(2) make it make sense

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"Did you get pictures? Autographs? Anything?" Megan inquired, always loving to stick her nose into things though it wasn't annoying to me.

I laughed with a shake of my head, "No, Meg. No pictures. No autographs. No anything, except for a really nice memory to keep for myself."

"Did they ask for your number at least?" She questioned further, ignoring the fact I said no anything.

"No, Meg. I didn't expect them too either. What would they even do with it? Text me updates or something? No, that's not what happens after a simple night of harmlessly dancing together."

"Ames, you danced with the Harry Styles and didn't try to get into his pants?" Disbelief laced Megan's voice as she spoke.

I nodded, "Yes, that's exactly what happened. He's attractive and nice, but I know that in the end, it just wouldn't make sense."

"Then make it make sense!" Megan groaned.

I put the black heart shaped sunglasses I opted for onto my nose and ignored her comment.

It's not that I don't want to see Harry Styles again, I'd love to, but it really just didn't make sense. I felt a sort of connection won't him, but that could happen with anyone. Love and dating takes time, and with the career he was, time isn't something he has to spare.

He's a nice guy so I'm sure if he felt the same, he'd make an effort, but in the end it wouldn't be good for either of us. That's just life, everything happens for a reason. I was meant to meet One Direction last night because it would leave an everlasting good memory in my mind of a fun night, but I was meant to not receive their numbers or see them again.

It's not cold outside, but I do regret choosing to wear shorts and a t-shirt due to the breeze hitting me as Megan and I walk down the street. Her legs are longer than mine which ultimately means her strides are too, so I'm doing a bit of a jog-walk to keep up with her as she goes on about her co-workers.

"It's like they're angry that I got the job so young, like what's wrong with that? It's not my fault I'm better at the job then they are. That's their personal issue. Don't you think?"

Megan glances back and forth between me and the sidewalk in front of her as I answer, "I understand why you're angry they're judging you, but they probably see themselves as the best and have been working there for a long time so they think they deserve it. Not that they do, but don't judge them too hard for how cold they're being, it's not their fault."

Megan groaned, "Ugh, stop being kind. It's gonna rub off on me and that'll be horrible."

I laughed at her playful despair, "Sorry 'bout it."


I stared up at the ceiling, Zayn next to me and both of us not completely sober. I could still hear the music Louis was blasting from the other room, but neither of us paid any acknowledgement to it.

"Is it bad that I can't stop thinking about her?" I questioned, turning to face the side of his head.

He didn't turn to face me, "Not a bad thing, just something you're going to have to ignore."

"Why do I have to ignore it? Why can't I just act on it?" I complained, thought I already knew the answer myself, I wanted to hear someone else say it just so it could settle in.

"With our management right now, the second you try to date an ordinary girl and the media catches glimpse of it, you'll be set up in a fake relationship in no time. Plus, Amelia's quite literally the sweetest girl I've ever met, she can't be sucked into a world like this. She wouldn't be able to dance in Canyon Moon if the fans mobbed the place to try and get a glimpse of her. Mary and Eddie wouldn't be able to dance like it was their wedding night all over again. Our life is too complicated to date someone whose not in this world."

I didn't respond. My mind knew the answer, as I already said, but hearing it just made it hurt worse. It's not that I'm in love with the girl, but I'm attracted to her. Insanely attracted. Not even just to her looks, but to her personality.

She didn't act as though she was better than everyone, but she didn't cower away and it was clear she wasn't insecure. Amelia was the perfect in-the-middle sight, not overly confident but not overly shy. Her kindness to us was clear, allowing us to drink for free, dancing the night away even after Mary and Eddie went to bed, and helping all of us into Paul's car with a smile in the early mornings.

Amelia Moore was attractive inside and out, but she led a completely different life from me. I would never be able to cater to her like I should be able to, so even trying to start things would be a stupid mistake on my part.

Maybe one day, I'll be able to step into Canyon Moon and ask for her number.

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