Unripe Fruit

18.3K 526 89

I had some free time today so I thought I'd make a second update in celebration of hitting 10K this morning! Thank you again for all of the love and support and don't forget to comment/vote! 😊

Hisoka layed stretched out beside her, they were both still naked and panting from their... session. 'How long had they been going for?' Kinta wondered. She was exhausted and sore from their time together, she shifted on the bed and felt a deep ache in her lower stomach. She was going to be feeling this for a couple days.
'Every time I try to take control with this man, somehow I keep losing it.' Kinta mused as she rolled over on her side, admiring her bite mark on his neck. 'Damnit, I'm usually the one in control.' She let out a quiet huff.
"Hhmm~ what's wrong little one?" Hisoka chuckled, his eyes were still closed with his arms folded behind his head.
"Don't call me that." Kinta rolled her eyes at him, but she took the opportunity to let her gaze wander over his body. She loved seeing the little red marks she'd left all over his body.
"Could it be that you're annoyed that I took the control away from you~?" Hisoka's smile widened, but he didn't open his eyes. "It seemed like you enjoyed yourself though~"
Kinta felt a slight blush burning her cheeks, she was annoyed that she'd lost control again. But she couldn't say that she didn't enjoy herself either.
"Are you usually the dominant one~?" Hisoka's eyes finally opened and he rolled to face her. His makeup was smudged beyond recognition, the teardrop and star looked like colored smudges on his cheeks. But there was a mischievous look in his eyes. "How fun~"
Kinta's face got even redder, she wanted to give him a snappy response but was too tired to come up with one. She'd had another match today, she'd won her match and had decided to play with the receptionist girl as a reward to herself. But the days leading up to the match had been spent doing nothing but training. She still hasn't progressed much with her Nen, mostly because she still had no idea where to go from here. But at least she had a pretty solid grasp on the basics at this point, which was probably why she'd won her match this morning with little difficulty.
"You look exhausted."
"Gee, thanks." Kinta rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed, stretching her arms up towards the ceiling. "Your makeup is smudged all over your face." She could feel Hisoka's eyes on her back as she stretched.
"Are these from your brother too~?" He murmured.
Kinta shivered when she felt his fingertips lightly graze the scars criss-crossing her back. She quickly shifted out of his reach and stood from the bed. "They're from Arthur."  She muttered as she picked up her black tank top off the floor.
"Arthur~?" Hisoka leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees and cocked his head at her. 
Kinta sighed loudly, she hadn't meant to say his name out loud. In fact, she wasn't even sure why she'd answer his question in the first place. "My father." She answered bluntly, moving to the dresser and pulling out a pair of light green sweats.
Hisoka was silent for once as she slipped into the pants. When she turned back to him he'd gotten off the bed and out his pants on. "Why?" He suddenly spoke again, turning back towards Kinta. His voice was low and clipped. 
She'd expected to see the usual glint of mischief in his eyes. He seemed to amuse himself by making the people around him uncomfortable in one way or another. Kinta couldn't quite place the look in his eye right now, was that pity? Was Hisoka of all people seriously looking at her with pity in his eyes? It's not like she hadn't seen that look countless times, it usually pissed Kinta off. But seeing it from Hisoka surprised her more than anything.
"Why did he do that to you?" He asked again, Kinta realized she'd been standing there staring at him, lost in her own thoughts.
"Don't act like you care." Kinta snapped as she shook her head. "It doesn't matter."
Hisoka's usual cocky smirk replaced the look on his face. "Your right, it doesn't matter. All I care about is you getting stronger, so I can eventually destroy you~"
"Yeah, yeah- you sound like a broken record." Kinta rolled her eyes. "Do you think that if you keep repeating that to me I'll get scared?"
"Are you not~?" Hisoka stepped closer to her, a cruel smile playing over his lips as he looked down at her. His aura flared and his bloodlust started to build, he was obviously trying to intimidate her.
"Do I have to keep repeating myself?" Kinta glared up at him, flaring her own aura as well. "You. Will. NEVER. Break. Me. In fact, if you do come after me, you'll  be the one that ends up broken."
Hisoka's eyes widened, his excitement apparent on his face. His hand even twitched and he took a deep breath before he spoke again. "It's not a matter of if, little one. It's when." His bloodlust seeped out, the sensation of pins and needles crawled over Kinta's skin.
She shivered and swallowed dryly, clenching her fists at her sides as she tried to maintain her glare at Hisoka. But it wasn't fear that caused her to falter, adrenaline pumped through her veins. Her heart pounded in her ears, muscles tensed like she was ready to pounce at any moment. It took every bit of her willpower not to attack him right here and now. Kinta was excited too.
"I told you not to call me that." She growled at him.
They stood there for a long moment, staring each other down. Hisoka's golden eyes bore into hers, passion and the promise of bloodshed burned in his eyes. His body tense like he was ready to attack as well, his aura continued to grow but Kinta wasnt backing down. She stepped into him, refusing to play into his game and allow herself to be intimidated by a magician.
Hisoka's eyes widened again before a wide smile broke out over his face, he righted himself. Kinta hadn't even realized that he'd hunched down into a fighting stance until he stood at his full height again. "That look~" Hisoka murmured before putting a hand over his mouth to stifle his chuckle. He towered over her, studying her before he spoke again.  "Why does unripe fruit have such an appeal~?"
Kinta rolled her eyes and sighed heavily, she hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath either. "Maybe you're all bark and no bite." She chuckled before she moved away and turned away from him. She couldn't keep looking at this taunting man without giving into her urge to attack him, whether it was from bloodlust or just lust she wasn't sure. "You keep talking about breaking me, but you have yet to actually try."
She suddenly found herself pinned, face-first against the wall. Hisoka's chest pressed against her back, his hands wrapped around her wrists and pinned them above her head. "Don't~ tempt me." Her murmured against her ear. "And you should know~" He bent his head so that his lips brushed against his bite mark on her neck. "That my bite is much worse than my bark, little one~"
With that he suddenly shoved himself off of her and promptly walked out the door before Kinta had a chance to even move away from the wall.
"Calm down."  Hisoka muttered to himself as he walked away from Kinta's door, he scrubbed a hand over his face frustratedly. He wanted  nothing more than to go back and go a few more rounds with that girl. But would he want to fight her? Or would he rather fuck her again? And again, and again- images of her under him flashed through his head. Maybe both? Hisoka smiled at the thought, he still hadn't bothered to conceal his growling bloodlust and people plastered themselves against the far walls as he walked by in an attempt to escape his ominous aura.  Even the trained fighters who knew how to use Nen avoided him at all costs, but- not Kinta. No, she seemed to enjoy it. A shiver went up his spine as he finally reached his room, quickly stepping inside, heading straight for the restroom and stripping out of his clothes, he didn't even realize he'd left his shirt behind until his hands were at where the hem of it should have been.
When his hands grabbed at nothing Hisoka looked up at himself in the mirror before a laugh bubbled up from his chest. He'd left in such a haste because if he'd stayed any longer he wouldn't have been able to keep himself from prematurely breaking his toy, Kinta had gotten him flustered. Something very, very, few people could do. But he didn't have much time to dwell on the matter, his other two ripening fruits had their match on the 190th floor today. He stepped into the shower, turning the water on and sighing as the cool water splashed over his skin. When they won, Hisoka wanted to be the first one to welcome them to the 200th floor.

Magicians Pet (🔞Hisoka Smut🔞)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora