Back to WICKED.Part 1

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Last time,

I didn't know what to say.
"You can me..or youself later.I'm out.See you later young me." he said as he gave me a salute.
I just give the salute back.
"Also,in the future,Minho and Thomas find a cure for the flare and cancer.And you find there bunch of cute penguins that teach both you and your sis,how to be spies." he said.
Before I could say anything,
I woke up.

"All was just a dream..." I said.
I then felt a note in my hand,
saying "It was real." 

I smiled to myself...
I know what is going to happen...
but the rest..well,
that's up to me and Kayla.
I sat up and then went back to sleep.
I just a few 'Z's before we go back.

To the no-good,shitty WICKED building.


{Note:If you haven't read the death cure,there is a spoiler alert about 'THEM' 
So,don't be mad at me if you read it
But I know you are gonna read it this chappy anyway.~Anna}


Kayla's pov.

Someone was shaking my body.I slowly open my eyes,to find my brother was the one shaking me."Hey." he said."Hey." I said softly."Get Ready.We're leaving." he said."'s only like 9pm?" I said."Yeah...It will be a long walk there,So,I thought we have to start now if wanna get there in one night." said Dan."But...there are still people out there!" I said."We have to blend in then." he said."How.." I asked."Wear this." said Dan as he threw me a black cloak with a hoodie."Where the bloody hell did you get these!?" I asked."I have my reasons...wear that and we are good to go." said Dan."Fine." I muttered as I got up and wore my cloak.


I put on my bag then threw on my cloak on."Put on the hoodie." he said.I grumbled.My brother has the most craziest ideas that I can put with but this one? NO but I have no choice do I? 

We went out from the cave."Ready?" he asked me.I looked at him.He looked creepy in that cloak."Ready." I said.We ran into the darkness.I just hope we make there in one night.I know that sounds impossable but we are gonna try.


Thomas's pov.

We spend the night at this abandon underground subway station.Minho wasn't really himself today.We don't know whats up with him,we tried to talk to him but he said he was fine even though he keeps bumpping into me.I could tell....somthing was on this mind but he doesn't wanna share it.

Brenda and Frypan were asleep.Minho when to get fresh air while I'm here,keeping myself warm beside the fire.I stare at the fire.I remember what happen a few years ago.2 people that I was so close..Newt and Teresa...both of my best friends....died.I killed Newt.Teresa died thanks to a building falling on her.Danm.I miss them...I miss Alby....Chuck.He didn't give on me when I spent the night in the maze.God.I miss them all.

A flashback then comes to me.

{Again.Spoiler from the book,I'm taking this from the book.Remember,I don't own the book.}

3rd person's pov

"Hey.Newt.It's me,Thomas.You still remember me,right?"
A sudden clrity filled Newt's eyes then,almost making Thomas step back in surprise.
"I bloody remember you,Tommy.
You just came to see me at the Palace,
rubbed it in that you ignored my note.
I can't go completely crazy in a few days"
Those words hurt Thomas's hreat even more that the pitiful sight of his friend.
"Then why are you here? Why are you with...them?" 

Newt looked atthe Cranks,then back at Thomas.
"It comes and goes,man.I can't explain it.Somtimes,I can't control myself,barely know what I'm doing.But usually it's just like an itch in my barin,throw everhing off-kilter just enough to bother-make me angry."
"You seem fine now." said Thomas.
"Yeah,well.The only reason I'm with these wackers from the Pla-ace is because I don't know what else to do.They're fighting,but they're also a group.You find yourself alone,you don't have a bloodly chance."

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