The start of Tsunamis Second Dragonethood

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Authors note: before the story begins just going to clarify I'll be swapping back to third person due to feeling like the current way I've been doing this isn't all that great. I came to this conclusion after taking 2 college-level English courses. Also hello, I'm still alive, covid hasn't gotten me. With that out of the way, onto the story


       Tsunami and Deathbringer were sitting at the feet of the throne when she walked in. Her dark sapphire blue scales being a sharp contrast to the bright colors of the royal pavilion. She is Queen Coral, Tsunamis mother. The moment Tsunami saw her mother, she started blushing and tried to hide the thick pink diaper she had agreed to wear a few hours ago. Deathbringer was still in his slightly soggy diaper, also trying to hide it from the visiting Queen. 

Glory was a little shocked when she saw the Queen enter her Pavilion, then face-taloned as she remembered she had scheduled a meeting to discuss trade agreements. "I'm so sorry Queen Coral, had I remembered you were coming I would've changed little Deathbringer there. Little guy can't keep his pants dry for more than an hour."  She said with a chuckle 

"Oh, It's perfectly fine. I know how troublesome hatchlings can be." While looking at Tsunami with a happy smile, the queen says, "Though two hatchlings seem like a bit much. Why don't I take that adorable little seawing off your talons for you? She is my little barnacle after all." 

"Mooooom," Tsunami whines and hides her face with her fore talons. Trying hard to hide the blush that is quickly spreading across her snout. 

"Of course you can Queen Coral. Think of her being with me for the day as me dragonet sitting her." Glory says with a giggle, "Why don't we discuss those trade agreements while the two little ones go play outside," 

"What?! I don't want to go outside in a diaper," Deathbringer whines while looking around nervously

"Oh don't be such a hatchling," Tsunami says while standing up. Willing to go outside in her diaper if it means putting a bit of space between her and her mother before she gets overprotective.

"Fine, can I get a change first at least Glory?" 

"No, I'll change you when I'm done with Tsunamis mommy. But if you have a poopy you come to me right away and I'll change you." Glory said with a smile, basically daring the nightwing to mess himself in front of a visiting queen right now if he really wants a change. 

 A bright blush spreads across the nightwings face as he just turns around. "I'll just go outside now,"  He says while walking out of the Pavillion to wait for Tsunami. Not wanting to embarrass himself infront of the Queen of the seawings.

Tsunami Turns to leave as well but gets stopped by her mother's tail blocking her path. She turns around and looks at her mother, feeling like the little dragonet she looks like with a diaper on. "Y-yes?" 

Coral Smiles down at her daughter and nuzzles her. "Stay up on all the treehouse platforms little one. The jungle floor is too dangerous for a dragonet such as yourself. Do you understand my little barnacle?"  She sternly warns her daughter. 

Tsunami nods her head in understanding while also blushing at the nickname she was given, "Yes I understand mom." 

"Good, now run along and go play with your friend. Here's a few gems for you two to get something yummy to fill your bellies with," Coral says while taking one of her daughters' forefeet and placing a small sack in it. "You can keep whatever you don't spend."

"Thank you mom," Tsunami says before swiftly leaving the pavilion. Getting a few butt pats on her padded rear by her mother's tail to help her along. 

          As soon as she was outside the Pavillion Tsunami let out a sigh of relief. Looking around for Deathbringer and smiling when she finds him a few feet away Trying desperately to hide his diaper. Going up to and sitting next to him she smiles while bouncing the gem pouch in her talons. 

"What, did your mom give you spending money or something?" He asks while looking at the pouch. 

"Yup, indeed she did. It's to get lunch. But I can't leave the platforms and I don't dare challenge my mother on that. I really don't feel like being kept in a safety harness and kept tethered to my mother for moons know how long." Tsunami answered while shuddering at that thought

"Oh, come on, that would just complete the look for you," He teased, patting Tsunamis head 

"I could say the same to Glory sogwings" Tsunami shot right back at him "Though I'm willing to bet it will be more like stinkywings soon enough," 

Deathbringer huffs quietly, "whatever, there's a dried meat stand not too far from here," He says while standing up. 

         Tsunami wordlessly gets up and follows him. They're blushing nearly the whole time they are out eating and walking around. Staying near the Pavilion for Tsunami's sake in case she gets called by her mother.  Which does happen after a few hours of walking and talking. the two have tried their best to avoid the subject matter of their diapers. The two swiftly go back to the Pavillion when Tsunami is called. Deathbringer assuming Glory will want him back where she can see him.

"Alright my Little Barnacle, say bye-bye to your friends. We're going home now." Coral says while hanging a bag under her wing.  

Tsunami blushes more as she realizes that the bag under her mother's wing is likely a diaper bag. "Bye stinkbringer, I mean, Deathbringer. Bye Glory" She says while walking over next to her mother. Being a little happy her mom is finally going to show her some loving attention. Even if it will be embarrassing.

Deathbringer blushes and hides his face while waving bye with his tail. 

"Oh, I'm sure that name will be very fitting soon enough, have a good day Tsunami." Glory says while walking over to her padded nightwing and nuzzling him

            With a final few chuckles, Coral turns and leaves with her daughter. The pair flying until they get to the coastline just off from the summer palace.  As soon as her talons hit the sand Tsunami starts bouncing from foot to foot and squirming slightly. Desperate for the bathroom and clearly showing it to her mother. 

"Little barnacle, if you have to make a stinky or go pee-pee, now would be the time to do so," Coral coos to her daughter while patting her head.

"Mom, I'm..." 

"Nope, you're not a big girl. You're just my little dragonet that needs her diapers. You will also start calling me mama. That will be so precious hearing you say that once I get everything for you squared away," She says while pinching her daughter's cheek

"Ok, mama, Can I please go behind a tree? I don't want to go in a diaper," Tsunami protests

"It's ok sweetie, mama will change you right away. You go ahead and go potty right in your diaper. That's what it's there for." 

              Tsunami groaned and squatted slightly. Knowing she could say nothing that would sway her mothers' mind. Grunting and squeezing her eyes shut she messed herself, causing her diaper to sag heavily between her hinds and turn a dark brown. Followed by a heavy stream of pee, adding a yellow tinge to the brown. Standing up Tsunami sighed in relief just in time to hear her sister laughing behind her. 


With that, I have put down a new chapter. I will see about continuing this next week or in a few days. we shall see.

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