Kayla's NEW AND IMPROVE plan

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"So Kayla,whats your plan?" asked Thomas.

I looked at everone.

"Ok...here's the plan."


Kayla's pov

"Here's the plan." I started.I garb a few pieces of paper and laied them out to make them like a one big piece.I got on my knees and took a pencil.I began to sketching the plan and the WICKED building."Ok...here is outside of WICKED.From what you guys can see,there are a whole bunch of traps and it will hard for us to get in.One of us needs to get caught by the grauds."  I said."What does that person need to do?" asked Thomas."Well,The WICKED garuds will take down anyone who crosses their path but if that person is about to die or somthing,they will bring the person in and take care of that person until he or she are ok." I said.

"So,that means..." Thomas get cut off."One of us has to get sick or somthing like that." said Brenda.I nodded."But not sick....hurt." I said.I looked around."So,anyone wants to do it?" I asked.Everone looks at each other and back at me."I will." said Brenda."WHAT!" I heared.Thomas and...Dan? Never thought he would say somthing like that...."I made my mind up.I wanna do it." said Brenda."Ok...So,Brenda will go in,being hurt and-" "Will you excuse us?" I heared.I looked up and Thomas was holding Brenda's hand."Erm,Sure." I said.They left the place for a while.


Brenda's pov

Thomas brought me to another part of the jet."Brenda! Are you carzy!?" he said."No..." I said."THEN? Why are you volunteer yourself to get hurt?!" He asked."Just becuase I can." I said.I looked deep into his eyes."Wait...are you still in love with me?" I asked.He looked down."Maybe..." he mutter."Thomas..." I started."Look...I know was your girl but I moved on from you."I said."But why do you wanna do this?!" he asked."Cause....I want you to live if I die." I said.He looked at me.He was already crying.He hugs me then."No....don't go...Don't leave me like Teresa." he said.Then,it hit me.Teresa was his best friend or girl-half on half off- friend.

"Thomas..." I said."Don't leave me alone..." he said."I'm sorry Thomas.I think this is for the best." I said.He stopped hugging me."No...Pls! I would do anything for you!" he said."Anything?" I asked.He nodded."Then,forget about me.Forget about our past." I said."No...I can't..." he said."Then I'm sorry Thomas." I said.I was about to leave when he garb my hand.I turned around."Brenda...is there someone that you have been eyeing on?" he asked."Why do you wanna know?" I asked back."I just wanna know." he said."Yes..I'm eyeing on someone." I said."Who?" he asked."That...I can't tell.Sorry Tommy." I said.He let go of my arm and I join Kayla and the others.


3rd person's pov

"So the plan is Brenda goes in and pretands to be hurt.When everone thinks she is koncked out cold,she will turn off the power and that's when we strike." said Kayla."H-how did you come up a better plan Kayla?" asked Minho.Kayla looks at him."All up in here dad."she said as she pointed to head AKA Mind."Oh.." said Minho,looking down.Kayla giggled."Don't worry dad..you will say somthing smart soon." she said.Dan looks out the window."Guys,it's getting pretty late." said Dan.Kayla stands up and looks outside.It was dark."Yeah...it dark.Puls...we havent have dinner." said Kayla."I will wip somthing up!" said Frypan."I will help!" said Dan as he ran to Frypan.Kayla sat near the window."Hey.." she heared.

She looked on her right and found Zack."Oh hey Zack." she said.Her heart started pumping hard.She didn't know why she would feel this way but she liked it."Mind if I sat here?" he asked."S-sure..." she said.Zack sat beside her."Want some?" he asked.He handed Kayla some bread."Y-Yeah..." said Kayla as she took the beard from his hands."You feeling cold?" he asked.Kayla looked at him.His eyes.His brown eyes."Y-yeah...a bit." she said.Zack then puts his arm around Kayla.That made her heart to pump even more.She blushed."Better?" he asked."B-better." she said."Hey guys,dinner ready!" said Dan."I'm gonna grab my food." said Kayla as she almost stood up.

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