The big bad Bat

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Favorite formal dish/food:(F/f/d)
Favorite color:(F/c)
Favorite ice cream:(F/I/c)
Favorite Movie:(F/M)
You glanced at the time,it was 10 after and you were in the dining room waiting really pissed actually. Bruce knew you were not one to be patient that was really a foreign policy to you and you weren't changing and he knew it.

"Ms. Wayne shall I threw this out?" Alfred walked in shocked.

"Might has well." You stood and life the room.
You threw your (f/c) dress on the ground and changed into shorts and a sweater.
This wasn't the first time you were "stood up" .
Bruce had been coming home later and later. You also notice cuts,wounds and scars on him.

You at first that he was having a affair but that went out the window when he came home with a black eye and sprain ankle.

You had (F/M) playing while eating a tube of (F/I/c) and you were happy until the door to your and Bruce's room open and he walked in.

"(N/n) what are still doing up?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes returning your eyes to the film.
"(Y/n) what's--

"Don't talk to me! And don't touch me either Bruce!" You stood up giving him daggers.

"What's wrong?" He walked closer.
"Your never home!!'" You try your hardest not to cry but it's useless," Are you cheating on ME!?!"

"What! God no (Y/n)."

You push past him but he grabs your arm turning you around," (n/n) I love you. And I would never hurt you ever."

You laugh and wipe your face,"To late for that."
You walk of the room leaving him starstruck.

You walked around the manor,you stopped at a pair of double door and you looked inside. It was Bruce's office the fireplace filled the room with crackles and warmth.
You heard your name being called and you didn't want to face Bruce. You dove into the room and hide under his desk.

Moments later he walked in the room, he was sad and frustrated. He mumbled your name over and over almost as if you were died and gone.
He walked to the fireplace and place his hand on the side of the stone under the wooden shelf were a little clock a wedding picture were housed.  The fire in the fireplace was gone and the logs lowered.

What the!!
The fireplace opened and Bruce walked in after a few moments you ran to where he vanished only for the fireplace to be back to the why it was.

"What just happened? I need a drink." You shook your head.

You began to wonder where Bruce went. You walk into the wine cellar about to pour a drink when you notice how beautiful the suiting area was.

You walk in and looked at the mantel and saw a different things.

You looked at and examined all the treasures. A golden Buddha statue caught  your eye. You also noticed everything mantel had thick late of dust munis the statue.  You glance at it,the arms were risen above it's head you tugged on it and the arms dropped and the room shook violently.

"Alfred I'll take that drink now!!!"

The room stopped and the wall with wine bottles wasn't there and it was a long staircase.
You walked down them and down a narrow hallway and you stopped at two large metal doors. You looked around and found a panel with a red button.

"Well they did say curiosity killed the cat." 
A loud buzzing forced you to cover your ears in agony and the doors screeched and opened to show a rusted,dusted and cob filled elevator.

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