The last of the Grayson

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Dick POV


"Okay Dick!" Dad shouted,I leaped and swung to the handle,I glided to the other side and released the handle bar.
I closed my eyes and felt the air brush by me.

I then felt my mom grab my arms and place me on the plate form.

"Good job Dick." She smiled and patted my head.
The audience cheered,"Stay here." She commanded.

She turned and swung towards my father but then the whole tent fell silent, the cable that was connected to the handle bar snapped in two.

"NO!!" I sobbed.
Your POV

Bruce had decided to take you to the Circus as a gift,he was always showering you in gifts even when you didn't want him to.

"Come the show about to start." You were like a little kid in the candy store, you pulled your husband around the Circus and now it was time for the main events to begin.


You watched as the the youngest Flying Grayson leaped into the air and swung on the trapeze.

The boys father backflipped and swung from the trapeze from his legs instead of his arms.

"Way can't you do that?" You smirked popping a piece of popcorn in your mouth, also earning a sideways glance from your husband.
The woman in the act patted her son's head before leaping in the air and swung to her husband.
The two were about to swung back towards their son when the cable snapped and the fell to there death.

"Oh dear." A lady in the audience rose.

"Dear god!" A gentleman covered his daughter's eyes.

You along side some of the circus acts ran to the spot.
The boy was on the ground in tears," Mama! Papa!!"
You felt bad Bruce was on the phone no doubt calling 911,something came over you and you bent down and soothed the sobbing child.

"Hey I'll be okay." You gave him a reassuring smile. He looked at you with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I want them back." You were shocked when he hugged you but you understand why. Even though you have never had kids Alfred always said you had a Motherly instinct even with Bruce.

"Shh. Everything is gonna be okay your not alone. What's your name?" You rocked the child back and forth in your embrace.

"Richar-d," he sniffled,"Richard John Grayson but you can call me Dick." His eyes were red and puffy.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive even when everyone had to leave you and Bruce stayed.

Dick had a blanket dropped around his shoulders and you didn't leave out of your sight.

The police asked him some questions and he looked at you really asking if he could when you nodded in approval he answered some of the questions.

You weren't a fan of Harvey Bullock but today took the cake. Whatever crawled up his butt and died was really causing you to hurt him badly.
"So your saying you don't know who the fellow was the your Pa's was beating the crap out of?"

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