The Woman behind the Cowl

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You were the wife of playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne by day,but by night your were the mysterious Batwoman.

You weren't a living legend like or star detective like Batman,you weren't a amazing acrobat like Nightwing,a marksman like Red Hood or a super genius like Red Robin nor a trained swordsman but you were still a force to be reckoned with.

You tried computer science but you didn't like it but you stuck with in and you weren't half bad.

One night in particular you don't go out as Batwoman on a regular basics its you were more of the 'In case of Emergency Break Glass'

So one night when your sons and husband were kidnapped by the Joker you snapped and every ounce of your existence was ignited.


Three goons marched up and the alleyway,two at the doors and one on the other side.

You glided down and silently took out the goon.

You were pissed not only that you had to fight the clown prince of crime but that he took your husband but more than that he MESSED WITH YOUR BATKIDS!

You threw a smoke boom and violently took the other goons down,you kicked down the door just as a clash of thunder which fulled the warehouse with your giant bat shadow.

"BOYS TAKE HER OUT!" Joker clacked holding a gun to Batman's right temple.

You saw the bruises and cuts on your family and all hell broke lose.

A goon charged at you with a crowbar,but you punched him in the face and he was out cold like that.

"Oh puddin." Harley hide behind Joker who was also probably shit himself.

You cracked your knocks and narrowed your gaze.

"Ooo now you've done it." Red Hood mumbled.

                               *Time Skip*

"OW! I'm fine Mom." Dick tried to stop you from cleaning the small cut on his left cheek but you were like a mama bear so you pushed his hand away and kept cleaning the cut.

"Dear the boys and I are fine." Bruce sat up from the medical table clutching his right side giving you a warm smile.

"Yeah,stop babying us." Tim whined finishing helping Jason.

You let a deep sigh out,"I just worry,about you all I would hate for something to happen to any of you." You gave them a sad smile but a single tear slide down your cheek.

The boys and Bruce brought you into a bone crushing hug.

"We love you Batmom." They grinned knowing you kinda like being called Batmom or Mom but you would never admit it.

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