Hunting- for applicants??

Start from the beginning

"Because the baby's meat will be much more tender, not having the years of running and abuse the adults have endured." She sighed. "Why, are you upset that I killed a baby? I could have killed the other female." Kinta pointed with her blade. "She was heavily pregnant, due any day now. Imagine how tender THAT baby's meat would have been."

Hisoka smiled again and to her surprise, patted her head. "You surprise me again, Kinta." He lifted the deer off her shoulder and slung it over his own.

Kinta blushed. 'That was the first time he said my name.' She stared at his back as they walked. 'Why the hell does it make me feel so giddy?!'


Kinta and Hisoka sat around the fire they had made, picking off the last of their meal.

Hisoka sighed contently as he stretched out against a log, folded his arms behind his head and closed his eyes. "I have to admit, your cooking isn't half bad. I'd be curious to see what you can do in an actual kitchen~"

Kinta grinned at him. "I told you the babies meat would be more tender." She said as she warmed her hands by the fire.

Hisoka nodded, not opening his eyes. He looked sleepy, and peaceful.

Kinta yawned, she hadn't realized how sleepy she was herself. She hadn't been getting much sleep on the island, it got pretty cold at night and she spent most nights just trying to keep warm. She hadn't wanted to build a fire and risk giving away her location to her hunter. She also wasn't sure if she trusted Hisoka enough to sleep here, so reluctantly she began to move away from the fire.

"Hmm~?" Hisoka popped one eye open. "And where are you going?"

Kinta brushed the dirt off her pants. "Gotta keep moving, find a safe place to sleep where my hunter won't find me."

This caught his attention and he sat up. "You haven't taken care of your hunter yet~?"

Kinta shrugged. "He hasn't popped up. And I have no way of knowing who's hunting me."

Hisoka seemed to consider this for a moment. "Then you should stay here with me. I will watch your back while you sleep~." He gave her a closed eyed smile.

Kinta crossed her arms. "And how do I know you won't just kill me in my sleep?"

"Because that would be boring." He said bluntly.

Kinta couldn't contain the laugh that bubbled up. "Of course it would be boring to you." She sighed as she sat back down. She went back to warming her hands by the fire, her damn hands were always cold.

The sun had finally set and it was just starting to get dark, Kinta had been daydreaming, gazing into the fire when she realized Hisoka was watching her. She looked at him, the fire cast shadows over his face, making him look even more dark and sinister than usual. His amber eyes seem to glow with the fire. She held eye contact with him for a long moment before he finally said something.

"Where are you from~?" he asked.

Kinta cocked an eyebrow at him. "That's not important." She said bluntly. "Why do you care?"

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