Bat's and Clown dance in the Pale Moonlight

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(This Chapter takes place a few weeks before Jason's death)

You were gliding through Gotham and had been taking out crime,you and Barbara were on patrol and had manged to stop Two-face  and his gang of thugs.

"Nice job. Rookie." You smirked.

The redhead young woman rolled her eyes at your comment before grapple to a set of apartments.

"This is me,same time tomorrow?" She questioned.

You nodded at her and grappled towards the manor. Once you got to the Manor you pulled off your cowl and sat at the computer.

You were tired and you still had work tomorrow you peeled off your suit,showered and went to bed.

It was around 1 A.M. when you were woke,your phone had been ringing off the hook but you were in such a deep sleep you didn't know.

"Hello?" You rubbed your eyes,you also noticed your husband wasn't here.

"Mom." Was all you heard.

"Hello,Dick is that you?" His breath was shaking and you could tell he had been crying by how sad he sounded.

You sat up in bed,"Dick,what's wrong?"

He sighed deeply,"It's Babs Mom," He sobbed.

"What about her?"

"Joker he..he shot her.She'll never be able to walk again." He finally spoke.

You were quiet,you didn't know what to do or say. Barbara was like a daughter to you and to hear this nearly broke you.

You flew out of bed and threw on a grey Tshirt,black jeans black boots and a leather jacket and raced to the hospital.

When you got there the nurses almost didn't let you in but once they saw mad you were they let you go in with a second thought.

Once you got to her room you saw Jim,Bruce and Dick. Barbara was asleep and had a brace around her neck.

You gasped.

Bruce saw you and ran up to you and wrapped his arms around you,"What happened?" You felt tears ready to fall.

"The Joker broke into the apartment and he shot her,the bullet went through her spinal core." Bruce sighed a heavy sigh,"The doctors are more than certain she'll never be able to walk for the rest of her life."

You felt sad for her,the fact that a monster could do such a thing.

"Barbara." You whispered.

Her eyes opened slowly,she looked at you and smiled,"What are you doing here?" She was dazed more than likely from the medication.

Dick had took Jim to get some coffee to help him but nothing would.

"I'm so sorry." You wanted to break down and cry but you didn't want her to feel bad.

You bent down near her ear and whispered,"I'll find him,and I'll make her sorry." The angrier and rage broke out but you didn't want her to feel sacred so you softened it.

And true to your promise you found the Joker but you were a little late,you found him only after Jason dead but it took Superman,Wonder Woman,Bruce and the claim voice of Alfred to stop you from shooting him in the head ending it all.

He took your son away from you,he hurt your daughter.

You wanted him dead but once you had a clear mindset you saw that he was in a full body cast.

Present Day

"Thug three o'clock." Oracle voice rang in your hear.

You slid kicked the goon and elbowed him in the nose.

"To your left." She said.

You back flipped and kicked him square in the chest.

"And the hits just keep on coming." She chuckled.

You threw three batranges that released smoke taking down the remaining thugs.

"And that's wrap." She said.

You headed back to the cave to find her eating a PB& J sandwich with Hot Coca and Alfred eating some Toast and helping Nightwing and Batman while they were on a mission dealing with Falcone.

"Not bad." You grinned,you pulled down your cowl and sipped from your coffee sitting there waiting for you. (Or hot Coca if you don't like Coffee.)

"Thanks,I was thinking about this case?" She said placing her drink down.

"Go on." You glanced at the screen and she went through the different drugs and different goons also the missing people.

When she finished her piece you high fived her.

"Nice work Gordon."

"Thanks-- mom." She thought you didn't hear her call you Mom but you did and you smiled to yourself.

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