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Kyungsoo was worry just by looking at Namjoo's attitude.

Since the trial, she never had been sleeping with him anymore. She will be in Jun Hyuk's room all day. Namjoo's didn't even let him go to school.

"Love, can we have a talk," Kyungsoo asks looking at Namjoo who was caressing Jun Hyuk head.

"Can we talk later? I want to spend my time with Jun Hyuk." She said not even looking at Kyungsoo.

"Love, he is sleeping. Let him sleep."

"No, I don't want to. Please Kyungsoo. This is the last time I can spend my time with him. Then I will lose him."

Kyungsoo walks to Namjoo and sits beside her. He looks at Namjoo and sighs. He makes Namjoo look at him and the moment Namjoo look at Kyungsoo, she slumps in Kyungsoo's chest and cries. At the exact moment, he knows that whatever he going to do, is the right thing.

"Come Namjoo, please just follow me. I really want to help you win the custody."

"Is there anything that can help me win Kyungsoo? Because where I am now, I don't see it. I am just a mother who works every single day just to make my son eat while Taehyun, he can even not work for one whole month and still can buy a mansion for himself. I don't even think I can win this custody anymore Kyungsoo. This is just the time left for me to spend time with my son."

"Hey, don't say that. I told you I will do anything to make you win this custody. Even if you will hate me later. But I will try my best to win this custody for you. So stop saying that you have lost because you never know what will happen next Monday. Understand?"

Namjoo nods her head as yes.

Kyungsoo smile and said "Now let Jun Hyuk sleep. Come with me to my office. I have something to give you."

Namjoo looks at Jun Hyuk for one last time and kisses his forehead before she walks out the room with Kyungsoo.

Once they are in Kyungsoo's office room, Kyungsoo told Namjoo to sit and Kyungsoo sits beside her. Taking an envelope on the table near him, he gave it to Namjoo.

"I want you to sign this."

Namjoo frown and ask "What is this?"

"it's a contract, love."

"What contract?" Namjoo asks again.

"It's a working contract. there is some function that will be held this two weeks and you being busy and I know you want to spend the days with Jun Hyuk, so I have give you position for few weeks to April. April will be taking care of it as a head designer and once you are ready to come back to work, you will take back your place and April will do the same. That's all. I know you want to spend as much time as you can with Jun Hyuk."

Namjoo just nods her head and take the paper out from the envelope and sign it where Kyungsoo told her to sign.

Once done, Kyungsoo took it and place it back in the envelope with a smile.

"Now go and spend some time with Jun Hyuk. I have to go to the office and settle this. Once I've settled in, I'll come back."

Namjoo nods her head with a small smile.

Namjoo was about to open the door but was stopped by Kyungsoo's voice.

"Love, can I ask you something?"

Namjoo turns to look at him. "What is it?"

"Sleep in our room tonight, please. If you want to bring Jun Hyuk to, I don't mind. But please sleep with me tonight. I miss you."

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