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7 Years Later

Kyungsoo moves his hand to the other side of the bed where Namjoo usually sleeps but opens his eyes instantly when he felt it empty.

He sighs and stretches his muscles before looking at the side of his bed to see it was already 8 in the morning.

Stand up from the bed, he walks to the bathroom and does his morning routine before walks down the stairs.

When he steps at the kitchen door, he smiles. It feels like Déjà vu. There stand Namjoo bare feet with pregnant belly cooking for him and their kids.

He walks slowly behind her and hugs her. Namjoo was shocked by the sudden hand on her waist but when her nose touches the smell of the person, she smiles and leans back.

Kyungsoo kisses her shoulder before place his shin on her shoulder.

"I miss you," Kyungsoo whisper making Namjoo chuckle.

"It's just like a few minutes I woke up."

"No, we have been away since 10 pm last night."

"Honey, I was asleep at that time."

"Yes, I know. But it counts since my eyes were close and I couldn't see you. So for me, you were far away."

Namjoo laughs and lets Kyungsoo be. He sometimes can be childish.

Once Namjoo was done, she prepares the food on the table and asks Kyungsoo to call their kids from upstairs.

Kissing Namjoo on her cheek, he walks up and wakes all their kids up.

After a few minutes, Kyungsoo walks down with Jun Hye in his arm while Jun Hyuk and Jun Ki trail behind him.

Yes, they have 3 children now. 2 boys and 1 girl. Jun Hyuk is 9 years old now and very mature for his age. Jun Ki is Namjoo and Kyungsoo 1st born. He is 6 years old and very cheeky. Jun Ki and their daughter and she just turned 3 last months. And Namjoo is pregnant with their 4th child and second girl and the due is in 2 months.

They all take their sit and start eating their breakfast.

Namjoo looks around and her heartfelt warm with happiness.

She has her own small family that she always dreams of. She has a husband who loves her for who she is and her kids who adore her and love her too.

She then looks at Jun Hyuk and smiles when she sees that Jun Hyuk was smiling at her. She knows that Jun Hyuk is happy to. And never once Kyungsoo makes him feel like he was an outsider or his stepson.


Jun Hyuk looks at his mother and smiles. He knows that his mother was happy. Her mother who sacrifices everything for him. Her mother cried every night.

He looks at Kyungsoo who he calls dad and father figure for him. Silently he thanks God for giving him and his mother Kyungsoo in their life.

For him, his family is complete and he is so happy. So happy that only God knows how he feels.

He has a complete small family that he always dreams of now. There is nothing else he can ask for.


20 Years Later.

The sound of the mic makes everyone quiet and turns to the stage. Namjoo and Kyungsoo who was talking to the guest turn toward the stage to.

"Hi everyone. Before I start, mom, dad, can you come to the front." Jun Hyuk said.

All the guests sit on the designated chair while Kyungsoo and Namjoo walk to the front.

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