I sighed and sat back down on my bed. "I believe what we need is more time, do you agree, Miss Granger?"

Hermione's eyes widened and she nodded. Dumbledore spoke quietly to them so I could not hear what he was saying.

Hermione pulled a chain out of her robes. A Time-Turner! That's how she had ten million classes at once.

"Can Joy come, Professor?" she asked him. "I'm injured, Mione," I told her. "I'd just slow you down, but I want to hear everything."

Hermione nodded. "That's fair," Dumbledore nodded. "I'm going to lock you in, three turns should do it, good luck."

He went out the door and I lay back down again.


Hermione and Harry burst through the door just seconds later. Harry smiled at me and nodded. I returned the smile as he moved to the bed next to me.

"What happened?" I asked him, turning on my side. "Buckbeak, Sirius, they're both okay," he reassured me. "Sirius told me to tell you that he loves you and he'll see you soon, he was sad he couldn't say goodbye in person."

"Hopefully, I will see him soon," I murmured. "I know what my Patronus is," Harry added. "Ooh, do tell," I smirked, enthusiastically. "A stag, just like my dad," he told me.

Madam Pomfrey gave him chocolate and some to me as well. And with Fudge seeing me human during the night of a full moon..hopefully that would stump their suspicions of me being a werewolf. I helped myself to some chocolate and me and Harry both jumped once we heard a scream of pure rage.

"Looks like Snape got the news," I murmured nonchalantly.


The door burst open with a furious Snape marching over to the two of us. "WHAT DID THE TWO OF YOU DO?!"

"Professor Snape! Control yourself!" Madam Pomfrey shouted at him.

"THEY HELPED HIM!" Snape pointed at me and Harry. "Honestly, I have no idea what he's talking about," I feigned innocence.

"Calm down!" Fudge snapped. "This door was locked, you're spiting two children for Black escaping!"

"Madam Pomfrey, have they left here since I left?" Dumbledore asked her. "No, they haven't," she told him.

"Let the matter go, Severus," Dumbledore escorted him out. "I'll have to send the Dementors packing then," Fudge told Dumbledore. "Unstable, he is, keep an eye on him."

"Tired?" Hermione asked me. "Very," I murmured and I fell asleep, with a big dopey smile on my face.


I woke up at about seven thirty to see Lupin asleep by my bedside. I sat up and I poked his shoulder, waking him.

He jerked awake and looked relieved to see me. "You're alright, oh, thank Merlin."

"I'm healing, they gave me dittany for the cuts," I told him. "Snape was considering letting my condition slip once he found out I've been helping Sirius this whole time."

"Well, he got a warning from Dumbledore not to or else. He also got violent lengthy threats from me," Lupin added. "Although...."

"What?" I asked him. I gaped once I knew what he was hinting at. "He told everyone?!"

"Just the Slytherins," he sighed. "But..why?!" I gasped. "He wanted someone to hang for this, I was the unlucky one," Lupin told me. "You got fired, didn't you?" I murmured. "I resigned actually," he contradicted me. "Joy, why did you risk helping him?"

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