The Lonely Cat Pt: 5

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"I  won't ask again who the hell are you?" Batwoman glared at me and I return the same expression. Most of the questions she throws my way I ignore in favor of still glances at Dick to make sure he's okay. He had not yet woken up.

"She's not gonna tell you anything more than we already know Batwoman." Oracle order. And much to her displeasure she stopped grilling me and left the room entirely. Oracle turned to me and gave me a sideways glance.

"I hope you know that this could be dangerous for us, you being here." 

Sighing I move from the wall and walk towards the elevator when Dick shots up from his cot and coughs as Robin hands him some water.

"It's fine Dick, just breath." He takes the cup from Robin and downs it before swinging his legs over trying to catch his break. "Are you okay?" Oracle turns her attention to him.

"What happened?" He asked his voice very horse and an I could tell he was gonna be banged up for a while.

Batwoman rushed back in and placed a hand on Dick's shoulder."Son, are you okay?" He gives her a small smile and curt nod.

"I'll live." No one says anything and his gaze lands on me."Are you okay?" 

Smirking at him I nod."Yes, Goldie boy I'm fine thank you for asking."  Batwoman or his mom I guess looks at us and speaks once more."So anyone wants to tell me why the hell my son almost died tonight?" She shrieked. 

"Red Hood attacked us."


Dick looks at me warily nodding for me to continue."Truthfully I don't know, I've been looking for my brother but he's dead. And he did not like that I was looking for him." I scoff.

Robin and Oracle share and look before he asks, "What's his name?"

"It won't make a difference he's dead." She reminded them. Batwoman huffed."Give us the boy's name already."

"Jason, Jason Todd." I spat at her, "You happy."

The room fell into a pregnant pause. The three look at each other, then me, and Dick before returning their gazes onto me.

"J-Jason's is your brother." Oracle rubs her face holding her glasses in the other hand. She turns to the supercomputer in front of her and begins to type away. And on the screen is a giant picture of Jason. Along with a long file next to it.

Batwoman turns back to me." Jason died six years ago, he was killed by the Joker. My husband and I searched for him but he was gone..we never found his body just his Robin suit in the Harbour." She finished.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" DIck asks to attempt to stand and falls back onto the cot with Robin holding his shoulder to steady him to sit upright. 

"Fine." Batwoman and Orcale turn to me and Batwoman asks."When did the Red Hood first attack you?"

Shaking my head I huff."Look I appearance the help but like you said he's dead there's nothing anyone can do."

Oracle moves her wheelchair closer towards me and shakes her head no."I'm sorry you didn't get to meet him. I'm sure he would have loved to meet you."

Batwoman smiles slightly."He always wanted a little sister." Not wanting to deal with the memories of which I have none of I take this as my cue to exit. "Thanks for your help I guess, and Dick I'll see you around."

"What you're leaving?" He tries to stand but Robin keeps him from getting up to fast or hurting himself. 

I grin and leap onto the ceiling and climb through the hatch in the roof. I look at the city as it slowly returned to its normal nightlife as best as it can after Scarecrow's assault. I leap and whip swing my way through the city until I reach the place I wanted to be.

It was a small cemetery on the outskirts of Gotham. It was only for the Wayne family I can tell that the last few months after the events with the Arkham knight's army and many people had stopped standing at the gates of the manor hoping to find something they can have from the Batman or Bruce Wayne's.

I remember his wife wasn't even in the city when it was revealed that he was Batman and she was questioned to know if she was involved. She wasn't but the cops are too dumb to know that though I'm sure she has to tread lightly now.

I find his grave under a small willow tree and it's pretty basic. I take out a small bouquet and dust off the old leaves off his grave before I place them down.

Speaking to the grave someone you don't know won't do you any real help, well for me at least it won't I didn't know him and I'm sure he wouldn't have remembered me if he was alive.

I hear and branch snap and in the dusk of the night there he is for the second time tonight."You just don't learn do you kitty cat?"

Hissing at him I crack my whip at him and he takes a slight step back."Don't push it, Hood. I've been up top here with your shit for one fucking night."

"What's wrong did get your warm milk?" He laughed.  I leap at him and kick him square in the chest causing him to fall into an old tombstone.  

Chuckle I slap the gun out his hand with my whip."This is getting boring Hood, leave me alone. What are you some Pedo?"

He took out a dagger and tried to cut me. I kicked him in the back of his leg and used my claws on his thigh causing him to buckle.

"Bitch he swore." His punch landed in my stomach and threw me by my arm into the tree. Recovering quickly I threw some bolas at him which he dodged. He took another gun and shot it. Hitting me.

It didn't feel like a gunshot. I've been shot before and it doesn't feel this nice. I was worried and before I could attack him or run I felt my body just give out and I fell the ground get closer to me as I felt like I was spinning.

The last thing I saw was Red Hood standing over top of me. And after that everything went black but the last thing I heard was my name.

"I'm sorry (n/n) it was the only way."


*I'm sorry it took so long for this part and it isn't even that long but I've been working on trying to fix other books and thought I should at least give you guys something I mean it's a whole year so I'm sorry and I'll try to wrap up the mini-story soon so hopefully no more cliff hangers.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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