Broken Bird

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Prompt:Tim breaks his arm and his brothers take care of him.


"Be careful boys, Bane is stronger than ever." You inform.

"Got it." They said.

You were entering a abandoned wrestling training camp.

"Say sharp."

Nightwing and I crawled through the vents and made it to the arena.
"Hey maybe would could use one of these." He chuckled.

You didn't say anything as you collected a sample.

"Or maybe not." He whispered.

"Everything is clean on this end." Red Hood said.

"Good. Robin, Red Robin everything okay?"

"Tt. Everything is fine on this end."

You waited a few minutes but Tim never replied.

"Red Robin report your statues."


"Hello?" Nightwing pressed his com.

"Timbo??" Red Hood sang.


"Tim?!?!" You yelled.

There was shuffling and yells,"He's preoccupied." Bane's voice sent chills down your spine.

You raced out of the room and down the hall.

You kicked down a door and there was Bane holding a bloody and bruised Red Robin.

"LET HIM GO!" You growled.

He laughed,"And can you do chica?"

You hated being called chica but you hated someone hurting your kids worst.

This is what Jason calls Mama Bear

Instead of taking a batrang you took a knife and chucked it at Bane.

"Arghh!!!" The knife landed in his shoulder.


You smirked,"Thanks Baney-boy, but my bite is worst."

You charged him and kicked him square into the jaw.

"Wow. Batwoman." You turned your head and saw your other three boys.

"Robin get your brother out of here and to agent A. You two don't stand like you have sticks up your ass. Move it!!!"

They all sprang to action, Robin helped Red Robin out of the building and Red Hood fired his pistols at Bane.

Nightwing summer salted and kicked him in the gut.

After you took a broken and beaten Bane into Arkham you raced back to the cave.

You throw your helmet on the ground and ripped your cowl off.

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