The Lonely Cat Pt 4

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"What do you mean he's dead?" I hiss.

"Meaning he's not breathing,walking. You know a corpse." Red Hood returned coldly.  The light rain and occasionally thunder was the only sound between us.

I crossed the rooftop."I don't have to believe, I've never even heard of the Red Hood. How the hell would you know about my brother?"

Red Hood sighed deeply and turned towards me."How do you even know he's your brother."

"I found some files."

"And you believe a piece of paper. And I' to town you could say."

I scoff."They you clearly don't know anything about me or my brother."

"Your right. But don't dig to deep. It's just not your skeletons that will be revealed kid." And with that he leap off the roof into the night.


I leap across old Gotham until I reached the GCPD. I scanned Gotham as many people returned and it was still slowly recovering. Every news blimp flashed Bruce Wayne as Batman or his death.

I picked an window and slide inside. I took cover beside a wall as a officer and lawyer walked past. I crawled  on all fours to the other side of the floor. I crawled past a three doors until I came to a forth one. The room was black and on the door was Records office.

I picked the door lock and crept inside. I took a mini flashlight and looked at the room full of filing cabinets some in order by last names, some by years.

I'll be in here for years.

I scan the room until I find a drawer labeled Crime Alley. 

"Well if there was a place to start."

I comb through multiple flies of murders,mugging, rapes,etc.

I see one titled WAYNE MURDERS: Thomas & Martha Wayne. I peek at it and decide to put it away.

I finally find a two files titled Todd Suicide and Arrest.

The first was about my mother's suicide and very details were record. Next to nothing was in here that really told me anything.

The next briefly mentioned my father's arrest and some notes were added that later revealed he was killed by someone in either Two-Face's crew or Don Falcone who was long dead. Selina had told me about him and I'm glad I was around when he was but still I was back to square one.

I sign and stuff the files back into the drawers. It was still early in the night and I figured maybe a quick trip to City Hall could help. It was only TOWN.


After getting in and out of City Hall I lean against a wall and read the three files on my brother.

The first was his Juvie record which was filled of burglaries, aggravated assaults and few other charges. Most of these were held against and his record once he was sixteen was completely blank.

The second file had adoption records and seeing has the man who adopted him was Batman and dead it proved to be impossible to ask him anything. One thing I did note was Dick's name, Dick is Jason's adoptive brother. Maybe could help me.

The last file I didn't want to read. It was Jason's Death certificate. It wasn't really long it said he dead in a car accident in Europe and that's all it stated.

"Find what you were looking for?"

I world around to find Dick leaned against a gargoyle."I scooped this whole city looking for you. Why did you break into GCPD and now City Hall?"

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