Longitudes special bottle

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(summit PoV) 

              I set Longitude back in the high chair and set to work making a special bottle. Mixing together prune juice, diuretics, and strong laxatives together into the bottle. Holding it to his mouth, I smiled when he let the pacifier fall out of his mouth so he could suckle on the bottle happily. 

"You'll probably be pooping all day sweetie. I used quite a few potty aids in this to make sure you go poopy." I said as I stroked longitudes head.

"I don't care. As long as I can go potty, I'm fine," Longitude said as he suckled the rest of the bottle down rather quickly

"You were a thirsty little one huh?" I asked as I lifted him out of his high chair and carried him back to the playpen and set him in a bouncy chair. 

             The bouncy chair I set him in is light blue and has some dangly toys above his head. I smile as the starts to bat at them with his mittened forefeet while I buckled him into the chair. Standing back up, I rubbed Longitudes' head and popped his pacifier back in his mouth. 

"I'm gonna go finish my chores. You just stay here, bounce, and go poopy in your diaper when you need to. I wouldn't recommend trying to hold it in," I said also giving him a dark green seawing plush

"Otay, thank you," Longitude cutely said as I walked out of the room to continue cleaning the house

"Oh, he is just so adorable. But I will feel so bad when he starts to mess himself. He won't like that very much. I hope the plushie can help keep him relaxed," I thought as I walked off with a smile. 

(Longitude PoV)

           I sat there bouncing for a bit while batting at the toys hanging above my head. Finding it oddly enjoyable. It was like I finally got something I had been missing my whole life and I loved it. Every second was great until I felt my tummy rumble. Whining, I tried to fart to relieve some pressure. That only led to me explosively messing my diaper. The fact I just helplessly messed myself was too much so I started to cry. Burying my face in my mittened paws.

"Longitude are you ok?" Summit asked me as I heard her rush into the room

"C-change me, p-please?" I asked through tears as I soaked my diaper

"Of course sweetie. There's no way I'd ever leave you in a diaper like that," 

          Summit then lifted me up and cradled me as she walked to the nursery. I cuddled into her warmth for comfort. She set me down on the changing table and started to change my diaper. All the while I was suckling on my pacifier while hugging my plushie.

"You're such a good boy for going poopy in your diaper. I think I'm gonna reward you. Would you like a cookie? The ones I have are chocolate chip," Summit said smiling after she finished his diaper change by securing a dark green diaper around his waist

I smiled and nodded, "Yes, a cookie sounds good. But, can I have a different one. This one is boring. I want to look like my plushie," 

"Oh, does my little skywing want to look like a little green seawing?"

I blushed and nodded "Yes mo... I mean Summit,"

"Please don't comment on how I almost called you mom." I thought while blushing more

          All Summit did was chuckle then go into the wardrobe. She came back carrying a seaweed green seawing onesie. I couldn't help but smile as she took off my other onesie and put me in the seawing one. My wings being put in the onesies wings so it looked like I had seawing wings instead of my skywing ones. Summit smiled at my happiness as she sipped up the back of the onesie and lifted me up.

"If it weren't for your little cute head. I'd assume you were just a lost little seawing," She said as she carried back into the living room and sat down with me in the playpen

I blushed slightly, "So why do you have all this hatchling stuff? It all seems fairly new," 

"I have all this stuff in case I ever got a dragonet of my own. It's a good thing you're small enough to fit in the biggest sized diapers I have. You being the size of a 5-year-old really helps you out," 

"Oh, yea, it does. It helps me get food a little easier in the cities. when dragons think you're a child they're a lot more willing to toss food your way than they would a homeless adult dragon,"

"Oh, you're homeless. Now, I don't think I can allow that. What would you say to me adopting you? I know you almost called me mommy. So that means you're actually comfortable around me," 

               Starring at Summit, Not believing what she just offered me. Having lived on the streets for so long, too used to getting ignored. I couldn't help but hug her tightly and cry a little bit. The tears being from happiness. My happiness is so great I peed and messed my self a little bit. It didn't bother me all that much. It was only a little bit. She hugged me back and patted my butt giggling slightly.

"Does my little stinker want me to be their mommy?" 

I nodded, not even caring she just called me a little stinker. "Yes, I want you to be my mommy."

"That's good sweetie. Now, that diaper isn't messy enough for a change yet. So when you fully mess it I'll change you again,"

"Alright mommy," I said while hugging my plushie

Summit chuckled and smiled, "What's your plushies name?"

"Uhhhh. it's prince seaweed," 

"That's a great name. I'll make prince seaweed a little diaper after. You go back to playing, mommy has just a little more housework to do," Summit said before standing up and leaving the room

             Mommy's housework wound up taking the rest of the day. And like she said, I was messing and soaking my diapers all day. She had to come and change me twice an hour. But by the time I was set down for bedtime in double night time diapers. A belly full from a dinner of mashed up fruits with meat cubes mixed in. I was sleepy and feeling so much better. It felt like my sickness had passed. That night's sleep was the best I had ever had in a long time. 

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