Bungee Extension

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Hey guys, the next Kinta X Hisoka X Y/N one shot will be coming out Friday! Thank you all for your continued love and support! The following chapters after this one will be based on the Last Mission HxH movie, so if you guys haven't seen it, I'd strongly suggest looking it up!
I will also probably be going live again Saturday at 6pm PST if anybody wants to join! My TikTok is kinta_amorou. 😊
This banner photo is giving me ideas... 😏

Kinta turned her face up into the hot stream of water, Hisoka and her had left the compound and taken an airship back to the Republic of Padokea. They were heading back to Heavens arena, Hisoka said they were having a Battle Royal that he'd like to watch. He was probably trying to scope out new potential toys. And they both could use some time to recuperate after such an intense battle her quest to kill her father had taken this long, she could wait a little longer. She sighed as the hot water loosened the dried blood on her skin, turning the water pink as it swirled down the drain. Kinta hadn't realized just how covered in blood she was until she'd finally gotten to take a look in the mirror, her clothes were saturated with the red liquid, her hair plastered against her forehead, she even found bits of skin and entrails in her hair and under her nails. Gross.
She scrubbed her hair, trying to work out the knots of dried blood as her mind wandered. Kinta had done it, she'd destroyed her father's home. Regardless of what happened now, Arthur could no longer hold her hostage in that awful place. But now that the question of whether or not she'd be dragged home was gone, a new question popped into her head.
Kinta looked down at herself, her fingers lightly tracing the lines of the scar on her stomach. Why had Arthur treated her this way? Was he simply incapable of loving somebody other than himself? But even if he couldn't love his own daughter, he'd still shown more care and attention towards Tenshi and Akuma than he'd ever shown towards her. It felt childish, but all Kinta had craved in her life was for her father to treat her with a sliver of the respect and affection he'd shown her brothers. She hadn't realized just how much that lack of affection, the lack of love from anybody in her life, had affected her mental state until recently. Kinta should have noticed it when she'd essentially been rejected and outcast by Hoseki, Kai and Buru- their rejection had cut her deeper than she'd initially thought. And when she'd finally tried again with Hisoka, when she thought he'd rejected her it'd almost driven her to give up on herself all together. It'd almost driven her to take her own life.
Her father hadn't just abused her body, he'd almost destroyed her mind as well. But why? As a kid, when she asked herself why her father didn't love her, she'd always thought it was because she'd done something wrong. She'd strived to show her father that she wasn't the useless little monster he claimed her to be, only to eventually learn that no amount of perfection would make her father love her.But why? Surely he didn't treat her that way just out of cruelty, did he? Didn't Arthur have a reason?
"Whatever you're thinking about, you better stop~" Hisoka sighed as he pushed the bathroom door open, with a soft creak.
"Why should I?" She snapped herself out of her thoughts and began scrubbing her hair again.
"You're making yourself sad, you seem to forget that our emotions are connected through these Nen items~" He pulled the shower curtain back, standing in front of her now totally naked with his own share of dried blood crusted over his body. A smirk tugged the corner of his lips as his golden eyes raked over her. "Red is a great color on you~"
"Only you would find dried blood attractive." Kinta laughed softly as Hisoka stepped into the shower behind her. She could feel his heated gaze on her as she cleaned herself, grabbing the bar of soap and lathering up her chest as she scrubbed the dried blood away.
Hisoka's golden eyes watched her as her hands glided over her body, Kinta tried to ignore how his gaze was slowly becoming more heated and his lust was building by the second. She pretended not to notice as she spent more time than she needed rubbing the thick bubbles over her breasts, absentmindedly letting her hand trail down her stomach, across her hip and back to her butt.
"You were incredible today~" Hisoka murmured, watching her hands hungryly. "So strong and bloodthirsty~" His intense gaze finally met hers.
"You weren't half bad yourself, Hisoka." Kinta purred, letting her hands drag the soap up her sides. "I love watching you in action."
"Hmm~" The magician stepped into her, his lust hanging heavily in the air. She could feel his semi-hard member brush her leg as he got closer. "I've been trying to rein myself in all day~"
"That's a shame." Kinta sighed and clicked her tongue at him. "You should know by now, I don't want you to rein yourself in for me." She stepped into him, her breasts brushing his chest as he bent his neck to meet her. Their lips only inches apart as she spoke. "I don't want the watered-down version of you, I want you- all of you." She leaned in closer so their lips brushed, her voice becoming breathy as a familiar ache began to build between her legs. "So give it to me."
