A different-Kinda ending. Part 2 and a half

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Last time,

The tiwns had their 17 b-day,

went on holiday as a present from their parents

met Newt and Alby,

and 2 years later,they went to coallge.

End of story... :3


{I'm taking this from the part where Addioson shot herself and if Teresa didn't stop time...this would have happen}


Thomas's pov

"Ally,we can talk about this,just slowly let go of the gun." said Minho."No..." she said She was about to pull the tigger."I do belong here.....I do!..." she said,crying."Addioson...listen to me...You belong with us.We can help you." I said."I'm sorry..." she said.She...shot herself.As she fell to the floor,I ran towards her and caught her.Her green eyes were wide open.Her cloth were full of blood."Addioson? Hey! Addioson!!!" I said.I shook her but it was no use.She was really dead.

I stood up and walked away from where I was.I could hear Minho already crying."God damn it Ally! Why!?" I heard.I lean against a wall and cried."I'm so sorry Ally..." I thought.I sat down and hugged my knees."Hey..." I heard.I looked up and found Brenda."You ok?" she asked."What do you think?" I asked she as looked away from her.She then sat down beside me."If I could save her...If only..." I muttered."I wished I knew her better." said Brenda.I looked at her."And how do you want to do that?" I asked.

"Well,talk to her.......ask her about you and other things." she said as she looked at me."I guess she would like that." I said."Yeah...and you know what?" "What?" I asked."I bet she is up there...talking to Newt and the others right now." said Brenda.I rasied my eyebrow."And I bet she is happy..." she said.Before I could say a thing,I was cut off by a voice."Bomb going off in 70 seconds." 

I looked at Brenda."Oh shit." I said as I stood up."We better get the others out." said Brenda.I nodded and walked back into the room."Guys...we need to get out from here." I said.Minho turned towards me,stood up,walked towards me and punched me."WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! DAD!" I heard Kayla said.Dan tried to pull him back."WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" asked Dan.I held my eye and looked over."HE KILL YOUR MUM! HIS SISTER! MY SASS QUEEN!" he shouted."DAD! IT WASNT THOMAS SHUCKING FAULT! MUM DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING!" said Kayla."BUT HE DIDN'T SAFE HER!" said Minho.

{Oh gosh....Can I just cry?}

"WHAT DO YOU THINK HE IS? SOME KIND OF TIME MACHINE!?" asked Kayla.That shut Minho up."SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHE WAS THINKING.DON'T BLAME THOMAS FOR THIS! BLAME WICKED!" she said.Still no answer from Minho."HOPEFULLY THAT GOES INTO YOUR MIND DAD." said Kayla before walking away.Dan lets got of Minho and follows her.

Kayla's pov

Oh god...I just put my sass mode on my dad....I felt bad but good at the same shucking time.I broke down."Kayla....You ok?" I heard Dan asking me."Dad can be the shuckiest shuck-face shuck there ever was."I said as I turn towards him."Well...thats dad alright....He is the sass king after all." said Dan as he hugged me."I guess..." I muttered.

We were then interrupted by Brenda."Sorry to get in the way of your brother sister time but...there is a bomb going off soon." said Brenda.Dan pulled away from me."WHAT!? Why didn't you tell us!?" I asked."Well,you were having a competiti- Never mind that! We need to get out from here!" said Brenda as she ran out.Both of us ran out and found Minho and Thomas already running."Bomb going off in 25 seconds." 

"BETTER SUCK IT ALL UP SHUCK FACE!" I heard Minho say as we found the exit.We ran towards it and went we were out,the bomb was fired and everthing exploded."Don't look back!" said Thomas as looked at us.I looked back and saw everthing."Crap...." I thought.

Once we reached the jet,we aboarded,Brenda closed the door and Adien was starting the engine and we off.Minho was about to touch my shoulder but I didn't let him."If you wanna talk about mum,don't.And stay away from me." I said.From then,I gave him the cold shoulder.


Minho's pov

What have I done? I can't believe I made Kayla mad.I then sat on the ground and before I knew it,I was zoned out.



"H-Hello?" I asked.I was in the dark and couldn't see."Minho? Are you there?" a voice asked."Who's there?!" I asked.Just then,a figure came out from the blue."Hey Minnie." it said."A-Addioson?"


My pov


So I have to cut this short cause I'm still not dont with meh homework.
Question:Who is sad to see this book go!?
I have so much fun writing this book!
I never want this to end...but I guess all good things come to an end...RIght?
The next part,tmr!

Can I just cry with Ki hong?
I can't...




Until then,
Stay yourselfs!~Anna. :3

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