The Lonely Cat Pt 3

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Even though Dick said he would be back around five I knew that I still had business in Gotham. So after I took quick catnap I got back into my costume and made my way back to Gotham.

I had sunk onto a train that would travel between Gotham and Bludhaven only. Once it reach the station in Miagani. I leap off the train and overlooked the city.

Since the other night Gotham has been restored to her once bustling self. The part of Gotham that was once Arkham City had also been reopened but only 1/3 of it was around since the rest was gone in flooding.

I knew I had to make to where Catwoman used to live in Park Row. Which was really the only district of old Gotham left. Mostly criminals and homeless lived here. I found her old apartment that was partly destroyed but she still came her even to hide out.

I search the apartment but I couldn't find anything.

"Selina?" I call moving my goggles on top of my head. I found a mattress with some files on it.

"What were looking for Cat?" I picked up the first file that read: Property of Gotham City City Hall Records.

I opened the file and it was me. It had a picture of me from when I was maybe thirteen and I was in the system.

"This is old." I hiss. I had ran away from my last foster home and since then I was never found and placed in a new one. Selina found me and kept me off the streets and out of trouble. The file said basic information like my hair color and stuff like that but it got interesting when I got to my family.

Where father and mother were is only said deceased and their names were scratched out. The only name she could make out was Catherine on the mother's name.

Next it said siblings. No sister but a name was placed for brother. His status was undetermined and the name read Jason Todd.

Placing the file down she looked at newspaper article.

Billionaire Bruce Wayne adopts second Orphan

It was a picture of Bruce Wayne many years ago and young teen who looked like a mini-me to him.

Throwing the paper on the bed to rubbed her eyes.

"So I have brother who I have no idea about." She turned to leave when she caught when of a fresh newspaper that meant Selina had just left.

Bruce Wayne is the Batman!

The cover image was of Bruce looking dazed in the Batsuit. "Well that's one mystery solved." She tsked.

Glancing around the apartment she made sure she didn't miss anything before climbing out the window and making her way back to New Gotham.


Seeing as the night had only begun she decided it would do her some good to do her good deed. Pasting by a theatre she heard a scream. Looking down was woman he was shielding her two daughter from a group of three thugs one with a gun and another with a large knife.

"Don't worry lady we'll make this quick. Give us all your money and we might let you live." The gunmen smirked.

"Scream and it gets ugly. For you." he chuckled.

(Y/n) knew she couldn't forgive herself if she let them die. She took her whip and snatched the knife out of the man's hand.

"It's Catwoman!" he shrieked.

Close enough she thought smirking. 

"I hate cats!" The gunmen hissed.

He fired four shots her way but she was faster. She leaped off the building her heels slamming into the former knife holder.

"Get out of here." She warned the woman who didn't question her has she ran with her children she thanked the girl.

"You own me kittycat." The gunmen snarled.

Smirking (Y/n) took her whip and it wrapped around a medium pipe.

"Missed." he grinned.

She smirked and pulled it making hot steam spray him causing him to howl in pain.

She turned and cracked her whip around the last goons ankle and yanked him over to her. She clawed his chest and kicked him in the gut before punching him in the face and shoving him into some trash cans.

"You Bitch!" The gunmen had a burn on his face.

"In case you hadn't noticed I'm a cat not a dog."

Venom lacing her words." Well let's see if you have nine lives cat." And three gunshot rang in the alley but the weren't from him. falling to the ground in a pool of red.

Looking up see saw a figure emerge from the steam.

"Your welcome." The deep robotic voice said.

"I had it covered." She eyed the figure. Crossing her arms.

"Sure ya dead kid." 

"Don't call me kid." She sassed.

Red Hood stepped into the light and hosted his gun."Who the fuck are you anyway. Your no Catwoman."

"And your no Batman." Without another word she leaped a nearby building and scaled it once making it on the rooftop there was Red Hood looking bored.

"Took you long enough."

"Bite me."

Shrugging he walked over to her. She thought he was going to arrest like Nightwing but instead he took his thumb and wiped the smeared blood off her cheek.

"Such a gentleman." She rolled her eyes.

"Why are you here?" He questioned.

"I'm looking for someone. My brother."

Silent for a few moments he replied."What's his name?"

"Jason Todd. You know him?" She raised a brow.

he turned his back to her and started walking."Wait do you know him?"

"I did."

"Well where is he?" You could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Jason Todd is dead."

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