Mother Knows Best

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You were in the nursery, you were breast feeding your daughter. You heard someone's footsteps.

"What is it Bruce?" You chuckled.
You put your daughter down and fixed your shirt.

"In the luckiest man alive."He pecked you on the lips.

You chuckled before hearing the door slam and several loud footsteps.

Bruce turned around with his arms crossed and low and behold your four handsome boys come running.

"Hi Mamă."

"Hey Ma!"

"Hi Mom."

"Hello Mother."

And on cue (D/n) screamed bloody murder.

You sighed and went back to your daughter.

Bruce began to yell at the boys which only made things worst and in return they yelled back at him.

"Boys." You said in a sweet voice. But of course it was like you were whispering.

And their yelling was making (Y/n) cry even more.

You sighed frustratedly," BOYS!"

Everyone in the room shut up, even they baby who cooed at you.

"There are cookies and milk downstairs you make have a cookie if you can be quiet. And if not I will eat them all in front of you." You challenged.

"Y-you wouldn't." Jason said.

A evil smirk rose on your face,"Wanna bet."

They all looked at each other before walking out quickly and quietly.

Bruce looked at you like you grew two heads.

You just smiled like the angle you appeared to be,"Yes my wonderful husband?"

He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled,"What would I do without you."

"You put your daughter in her baby swing and turned it on low. You put her pacifier in her mouth which she spit out, you wiped it off with your shirt and popped it back in her mouth.

"I hate to imagine."
You walked away making sure to sway your hips.

"Damn." You heard him mumble.

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