Chicken Soup is good for a Cold

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You had felt like utter crap. You had double patrol and it was storming, so of course you got the Flu.

You were wrapped in a fluffy blanket on the couch.

You had a high fever, a sore throat, your nose was stuffed up and you couldn't stop sneezing.

You hadn't moved since you flopped onto the couch and you weren't planning on it either.

You heard a pair of heavy footsteps and the they stopped.


You turn around slightly and see Jason. He looked like he rolled out of bed. Messy hair and wrinkled clothes.

You give him a heartfelt smile,"Hi honey how was patrol?"

He chuckled and walked over to you. He felt your forehead with the back of his hand.

"Ma you look like shit."

If you weren't sick you would scold him but you were so you didn't have to energy to disagree.

"Yeah." You broke out into a coughing fit.

He pouted before getting to his feet and tuning out the room.

What was he doing?

You heard pots and pans clacking but you weren't about to get up.

You dozed off and when you woke up there was Jason holding a large bowl.

"Here you go."

You stay up,"What's?"

"Alfred's homemade chicken soup. Plus it's good for a cold."

"Thank you sweetie." You took the soup and took a spoonful of broth,chicken, veggies and rice.

"Hmmm. Really good thank you Jay."

He shoved his hand into his pockets,"Yeah."

You grin.

"Thank you this is really sweet. Come give me a kiss or are you to old for that?"

He kisses you on the cheek. Before waving by and leaving the room.

You finish off the soup and take a nap.

When you wake up it's because of Tim reaching for his laptop.

"Sorry." He whispered.

You rub your eyes and chuckle,"You'd think you be quieter. What's up honey?"

He chuckled,"Sorry I was about to finish the last three seasons of  Doctor Who."

You sigh and nod.

He walked over to you,"Wanna bing watch it?"

You nod and sit up.

He sits beside you and you rest your head on his shoulder. He starts the episode and five later your out cold.

He's already on the first episode of the next season when he finally notices your asleep.

He closes the laptop and places your head on the pillow.
He kisses you on the forehead and sneaks off to his room.

You sleep for maybe a hour before your throbbing head 'summons' you awake.

"Ugh." You groan.

A sound of footsteps and whistling breaks you back to earth.


"Hi Dickie." You say in a horse voice.

He gets on his knees and looks at you like your the greatest thing since sliced bread.

"How you feel?"

You grinned,"As your brother who say like shit."

"I'll be right back." He got up and runs into the kitchen and the con-going bathroom.

He comes back with your favorite juice and some Tylenol.

"Here you go Mother dearest."

To took the pills and drank your glass of juice.

"Thank you baby I wasn't able to get up and get it myself."

"Your welcome, you do so much for me it's the least I could do."

"Well I thank you."

He tucks you in and gives you a kiss on the forehead.

"Time to rest." He closes the curtains and dims the lights.

"Night ."

Even thought its three in the afternoon.

You close your eyes and sleep takes you over again.


You blink the sleep away from you.

Damian stood over you.
"I'm going on patrol."

"Okay be safe."

You went back to sleep but when you woke up you felt something on your stomach.
You open your eyes to see a stuffed cat with a heart that read 'Get Well Soon <3'

"Thank you Damian." You whisper.

"How's my special girl doing?" Bruce says sitting at your feet.

"Meh. I've been better."

He pecks you on the lips,"Well (D/n) was a complete angel for Clark and Lois. They'll bring in the morning. Did the boys take care of you?"

You smile,"I have the best boys in the world."

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