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Kyungsoo and his mother were eating their dinner when suddenly his mom asks.

"Guess what, son."

Kyungsoo looks at his mom with a frown on his forehead. "What?"

"Your cousin is getting married."

"Again?" He asks sounding shock.

"Yup. Again. I hope this time it really will happen and they will say the vow." His mother said chuckling.

Kyungsoo laughs with her mother. "Mom! That's not good."

"So? I wonder how his mother finally agreed to him to marry this time. Last time, your aunty was very angry and she didn't like the girl at all. I wonder this time how did she like the girl. Must be they have the same attitude."

Kyungsoo laugh. He knows very well that her mother hates his aunty. None in the family really like her. Until now mom was still wondering how his uncle, Mrs. Do's brother fall in love with her.

Everybody in the family knows that his aunty is a gold digger. He even heard that the last time his son's wedding didn't happen because of her. What really happen? Well, no one knows. But what can they do, even his son is also arrogant.

"So when is the wedding?" He asks his mother who was eating her chicken.

"Next two month. Well, there is a reason why I'm telling you this."

Kyungsoo looks at his mother with curious eyes. "Why?"

"She wants her beloved son's wedding to happen at our hotel."

"WHAT?" Kyungsoo asks in shock.

"Wait. I'm not finished yet." Mrs. Do said smirking. She knows that what she will be saying will shock his son just like how it shocks her when her sister-in-law calls her.

"She wants it for free."

"WHAT? NO WAY, MOM!" Kyungsoo shouts in shock.

Mrs. Do laughs like crazy. Well, at least my son has the same reaction as I do. She thought.

"I had the same reaction."

"Mom, you call your 'beloved' sister-in-law and tell her it's not going to happen. She and her son are rich. They can pay for it. If they don't want to pay, then find another hotel or place. I don't care if they are our cousin or not. Because I know my aunt, she wants it for free but she will be asking for a lot and will be very very fussy. I don't want my employee to face her kind of stress."

"I've told her about that, son. But you know stingy your aunty is. I even told her that she won't agree. But your aunty is being Mrs. Nam. She even said that I don't need to worry because she's coming to meet you tomorrow to persuade you for doing his son's wedding for free so that she can brag to her friends and family about it."

"Fine. Tell her to come and meet me. I will tell right on her face that I won't do it. She needs to pay just like how our customers and our cousins who had their wedding there paid."

"I will, son. Good luck with that." Mrs. Do wishes. Deep down in her heart, she's not worried at all. Because she knows her son will hold on to his word.


Kyungsoo was signing some of his paperwork when there is a knock on the door. Kyungsoo tells the person to come in.

When the door was open, his secretary, Minwoo walk in.

"Yes Minwoo, what can I do for you?" Kyungsoo said before his eyes fall back to the paper which he was reading to make sure everything is perfect before he signs it.

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