A low growl rumbled from his chest as Hisoka reached out, wrapping his hand around her neck as he roughly pushed her against the shower wall. The hot water streamed over her body as he slowly leaned in, using his other hand to palm her breast. Kinta groaned softly and arched into his hand as he tightened his grip on her neck, forcing her head back to meet his kiss as his fingers lightly pinched her nipple. His teeth sunk into her lower lip, causing her to gasp before he slipped his tongue between her lips. Their tongues glided against each other as his free hand toyed with her tender bud, when he finally pulled away, both of them were panting already.
Hisoka bent his neck further, letting his teeth graze her breast as his hand trailed lower, he didn't waste any time teasing her. His fingers slipped between her legs as his finger grazed over her clit.
"You're already wet~" He chuckled, his lips brushing her nipple as he spoke. "How cute~"
Kinta sighed softly and moved her hips to grind against his hand, but Hisoka tightened his grip on her neck with a low growl.
"Don't move~" He growled, increasing the pressure on her clit as his tongue flicked out to roll over her breast.
A soft, strangled groan escaped her lips, her body shivered as he took her nipple between his lips. His thumb slowly rubbed her clit while his other fingers traced her entrance. She tried to comply with him and hold still, but her hips instinctively wanted to grind against him, giving herself the pressure that she craved.
"Hi-soka-" Her voice came out squeaky and breathy as he kept his hand around her throat.
The magician simply chuckled, pulling his head away as he slowly sheathed two fingers inside of her. Another strangled groan escaped her lips as he set a deep and slow pace with his fingers, his thumb continuing to work her clit as his fingers stroked the most sensitive place inside of her with each thrust. Hisoka's golden eyes watched her intently, a mischievous smile spreading across his lips. The hot water had washed most of the gel out of his hair and his red locks fell forward over his eyes.
"I love that look~" He groaned softly, loosening his grip a little to allow Kinta a few breaths of air. "I love watching you give in to pleasure~ the look on your face when you unravel and crumble before me~" He shivered, speeding up the pace with his hand as a loud moan escaped her lips.
He bent his head, his lips brushing hers as his fingers pumped in and out of her. Kinta's soft, breathy moans filled the small space as he worked her, quickly bringing her to the edge of her release.
"Ahh- god yes-" Kinta groaned, rocking her head back against the wall as her body trembled under his skilled hands. "I'm- I'm gonna-"
"No~" Hisoka clicked his tongue at her. "Not yet~"
He pulled his hand away, chuckling at Kinta's frustrated growl, he released her neck and reached past her to turn the water off. Before turning and stepping out, she furrowed her brow and followed behind him. Giving him a confused look as she quickly towelled off, Hisoka grabbed her wrist before she'd even gotten around to drying her hair. How was he already clean? He pulled her out of the small bathroom and towards the bed in the small room they'd gotten on the airship, a massive window looked out over the water under them. A full moon filled the sky, the light reflecting off the water and providing dim lighting in the little space.
Hisoka turned to face her at the edge of the bed just as a mischievous idea popped in her head, before he could react Kinta pushed his chest- effectively catching him off guard as he let himself fall back onto the bed. She giggled as she straddled his waist, bending down to place a tender kiss on his lips. Hisoka simply chuckled at her antics, wrapping an arm around her back as he kissed her, allowing her to guide his lips as his free hand guided her hips back against his hard member.
They groaned against each other's lips as the head of his member stretched her entrance and slowly slid inside of her. Kinta pulled away from the kiss, sitting up as she sank her hips down to take his full length, rocking her head back and releasing a throaty moan as he stretched her to her limit. Hisoka's hands held her hips, guiding her as she slowly began to ride him.
"Be a good girl~ Play with yourself Kitten~" Hisoka groaned softly, his golden eyes almost glowing in the dim room.
A deep blush spread across her cheeks as Kinta brought a hand up to caress her breast, rolling the sensitive bud between her fingers as she rode him.
"Lower~" He murmured, a smirk tugging his lips as he watched her blush deepen.
Kinta brought her other hand down and moaned softly as she began stroking her clit, arching into her own hand as she played with herself.
"Such a good girl~" Hisoka purred before he shifted, bringing his feet under him as he tightened his grip on her hips. "Don't stop~"
Kinta let out a loud cry as he thrusted into her roughly, setting a deep and fast pace under her as she continued to play with herself. The meaty slap of their hips meeting rang in her ears as Hisoka held her hips in place, railing into her so hard that it lifted her knees off the bed.
"Ah-ah! Hiso- ahhh!" Kinta cried out as a mixture of pain and pleasure washed over her, was it just this position or did it feel like Hisoka was getting bigger?
