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The very next day. Namjoo was still at home taking her off day. She was still not feeling well.

She was sitting on the couch looking at her son playing while television was on, but her mind wasn't here.

She was remembering what Mrs. Julia had said about last night's incident.

Apparently, last night, when Kyungsoo confesses to Namjoo, Mrs. Julia heard it and she was happy that there is someone that loves Namjoo even he already knows that she has a son.


"Oh God Namjoo, I am so happy for you." Mrs. Julia walks to the kitchen once Kyungsoo walkout.

She turns Namjoo around and was a shock to see her crying.

"Oh dear! What happens, Namjoo?" Mrs. Julia who sound happy earlier suddenly sound shocked.

"He can't love me, Mama Julia. This is a mistake. He can't love me. He doesn't know what he's saying."

"Why are you saying this a mistake. It's not. This a gift from God for you darling."

"It's not Mama Julia. He can't fall in love with me."

"Why are you keep on saying like that Namjoo. Can't you see this as a second chance in love?"

"No, I can't. I've been happy with my life. Just me and Jun Hyuk. No one else. Why does he need to come and complicate everything?"

"Why are you saying Namjoo? He loves you and I can see that you also have short of feeling for her. The way he kisses you and you didn't push away. You always push away. Even if just a slight kiss on the cheek. Then what is the problem?"

"Taehyung is his cousin Mama." Namjoo blurt out.

That makes Mrs. Julia shock and silent.

"How small can this world be." Mrs. Julia whisper.

"To make it worst, Taehyung is getting married at the hotel and the woman she's getting married to is my best friend when I was in high school. To top it up, I am the one who's planning their wedding. Why is God doing this to me? What mistake did I do in my past life that I'm being tested like this in my life?"

Mrs. Julia elopes her in her arm and hugs her tightly letting Namjoo cry. She knows that Namjoo is hurt.

"Oh honey, don't say that. There must a reason why God is doing this to you. Don't you know that God loves you if he gives you a test in your life? He wants to see how strong His people are. Remember Sofia. She was just like you and her now-husband is her own ex-fiancé's brother."

Pulling Namjoo to the living and she tells her to sit on the couch.

Once Mrs. Julia sits beside her she takes Namjoo's hand in her old one.

"Namjoo, it's no harm to give yourself in love for the second time. Everybody deserves a second chance in love. About Taehyun being his cousin, I don't see it as a problem. Sofia married her own supposed to be brother-in-law. Look how happy she is now. She even already have a son together now."

Namjoo keeps on being quiet. He knows what Mrs. Julia saying is right. But she still can't seem to accept it.

What will people say about her? That it turns out that Taehyun and his mother were right all this while. That she is a gold digger. She didn't get Taehyung so now she's aiming for the richer cousin now. She doesn't want that to happen.

Mrs. Julia saw the Namjoo face and she knows that she's battling with herself. So she did the only thing she can right now.

"Why don't you take rest and I will take care of Jun Hyuk for now. It's been a hectic day for you. Rest and relax, okay."

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