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"Love, can we talk for a while?" Kyungsoo asks Namjoo once they walk out of Jun Hyuk's room.

"Yeah, sure." Namjoo answer.

Then both of them walk to Kyungsoo's office.

Once they are sited, Kyungsoo gives Namjoo the brown envelope and asks "What is this Namjoo? Was this the reason why I saw you fainted on the floor earlier?"

Namjoo takes out the letter from the envelop and read it.

The moment she read the bold word she whispers "It's true" and tears started to fall from her eyes.

Kyungsoo heard what Namjoo whispered and saw the tears falling from her eyes.

He walks to Namjoo and pulls her in his arm hugging her. Namjoo buries her face in Kyungsoo's stomach and cries her heart out and Kyungsoo lets her.

Namjoo cry because deep down inside her heart she knows that she will lose this case because she doesn't have what Taehyun have and that is money.

She could give her son everything. Love, food, roof on his head, cloths. Almost everything she could give her son but she know if she fights with Taehyun for Jun Hyuk custody she will lose because of one thing only. MONEY.

Namjoo pulls away and looks at Kyungsoo with her hopeless eyes and ask "What should I do?"

Kyungsoo kneels down and take both of Namjoo's hand and hold in his big one.

"I have a lawyer and he's a family lawyer and he is one of the best lawyers in the country. If we have to fight for our son, then we will fight for him in court. We can prove to him that we are not weak and we will fight for our son."

"Why does he want Jun Hyuk out of sudden? He wanted me to abort Jun Hyuk and now he wants him. I'm scared, Kyungsoo. What if we lose this case. I don't have money as he does. My life is basically to live from hand to mouth."

"I know love and I understand that. But we can't accept defeat this fast. Believe me in this. Believe in your love towards Jun Hyuk. And believe in my love for you. I will try to win this case for you. Okay? Trust me in this."

"I trust you," Namjoo said with a smile.

Kyungsoo smiled and said "Good. Now let go and sleep."

They then walk to their room and sleep.


The next day, Kyungsoo when to meet Kevin and tells him that he and Namjoon will fight.

"But you know you that the chances of winning are low right?"

"Yes I know and she knows too. But we still want to try."

"Okay. I will try my best. I will send this paper to the Nam's family as soon as possible. But I will try to find and figure something out from here if we can win the case."

"Thank you."

"Sure sir. No problem."

"Thank you so much. I will make a move now."


Taehyun was doing his work in the office when his mother walks in angrily.

"What happens now, mom?" Taehyun ask. One thing he doesn't like about his mother is that she likes to brag in the office without knocking.

"Read this. How dare that woman do this to us?"

Taehyun takes the envelope and takes the letter out to read it and him to shock to see what it was.

"Who does she think she is. She thinks that fighting with us in the court will make her win. She is so wrong." Mrs. Nam said.

Taehyun didn't know what to say. He really thought that Namjoo will just give his son to him without fighting in the court.

But hell if he was in Namjoo place, of course, he will fight for Jun Hyuk. The son that he wanted Namjoo to abort it on their supposed wedding day.

" Teahyun are you listening to me?" His mother asks.

"Yes, mom. I know. I hear you. The form is filled. If she wants to fight then we will fight."

"Good. That's my son. Now I will make a move and meet our lawyer.

Once his mother walks out he went back to his work.

The reason he wants Jun Hyuk is that he wants his son. Son. If Jun Hyuk was a girl, he wouldn't care. Especially when he got to know that the baby that So Hyun is carrying is a girl.

Call me evil Namjoo, but I have to do this for my company's future.


Namjoo was waiting for Jun Hyuk at the front gate at his school. When the bell rings Jun Hyuk runs out of the school to his mother. Namjoo kneels down and takes him in her arms.

"How was your day son?" Namjoo asks him once she stands up and started to walk. They were walking to the car when someone stops in front of them.

Namjoo and Jun Hyuk stop and look at the person and Namjoo was shocked to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" Namjoo asks in shock while trying to hide Jun Hyuk behind her.

"Can't I be here and see my son and where he is studying at?" He said and look at the school and he did the disgust face. "Anyway in another few weeks, this will be my routine." He continues with his arrogant face and voice.

Namjoo wanted to say something when Jun Hyuk asks. "Mommy who is this?"

Taehyun kneels down and said "Well son. Let me introduce myself. I am your daddy." Taehyun said with a smile.

Jun Hyun frowned and said confidently that makes Namjoo smile and proud. "No, you are not my daddy. My daddy is working and his name is Do Kyungsoo."

Taehyun face changed instantly and looks at Namjoo.

"What is he talking about Namjoo? You know he is not Kyungsoo's son. He is mine." Taehyun half shout.

Namjoo turned to look at Taehyun and said "I didn't teach him anything for your information. He saw Kyungsoo as his father figure after which he was supposed to see it in you. Kyungsoo was the one who wanted Jun Hyuk to call him daddy."

Namjoo smiles cynically at Taehyun and said "You know what I don't understand about you Taehyun? When I told you I was pregnant, you were not happy but still, you married me because of it. But on our supposed wedding day, you left me humiliated in front of everyone saying that the baby I was carrying might not be yours and told me to do an abortion. But now you want the boy that you wanted to killed the last 3 years. I don't get it why now. Why after all this year you and your mother want the boy that both of you tell me to kill."

With that Namjoo left Taehyun alone. She was angry and she couldn't take it anymore. Luckily Jun Hyuk was there. If not she won't know what she will have done. 

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