Winters breakfast time

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(Moon PoV)

          Moon woke up laying next to Qibli who was already up and waiting for Moon to wake. Moon smiles at Qibli as she stretches and sits up.

"Did you check on Winter when you woke up?" Moon asked

"No, I was waiting for you to wake up," Qibli answered stroking the side of Moons face gently

"Why? Winters' diaper probably needs to be changed," Moon said getting out of the bed

"I also didn't want to wake him. Yesterday was a lot for him. He went from being an independent dragon to being a dependent diaper wearing dragon. He needs his sleep," Qibli answered climbing out of bed too

"That's fair, but I'm still going to go check on him. Maybe try changing him while he sleeps if he needs it."

"I get that, but there is something he definitely needs," Qibli said opening their bedroom door

"Oh, what does he need?"

"A bath. If you took him to the river to bathe and get used to being around others while wearing diapers, I could overhaul the guest room to be a Winter sized nursery,"

"Oh 3 moons, you're right. Winter needs a bath. We'll feed him breakfast then I'll take him down to the river for a few hours while you turn his room into his nursery," Moon said walking down the hall to Winters room

(Winter PoV)

           Winter wakes up hearing footfalls outside his bedroom door. He then realizes his pacifier fell out of his mouth at night and frowns slightly, before finding it next to his head and putting it back in his mouth. Right when he starts suckling the pacifier and slipping back into sleep. Moon Walks in and goes over to his bedside smiling. 

"Winter, it's time to get up sweetie," Moon said pulling the blankets off Winter to reveal a thoroughly used dark red diaper giving off a good bit of stink

Winters' eyes bolt open and tears start forming in his eyes as he notices his used diaper "Did I actually piss and shit my self in my sleep? 3 moons, this isn't right. I've never done this before."

Moon starts hugging Winter while Qibli passes her a clean diaper. "It's ok Winter. It's ok, mommy will get the icky diaper off you," Moon said quickly getting the very wet and messed diaper off Winter then cleaning his crotch with a wet rag

"I never did poopie or pee pee in my sleep before," Winter said hugging his plushie as Moon slid a purple cloth diaper with rainwing designs on 

"It's ok bud, it was an accident," Qibli said coming in the room and holding Winters talon while Moon secured the diaper around Winters' waist

Moon smiles and looks at Winters' plushie "Did you name your plushie yet?" Moon asked hoping this would get his mind off his recent messing

Winter stops hugging his plushie and looks at it "Uhh no, I haven't, should I have?"

"No, it's fine, but you can think of a name for it while we go to the river to give a certain little icewing a bath," Moon said smiling while helping Winter sit up

Winter realized just how dirty and stinky he was at that moment "I really do need a bath, don't I?" Winter said putting his plushie down on the bed, already thinking of names

"Yea, you do. But that's ok because that's what baths are for." 

Winter realizes something "Wait, will I have to wear my diaper to the river?"

"Yes, you will. Because as I said, babies can't control their poopies or pee pee, and you're my baby." Moon said leading Winter into the kitchen for breakfast

"But dragons will make fun of me, especially if I'm still in this diaper"

"I'll tell them off if they do," Moon said as she threw together oatmeal to feed Winter for breakfast "And you will be in that diaper still if it goes unused. So if you still have to go pee pee, do so now, then I'll change you after your breakfast poopies. Ok?"

"Ok, so what are you making me?" Winter asked as he started trying pee himself willingly

"I'm making you oatmeal. Is that ok?" Moon asked putting the bowl of oatmeal down in front of him and sitting next to him with a spoon

"I guess, although I'd prefer something a bit more solid," Winter answered taking the pacifier out of his mouth

"Well I decide what my baby eats, and I've decided you're eating oatmeal for breakfast this morning," Moon said as she started feeding Winter who was still trying to willingly wet himself

"Ok, I guess that's a fair enough point,"

"Good, I'm glad you agree, now let's get the rest of your breakfast in your tummy," Moon said continuing to feed Winter

(Moon PoV)

"He must really have to pee, he's making it very obvious." Moon thought as she fed Winter a few spoons full of oatmeal

"What's wrong Winter? You look like you're struggling with something," 

"I need to pee mommy. My body just won't let me wet myself," Winter said between mouthfuls of oatmeal

"Hmmm, how about after breakfast we sit down and I read to you to relax you. Do you think that will help you go potty?" Moon asked putting one of the last few mouthfuls of oatmeal in Winters' mouth

"Maybe, I don't know." 

"That's fair enough," Moon said as she finished feeding Winter

                  Moon started patting Winters back until he burped which caused him to blush with embarrassment and caused to Moon to smile. She then led him to the living room where she laid down with him and wrapped a wing around him. 

Winter leaned against Moon as she picked a scroll off a side table "What are going to read to me mommy?" Winter asked

"My favorite scroll," Moon said smiling before she started to read while Winter relaxed into her warm scales and smiled slightly

"He is just so adorable like this. I actually think he likes it." Moon thought

               Winter sat and listened to Moon read while Qibli laid down on the other side of Winter so Winter was between him and Moon. Qibli then laid his wing across Moons' back.

               About halfway through the scroll Moon heard a slight hissing sound coming from Winters' diaper and looked at Winter to see him zoned out. She kept reading the scroll and as she was finishing it she heard farts coming from Winter as he messed himself. 

"Does my baby feel better now? I bet he does." Moon asked bringing Winter back to reality

               Winter feeling the mess in his diaper only nodded while he started to cry.

"it's ok, mommy will change you then we'll go get baby Winter a bath," Moon said leading him to his room 


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