darkstalker, stop actually considering drinking from a hatchling bottle, it's beneath you and utterly humiliating. Mom can't not feed you forever....right?" I thought as I looked at the tip of the bottle

"You know you want it Darky. You need to at least drink something," Mom said as she started to try and force the tip of the bottle in my mouth

        I tried to resist it, I really did. But my thirst outweighed my dignity and I latched onto the bottle and tried to figure out how to suckle from it. I spent maybe a good 3 minutes trying to figure it out, mom not helping at all, just sitting there and smiling. But once I figured it out, I was so relieved to have nice cold water fill my mouth I purred slightly. Mom chuckled at it, and I blushed. I spent maybe the next 5 minutes draining the bottle. The worse part is, I kept trying to suckle water from it.

"Darky sweetie, it's empty. Here have your paci," Mom said as she pulled the bottle from my mouth and replace it with a pacifier

            I tried to just have it sit in my mouth, but that didn't work. I was suckling it before I even knew I was suckling it. It was so embarrassing for me I blushed. Mom was just giggling at me. I, however, was not smiling. Mom didn't seem to happy I wasn't smiling and started to tickle me. I started to laugh and tried to pull away, mom, however, had a good grip on me with one of her talons so I couldn't go anywhere.

"M-mom, s-stop," I said between laughter 

"Mom stop...what? What's the magic word?" Mom asked as she continued tickling me

"Moons, she actually sees me as a child. What's next, she has me calling her mama or mommy?" I thought 

"Mom stop please?" I asked

"Ok, I'll stop since you asked so nicely, but if you want to be let go, you have to kill mommy on her cheek and hug her," Mom said as she stopped tickling me

         I groan but kiss mom on her cheek and hug her. Mom hugs back, smiling. I then feel her talons go into the leg holes of my diaper as she checks it, causing me to jump and hug her tighter. I hear her giggle while I feel her pat my back. The back pats causing me to burp. My face turns redder than a tomato as I blush.

"I'm surprised you're still dry, you're not holding in your pee-pees are you?" Mom asked as she pulled away from the hug and looked me in my eyes

"No, I'm not, and I wouldn't use this thing even if I had to," I said crossing my forelegs and staring right back at her

"You know what, why don't I tell you the rules now that we're someplace quiet," Mom said before securing the paci in my mouth

I just glared at mom as she smiled and pinched my cheek.

"Ok, rule one, your diapers aren't for show, you are expected to use them for their intended purpose. Failure to do so will result in a spanking, nod if you understand," 

"I am so not using a diaper," I thought as I nodded my head

"Good. Rule two, you will eat and drink what I give to you, if you don't cooperate, you will be spanked, you already understand this well, so I'll go onto rule 3. Rule 3 is, I am either mommy or mama from now on, say yes mommy or yes mama if you understand," Mom said as she took the pacifier out of my mouth

I sigh "Yes mama," I said

"Shit, why did calling mom mama feel right?" I thought as Mom smiled and put the pacifier back in my mouth

"Good boy, Rule 4, your paci doesn't leave you mouth unless you're asking for a snack, which you will call num nums, or a bottle, which you will call baba. Nod or say yes mama or yes mommy if you understand," Mom said 

"yes mama," I said,

"Good, Rule 5, I decide when you need a diaper change, not you, to counteract you asking for food just to get your used diaper seen, if you need a change when asking for food I will ignore your diaper, even if it's filled with poop, this is a punishment after all," Mom looks at me expectantly as she finishes

"Yes mama, I understand,"

"that rule is crazy, not like she's actually going to do that, right?" I thought while doubting my own thoughts

"Good, now the final rule, any misbehavior will get you a minimum of 20 spankings, the max I will give you is 100, do you understand?"

"Yes mama,"

"Good, now you still need to eat your lunch," Mom said as she pulled out a jar of something purple

"What's that?" I asked nervously, already having a good idea of what it is

"It's your num nums, now are you going to eat this willingly, or does mommy have to force-feed you?" Mom asked as she held a spoonful of the stuff up to my mouth

         I sighed and started to willingly let mom feed me. My suspicions were confirmed the moment the first spoonful touches my tongue, she's feeding me prunes. I don't resist, the last thing I want is another spanking.

"Good boy. Who's my good little boy?" Mom asked while smiling like crazy

"I am," I answered between mouthfuls 

"That's right, you are, and you're being such a good boy eating your food willingly, I think I'll just have to reward you with something for that," Mom said as she finished scooping the prunes into my mouth

"Is my reward letting me use the bathroom when I have to go?" I asked seriously, hoping that's what it is

"You're wearing your potty silly, and your reward is getting a plushie to keep you company. Every hatchling needs their plushie," Mom said smiling as she led me to a toy store

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