(43) happy birthday to you

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this chapters pretty long - sorry about that. happy reading though.
all the love in the world,


The last day of June; eight days after Robins passing to which I'd been calling and checking up on the Styles' as they prepared for the funeral each day, and what seemed to be least important in my mind right now - my birthday.

I changed it what seemed to be a nice birthday outfit, leaving my hair in its natural curls and hopping down the steps. I didn't see Mia inside the apartment, and the downstairs, where the bar is, was particularly noisy this morning - letting me know exactly what was happening.

I bounced down the stairs, the birthday joy inside me making me happier than usual. My assumptions were correct when my eyes scanned the room filled with balloons, a banner reading 'Happy birthday Cherry!' and some presents. Megan, Mia, Ethan, and Matthew were all stood behind the presents with bright smiles.

"Happy birthday Cherry!" They all called out in unison, Megan coming towards me and wrapping me in a large hug.

I laughed, "Thank you, thank you." She let me go and I hugged everyone else for a short time. "This is really sweet of all of you, thank you."

"We'd never want to do it for anyone else." Mia coos, bringing me in for a second hug, "You deserve the world, Cherry. And we'd all love to give it to you."

"If you all keep boosting my ego, I may just combust right here." I warned playfully.

They each went through the gifts they'd brought for me - each bringing back a memory that I held close to my heart when I thought of any of them.

Matthew got me a rainbow stuffed giraffe.

"Hi, I'm here for the bartender interview." A brunette smiled at me nervously, glasses on his nose and a stuffed animal in his hand. The same one on his shirt.

Weird interview attire, but I like it nonetheless.

"Ah, yes. Are you Matthew Barbs?" I questioned after shaking his hand, leading him to one of the tables where I could sit across from him and conduct the interview.

"I am. And you're Amelia Moore." He looked around the bar after taking a seat, "I love this place - my grandparents used to come here all the time, always showed pictures."

I laughed, "I love your parents - Glenn and Samantha." I pointed to his shirt and the stuffed animal he sat on the table. "If you don't mind me asking - what's the reason for those?"

He blushes in embarrassment, "Um, I'm bisexual and my friends just threw me a 'coming out' party. This was their outfit of choice."

"I love it."

The memory warms my heart. Matthew's never seemed to be part of the LGBTQ+ community purely because he's worried of what could happen if he came off that way. It breaks my heart that he feels the need to hide it in a way, but he's grown more open than before. And he's found someone that accepts him - Mia.

Speaking of Mia, she got me a purple glass vase filled with roses.

There's soft music flowing through my ears as I dance around my room a bit loudly, occasionally cleaning like I'm supposed to be. Mia and I have decided that as long as we're both at home on Sundays - we'll make it our cleaning day. With busy schedules, it's hard to properly clean now.

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