Weeks later.

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Last time,

When we let go of each other,Minho asked,"What are you guys doing anyway?" 

"Building a time machine.Kayla had this crazy idea that she wanted to see how Mom looked like." said Dan.
I punch him.
"Ow." he said.
"But that's impossable! No one does a time machine before!" said Thomas.
"Until now." said Dan.
I went back to help Zack.
"Hey...maybe we can help? What do you need?" asked Minho.
"Erm,Maybe you could get Frypan and  move here and stay for a week or two?" I asked.
"Got it.Come on." said Minho.

I can't believe that the day has come....
I can finally call Minho my dad...or our dad.


~Weeks later~

Kayla's pov

Me,Zack and Dan have been working on this time machine for the past 2 weeks.Adien did come and help us once a while but most of the time,he was busy.As for our gang,they are going to stay here while we work on the time machine.

Frypan has been cooking with the people who cook here,Brenda has been help Adien while Minho and Thomas always get out for some freash air.For the past 2 weeks,Me and Dan have been calling Minho,Dad.It's super wired to me.Why? I'm use to saying Minho but he accepts Minho or Dad....

Me and Zack have been super close.We hang out ever lunch break with Dan.I got to know Zack a little more too.He had a brother name Mark but pass on due to a car crash.His mother and father pass on at the same car crash.He was the only one to be alive.

I felt sad...he is the only one in his family after all


"I need one more thing." said Zack.He stood up and went to the plie of useable things."Here it is!" said Zack as he held something up.It was a some kind of metal pipe."Put this on the left." said Zack as he handed the pipe to me.I took it and fixed it to the last piece."Dan! Switch it on!" I said.Dan ran to the plug and hooked it up.Then,it happen,it was on.

There was a pink galaxy on the time machine."We did it." said Zack."WE DID IT!" I shouted.I hugged Dan and Zack.Then,Minho,Thomas and Brenda comes in."We heared somthing! WHAT'S GOING ON!?"  asked Minho.I showed the machine."You...did it." said Thomas.I hugged Minho and Thomas."Do you wanna test it out?" asked Dan once I stopped hugging."Yeah...let's do this." I said.


Dan and I got ready to jump into the past.Zack get the machine ready."Dan! Kayla!" we heared.It was Minho."Here." said Minho.He gave us  a ring? "What the heck are you giving this to us?" I asked."For your mom....We were goning to get married." said Minho.I saw that he was tearing up a bit."Aww...Dad..." I said as I hugged him."It's ready!" said Zack.I let go."See you later Dad." said Dan as he hug him too.

We walked to the froth of the machine."Ready?" I asked.I looked at Dan."Ready." he said.We held hands and jumpped into the time machine.


My pov

Not much of a chappy.
I have no idea what to write anyway.

Guess what day is it tomorrow!!??
and my year on Wattpad too...but mostly the Maze runner.
I might not be updating anything tomorrow cause me and my friend are having a movie marathon!
She is coming over to my place soo....yeah?

This chappy goes to...roxylovesvampires! 
Hope you like this gurl!



and don't forget to follow me!

Until we meet in the next chappy
Stay yourself! ~Anna out.B3

The search for my princess.Book two {Editing}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu