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Yorknew arc
Hisoka took her to York New city, he had said something about meeting up with old friends but wouldn't give her any more details. He'd set them up in a hotel with one of the best views of the city, with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the bustling town.  But Kinta still found herself missing the view from Heavens Arena. It was one thing to look AT a city and quite another to look down upon one. There was a massive bed next to the windows and a large TV mounted on the far wall. What Kinta was hung up on was that there was only one bed. Which means her and Hisoka will be sleeping together, in the same bed, every night.
Considering the number of times they had slept together already, Kinta didn't understand why there were butterflies in her stomach over this.
Hisoka had stepped out, he said he was getting them food. Kinta wandered around the room aimlessly, this place was even bigger than her room back at Heavens Arena, what the hell does one do with all of this space? Even the bathroom was bigger, it had another jacuzzi style bathtub but this could easily hold two people, maybe even three. It might as well be a hot tub. There was a massive skylight right over the tub as well, so you could look out at the stars as you bathed.
"And here I thought the Arena was fancy." Kinta sighed as she walked back out of the restroom, walking over to the bed and flopping on it backwards. "Jesus, even the mattress is fancy! I feel like I'm laying on a cloud!"
"I see your enjoying yourself~" The door to the room clicked open as Hisoka stepped in.
Kinta sat up and quickly slapped a hand over her own mouth. Had she really said that so loud?
Hisoka strode through the door with two bags in his hands, one was obviously a bag full of boxed take-out, but the other looked like a clothing bag.
"Clothes?" Kinta pointed. "More of your card-suited crop tops?" She  smirked.
"We left a lot of your clothes behind when we left in such a rush, I thought I'd take the liberty of picking out some new clothes for you." Hisoka smiled at her as he set the bag next to her on the bed. "Take a look~"
Kinta sat on the side of the bed and peeked inside the bag like she thought something was going to jump out at her, causing Hiskoa to chuckle. Why was he being so nice to her all of a sudden?
Inside the bag was a dark green, long-sleeved fitted shirt that was awfully low cut. Kinta looked down at her flat chest, looked at the shirt and back at Hisoka. 'What does he expect me to be showing off?'
Hisoka cocked an eyebrow and smirked at her as if reading her thoughts.
The next item was black leather pants, almost exactly like the pair she'd left behind.
"I did love those leather pants of yours~." Hisoka sighed.
Kinta chuckled before realizing there was more at the bottom of the bag. There were also panties, four pairs. Some satin others lacey. Two were black, one was dark red and another was bright pink.
"Uhm-" Kinta's face started to burn.
"To replace the ones I ripped off." Hisoka  interrupted her.
"But you only destroyed  two-"
"Who said I won't be ripping more off~?" He smirked.
Kinta blushed deeply as she started to put the bag down.
"There's~ one more thing." Hisoka pointed.
"Hmm?" Kinta picked up the bag and dug down to the bottom, there was a red box there. She eye'd Hisoka as she slowly opened the box. It was dark green lace lingerie. It was black and green across the bust and ended mid-thigh. It was also entirely see through and came with a matching lacy pantie. Kinta's ears were burning now.
Hisoka smiled, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his hip on the wall next to the bed. He was obviously enjoying making her uncomfortable.
Kinta decided to try and get the upper hand. "It's a bit uh- more innocent than I thought you'd  like." She teased. 
"Ohh~" Hisoka moved away from the wall and placed his hands on either side of the foot of the bed and leaned towards her. "Would you rather me bring leather, gag's and whips~?"
"ye-NO!" Kinta yelled then laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck. "What are you going to do, tie me up with your Bungee Gum?"
Hisoka blinked. "That's not a bad idea actually~"
Kinta cleared her throat and tried to ignore just how hot her face felt. 'Oh god what have I done.' "Soo uh, what did you get for dinner?" Kinta quickly changed the subject.
Hisoka gave her a mischievous smile. "Me~"
Kinta groaned and scrubbed her hands over her face. "Please stop-"
Hisoka laughed, his real laugh, he covered his mouth with his hand to try and stifle himself. Kinta felt the butterflies start up in her stomach again.
She removed her hands from her face and watched him as he started to compose himself, a soft chuckled still rumbling from his chest. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of her lips, Kinta could really get used to seeing this side of the Reaper.
Kinta woke to the morning sun glaring on her face through the window, she rolled over, and when her hand landed on the empty side of the bed, she realized Hisoka was gone.
"Hmm?" She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. He didn't seem to be here at all, but there was a note on the bedside table.
I had some business to attend to. Practice your Gyo and Pip play and do not go out after dark. -Hisoka
A knot formed on Kinta's forehead. Do not go out after dark? Was he placing a curfew on her now?
"Fine." Kinta huffed as she sat down in the middle of the floor.  "But not because you told me to, I just need to keep training to get stronger."
She spent  several hours practicing her Gyo and Pip play, however practicing Gyo without having somebody to practice with proved to be a little difficult. So she'd ended up spending most of her time with Pip play. She'd managed to get two Pips all the way around her hand before she got hungry and bored. So she decided to check out the city in search of food.  It was raining but Kinta didn't really mind.
She was browsing some of the street shops when she spotted something that caught her eye. It was a playing deck, black and red and had a gold teardrop and star painted on the back of every card.
"What are the odds?" Kinta mused out loud as she picked the deck up and examined it in her hands. Should she get these for Hisoka? He did buy her new clothes, and he was paying for the room. And he'd helped her escape her family twice now- So this was the least she could do. Kinta shrugged as she bought them.
She continued to browse the shops, after purchasing a curry bun from one of the many vendors she became aware that somebody was following her. She pretended like she didn't notice as she weaved through the crowds, heading towards the abandoned part of the city. If this was who she thought it was, she wanted to be sure she was far away from prying eyes.Kinta tried to act as nonchalant as possible, nibbling on her food and stopping to browse different wears. She didn't want her pursuer to know she was on to him, not yet. She'd finally reached the abandoned part of the city, squeezing through the hazard fence that kept most of the civilians out when her tail finally spoke.
"You bitch." The man who was tailing her was right behind her now, how had he moved so fast?
Kinta spun and landed a punch to his jaw, sending the man stumbling back a few steps. "Who the hell-" Kinta froze. She sensed three other aura's not far away. But they did not give off malicious intent like the man in front of her did, they were just watching?
Kinta focused on the man in front of her, Hari stood before her.
"Do you always let your boyfriend do your dirty work?" Hari spat.

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