*[thirty 1]*

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Nandini's pov

Party went over and all of us assamble in the main hall. This manik i think he is getting mad. Firstly he just distressed me and now clinging to me as if his life depend upon me not at all ready to leaving my hand. I look at our fingers which were intertwined just like i wanted from a long time. I smiled but mentally smirked because he was the one who troubled me now it's my turn.

I try to break our finger bond and he showed me his eyes but i too showed mine challenging him through my eyes.

" Just leave me manik. You can't take  control over me. " I yelled and he smirked while others were watching us.

" I am your husband so i have the right to do that and i will do it for sure. " He said and my next words snatched his smirk.

" Manik malhotra you are not gonna be my husband ever. I was obliged to accept you as so many peoples were staring on us so it would turn out a big headline if i would have rejected before them. " I roared and his hands catches mine in an instant.

" Really, did you really do that for the sake of bloody crowd. It's none of my concern if you were really obligated or not. You just accepted so you're gonna be my wife not only for this birth but for every birth you'll take. " His dominating eyes stared into my black once and my heart just melts with his each words.

" Manik and nandini what the hell you're saying. Just sort out your banter as we have so many works to do. After 10 days i have my flight so before that you have to make your decision. " Mr. Moorthy said and others laugh looking at manan.

" Moorthy uncle just call the pandit we are going to get married now. Right here right now if your daughter is not ready then it's not really my problem as i love her and she'll have to be mine. " Manik said in Authoritative tone and a small smile of satisfaction broke on my lips but i just hide it before he could catch.

" No manik, i have lots of wishes to fulfil in your wedding. You're not gonna do that. " Shanti said and mr. Moorthy agreed. Ranveer and aryamann were laughing watching the scenario.

" Ok so ma call pandit ji and select a nearby date so that i could make my wife mine officially." Manik said bending close to my ear and my face snapped towards him.

" I am not your wife still. " I roared and manik let out a evil laugh and look into my eyes back.

" That day in temple everything was real even the pandit who tied us in this bond. " My face was worthless to watch and manik was laughing as fool. He just take me in his arms and went upstairs to his room. I felt very contented  being in his arms. I love this man and now i will never loose him. I laced my arms around his neck while he was stepping up the stairs.

" My life.......... " He whispered and my cheeks turned red and i felt my whole body went warm. Don't know where my courage had went. I couldn't make any eyes contact with him. He peck on my lips making me close my eyes and entering inside the room he closed the door and pressed the lock button.

Pov ends


Here in the hall everybody laughed.
Mr. Moorthy was feeling very happy looking his daughter finally got her love. He himself and aryamann planned this because they both can't see nandini in this state. She was yearning to get manik's love. They both felt her broken state and decided to make manik realize his feelings.

" I really felt very happy watching a protective husband in manik. You know there was a time when manik was too hesitate to ask me anything regarding nandini but today his determination make my heart content. I know he will keep my nandini very happy. " Mr. Moorthy said with a warm smile and all of them smiled.

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