Shadow of the Bat:ll

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You and Batman drop down from the glass ceiling and there is the new gang that's been taking the city by storm.

"It's OVER." Batman snarled.

The leader a woman in her mid to late twenties early thirties chuckled.

She was beautiful,dark long brown hair,a olive skin-tone,dazzling green eyes and a body that any man couldn't resist.

Her lips curved into a smirk as she drew her sword,"Hello..beloved." She purred.


"Talia." Bruce I mean Batman glared,most likely at the comment she made.

"I see you brought my replacement." She grinned.

I clenched my fist and glared daggers at her but she paid the look no mind.

"Talia why are you here?" He asked.

She smiled then gave a sympathetic look,"My Father is dying."

"And he's a corpse already let him die." I smirked,but Batman gave me a bat glare.

"He needs you,I need you. There needs to be someone take to the Al Ghul throne and Father choose you as his successor. You are the only one that can help." She hopefully.

I knew Bruce wouldn't go near that throne or her. He loves me and his family too much to leave us for some title in China or some place like that.

"No." Was he said before turning and leaving.

The look on her face brought great joy to me.

"But bu--

I stepped forward,"He said no bitch it's time to leave or do I need to show the way out." I challenged her.

She grumbled,her turned to leave but I heard her.

This isn't over,there will be a heir.

*Sorry this is short also but the next chapter will be longer I promise :)

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