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Namjoo heard a voice in her room when she was sleeping. She tries to open her eyes but fail miserably.

Mrs. Julia saw Namjoo move so she stops from what she wants to say and walk to Namjoo and move her hair from her face.

"Go wait outside, mister. I have to change Namjoo's cloth. It's wet with her sweat."

"Sure, ma'am," Kyungsoo said walking outside.

"Hey princess. Wake up. I need to change you." Mrs. Julia said.

Namjoo just hums but she didn't.

"Come on, princess. You need to try to open your eyes. You need to change, have some food and medicine and then you can fall asleep."

Namjoo tries but still fail.

"Come on Namjoo. At least do it for Jun Hyuk. He's been asking for you."

When she heard her son name, she tries her hard and opens her eyes.

Once she did, she tries to sit properly with the help of Mrs. Julia.

"Where is he, mom Julia?"

"His outside. Playing. I told him to wait outside. I know you won't like your son to see you in this condition. Now stop talking and let me help you change."

Once she's changed, she takes a sit on the bed and let Mrs. Julia help her comb her hair. While her hair was being combed, she heard a male voice.

She looks at Mrs. Julia through the mirror and asks "Who is Jun Hyuk talking to?"

"I'm not sure. But when I walk in the house, he was already here in your room. When I ask him who he was, he said that he was your boss."

Nomjoo looks at Mrs. Julia a shock and runs out of the room.

When she walks into the living room, she saw her son playing with Kyungsoo on the floor. Kyungsoo was relaxing on the floor sitting on his elbow.

When her son saw her standing there, he quickly stands up run to his mommy.

"Mommy! You're awake."

Namjoo kneels down and hug him tightly and kiss his head. Then he looks at Kyungsoo who was also looking at her with adoration.

She knows she needs to explain to him about all this. And she was ready to take any decision.

Breaking the hug, she kisses her cheek. "Can you do something for mommy?'

Jun Hyuk nods her head and answers yes.

"Can you go to Mrs. Julia and tell her to help you with the shower. Mommy promise mommy will prepare your favorite food."

"Okay, mommy." He answers in his cute baby voice and runs to Mrs. Julia who was near them. Namjoo looks at Mrs. Julia and thanks her.

Once the walk away, Namjoo look back at Kyungsoo who was already standing with his hand in his pants pocket.


Kyungsoo sits on the couch while looking at Jun hyuk with adoration.

'Whose son are you. I still remember Namjoo wrote that she was single in her resume. Is she married? Or does she have a boyfriend?'

The thought of Namjoo having a boyfriend give a huge pain in his heart.

"Uncle, Jun Hyuk Palway?" Jun Hyuk asks Kyungsoo while showing his robot and car.

Kyungsoo smiles and nods his head before sitting on the floor and play with Jun Hyuk.

All the time, he was looking at Jun Hyuk with adoration and impressed with how polite he was. Every time he gave Jun Hyuk his toys, he will say thank you and if Jun Hyuk accidentally hit him with his toys, he will say sorry.

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