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last time,

I ran up to Adien.
"I wanna help." I told him.
He looked at me.
"Are you crazy? We don't know what's in him!" he said.
"I don't care.Take me to him or else,I will rip the roof of this place." I said.
He sighed.
"Ok.Follow me." he said
.His worker brought us to where Zack was.
He was in a room.He was sitting in a corner.
Rocking back and forth.

"That's just creepy." I said out loud.
Adien looked at me.
"You got to agree! It so creepy in many ways." I told him.
"True..." he said as he turned towards Zack.
He looked up at the glass.

"Kayla! KAYLA! HELP ME!" 



Kayla's pov

"Get in Kayla." I turned towards Adien."Why me?" I asked."Cause he is more closer with you.Now,move." he said.I sighed as I open the door.I walked into the room."Zack." I said.I walked towards him."Don't...Don't come close..." he said."Whats wrong Zack...Adien said that you have been acting crazy." I said.He pointed to his head."Sasha.It's Sasha.She is in my head." he told me without a sound.He was starting to crying."Help me...get her out from my head." he said agian.Just then,I remember what Lisa said about her.

You would fight on your own." she said."And how do I do that?" I asked."You will know when you see her." said Lisa.

"Punch me." I said."What? Punch you? Are you carzy!?" asked Zack."No..I'm not." I said."Then why do you want me to punch you?!" he asked."To save your ass from your diva girlfriend.Now,punch me." I said.I didn't want to tell the truth...not yet at least."What did you call me?" I heard.That's wasn't Zack nor me...which means..."Hello Sasha." I said."Do you want a hard or a soft one?" he asked."Give me your best shot." I smriked.

The last thing I remember was Zack punching me and I fell to the floor.That was it.


Godamnit.I hate the dark.

"Well,well,well...look who we have here."said a cold voice.I spun around and found a teen girl.She had blonde hair and black eyes which meant she was dead." I correct?" I asked.She nodded."Listen...Zack had nothing to do with you.He didn't kill you!" 

"He left me to die! Who does that!?" she said."He found you but it was too late! How can this be his fault!?" I asked her."Well,we were on a good relationship until you can out from no where!" she told me."Look,I never wanted to take Zack." "OH PLS! You were making faces with him! and you are totally into him!" 

I ketp quiet."See,You are!" "SO what! You are in his body and never letting him go! That is what I call obsessed." I told her."I am not obsessed." "Er,Yeah you are! You are in his body and controling him? Even if I was dead...I wouldn't be doing what you are now." 

"You don't know what is love." That got me.Really hard."Maybe...I don't.But I do know one thing.Love is finding someone that you know that will never let go even if you turn old and not pretty.Sure,I haven't fall in love ever since I was in pre-school but that never brothered me.I just had to wait and I'm damn happy that I did.Cause I  found him." 

It was Sasha's turn to keep quiet."I suggest you get your ass out from my man's head and never come back." I told her."You know what,your right.I should scram and thank you...for showing what is love."she said."Your welcome and get your shucking ass out from my man." I told her,coldly.She slowly faded away.


I slowly open my eyes to find Dan."Hey,you feeling ok?" he asked.I found myself resting on his lap."Kind off." I told him as I slowly sat up."What happen?" I asked."Once you passed out,Zack passed out too." said Dan."Where is he?" "At his room,resting up.What happen?" 

"Long story.Lets just say,I'm a good girl and asked the person to get out from his mind." I said."You did what?" He sound confused. "You know what? Forget what I just said.How's mum?"I asked."Same thing.Dad is just by her side,incase anything happen." he said.Just then,I realize something.

"What happes now?" I asked."What?" "Our lifes? What do we do now? We saved mum and found out who is our what now." Both of us stay quiet.For the first time in forever,We have no idea what to do with our lives.


My pov

Cause I love you all,
I'm updating 2 time today.

So,I found out somthing.
My Teacher actually likes...
wait for it...


I'm not gonna say a thing...cause we know who is the sass queen.

At the side,is ZACK!
What a hottie is he!
I'm in love.


Until the weekend {For real},
Stay yourselfs shuckies!~Anna.


The search for my princess.Book two {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now