Sweet Theif

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Between the boys going out at night and getting injured,them being in sports, Wanye Tech meetings, and taking care of a toddler ,you couldn't catch a break.

You decided since the boys have been behaving so well you would make them a tasty treat for tomorrow's dinner.

They all went to school and you went and brought all the ingredients for the Cinnamon layer cake your Mother used to make every Sunday when she was alive. (If your mother is alive sorry, the idea I had was your mother died when you were young). She learned the recipe from your Grandmother when she was about your age and you and your sister loved this cake.

You hide the ingredients from everyone, once the boys came home you acted like nothing had happened. They went straight into the dining room and did the homework.

The ate a nice dinner of Lasagna and bread before heading out for patrol with your husband.

Your daughter was sound asleep so it was easy.
It took you five hours to make the cake. Of course your Mother and Grandmother made the cake on Friday night and no would touch it until Sunday's dinner.

You were making it from scratch, and you were rushing to have it ready for tomorrow rather than making it ahead of time for the dinner it was needed for.

You put the finishing touches on the cake,you put the cake in the glass cake holder in the kitchen.

"Finally, you better taste good." You glare at the cake.

You put the lid on carefully make sure not to mess up the icing.

You cleaned all the dishes and turned off the lights.

You checked on your daughter who was having Alfred read her Alice in Wonderland for the hundredth time this week.

You chuckle before heading to bed.

After you changed clothes and showered you flopped onto the bed and within seconds you were sound asleep.


You woke up early to he next morning to get a head start on dinner.

Lois,Clark,Jon and Conner were coming over for dinner and you knew just by your sons that boys can eat and eat a lot.

You walked in and your eyes nearly popped out of your head.


You heard the pounding of footsteps and all your boys rushed into the room still in pjs.

"Mom are you okay!??" Jason said between breaths.

You studied each one of them,"Who did it?"

They all looked at one another.

"Did what exactly?" Dick's cracked which made Jason chuckle but once you snapped your fingers they were all at attention.

"The cake."

They looked at you like you were crazy.

"What cake?" Damian folded his arms.

"The one that took my half the night to make." You shot back.

"Mom we didn't touch the cake,we came upstairs and went straight to bed." Dick raised both hands up in surrender.

You gave each on a glance before sighing,"Go to your rooms." Your temples.

They didn't argue and marched out the kitchen.

"Hey honey." You turned and there was Bruce in a grey T-shirt and grey sweatpants holding (D/n) who was clinging to her father like she would never see him again.

"Hi Bruce." Sighed.

He sat your daughter in her high chair and gave her a bottle before turning towards you.

"What's wrong?"

You glanced at the cake dish,"Someone ate my cake."

You looked at Bruce who was red in the face.

"Not that cake you idiot! I mean the cake for tonight's dinner." You justified.


You shook your head.

"Anyway looks like I'll need start dinner, no cake for dinner."

He didn't say anything he just wrapped his arms around you.

"Sorry dear, I know you  worked hard on that cake. Your Mother's cinnamon roll cake was something I always looked forward to." He walked out the room then it hit you.

The Kents had arrived at they were in the living room you called everyone to dinner.
You clicked your wine glass.

"First I would like to thank the Kents for coming to dinner,it is always a treat when you all come to visit. But I first wanted to apologize. Boys I'm so sorry I blamed you for eating the cake I made. And to make up for it I have a backup cake."

They smiled and they you turned your gaze back to the table.

"And I now know who ate the first cake," Your head snapped to your husband,"Bruce did."

They boys looked at him but he had a killer poker face.

"And what proof do you have."

You chuckled,"Well I remember this when I went to spotless cake dish. Not a crumb and I also remember growing up when ever my mom made the cake there wouldn't be any crumbs left on your plate."

He was started to sweat.

"Please the fact that you said it was my Mom's Cinnamon Roll cake, I never told you what type of cake it was and the cake I made was my Grandmother's version of the recipe."

He was sweating bullets,"Fine I ate!"

The boys gasped minus Jason who shook his head full of disappointment.

"Once I are one piece I thought one more couldn't hurt and before I knew it the whole cake was gone."

"Who would have thought Bruce has a sweet tooth." Clark chuckled.

"Bruce don't you have something to say to the boys."

He sighed,"Sorry I was going to let you take the blame for the cake." He grumbled.

They all chuckled.

"It's fine Bruce, we know how weak you get around Mom's cakes." Dick chuckled.

In the end you all ate the cake you made just in case but of course Bruce snuck a extra piece before heading to the Watch Tower with Clark.

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