"You said you wanted all of me~" He chuckled cruelly, not letting up on his pace as Kinta struggled to take his new length. "So I want to see how much of me you can take, by using my bungee gum to make myself bigger~"
She panted as he railed into her, her fingers trembled as she worked herself. "F-fuck it's- big-" A whimper escaped her lips as she teatered on the edge of her release.
A loud groan escaped Hisoka's lips, gripping her hips so hard that his nails dug into her skin as a mercilessly railed into her. His heated gaze watched her as Kinta threw her head back and screamed with the force of her release,  her hips bucking against him as she came, her whole body shuddered and jerked under her own hands. Hisoka never let up his pace and she was panting by the time she finally came down. His hands moved from her hips to her back as Kinta suddenly found herself under him, one of his massive hands held her hips down as his other one gripped the headboard- giving him leverage as he resumed his pace.
"Hi- Hisoka-" Kinta's body arched against his as her nails dug into the thick cuts of muscle across his back, she cried out as he stretched her even farther.
"Good girl~" Hisoka moaned, he released the headboard and sat back, grabbing a hold of her hips again and holding her in place as he continued his ruthless pounding.
His golden gaze raked over her body as Kinta lost herself in ecstasy, alternating between moans and cries as he pushed her to her limit. Pain and pleasure fogged her brain, the only thing she could focus on was trying to meet each of his powerful thrusts. Her next release was already building in her belly.
"Awe~ look at that~" Hisoka chuckled, releasing one side of her hip to trail his fingers over the lower stomach. "I can see myself inside of you~"
Kinta whimpered as she looked down, sure enough there was a very faint bulge in the lowest part of her stomach everytime he thrusted into her.
"F-fuck-" She  groaned as she let her head fall back against the pillows again, fisting the sheets as her legs trembled around his waist.
"That's my good little pet~" He purred, his hand trailing down her stomach until he slipped a finger between her legs to stroke her clit, causing her  to cry out again. "Take it~ take it all and cum for me Kitten~"
He didn't have to tell her twice, her hips lifted off the bed as she came unglued under him, screaming his name as she came. Hisoka leaned over her again as she came, a sadistic smile on his lips, moaning as her walls tightened around him.
"That~ look~" He panted, Kinta barely heard him over the sound of her own cries of ecstasy. "Beautiful~ You are so beautiful~"
Kinta would have been embarrassed if her brain wasn't already so fogged over with pleasure. Hisoka's hand came up to caress her cheek, making her look at him as he slowed his pace but deepened his thrusts. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands dug to his back as her body arched against his.
"Ple-please Hisoka- I- can't-"
"Shhh~" He cooed, dipping his head down to kiss her lightly but tenderly. "You're doing so good~ just one more kitten~"
Hisoka slowly started picking up the pace, earning a chorus of whimpers and moans from Kinta as she threatened to unravel under him.
"Ahhh god- please-" Kinta pleaded, unsure if she really wanted him to stop or not. The pain threatening to over take the pleasure.
"Be a good girl and take it~" Hisoka growled, grabbing the headboard again as he set his ruthless pace , their hips slamming together as he worked her.
"Y-yes- yes, master-!" The word slipped out of her mouth without her thinking about it, earning her a brief look of surprise from the magician before a guttural moan escaped his lips.
"Yes~ say it again~" His golden gaze burned into her as the bed squeaked and groaned under them, even it was begging for mercy from Hisoka's ruthless pounding.
"Please-" Her cheeks burned, her hips bucked against his as her release began to take her. "F-fuck! Master! Please cum-!" She screamed as her hips lifted off the bed again, her juices dripping down her own legs. "I can't take it anymore! Please- cum- master!"
A guttural growl ripped through Hisoka's chest as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, sinking his teeth into her skin as he railed her through her orgasm. Triggering another one before she'd even come down from the last. Kinta whimpered and cried out, clawing his back until she felt blood under her fingertips.
"Ye-yes- please-" Her voice became breathy as she clung to him, yet another orgasm washing over her as she buried her face into his shoulder. Whimpering and crying out against his skin as she came. All she could do was cling to his shoulders as pleasure overrode every other thought and sensation.
"M-master-'' Kinta moaned again, trailing her tongue up his neck before another soft cry escaped her. She was caught somewhere between not being able to take any more and never wanting this sensation to end.
"Ahh~" Hisoka moaned loudly  against her neck, releasing her neck from his teeth as his body shuddered. "Ki~ Kinta~"
Kinta felt him fill her as he finally came, his body shivering against her's as he moaned against her neck. She was too busy trying to remember how to breathe to appreciate the sound before he finally pulled away from her. The room almost seemed to spin, they both groaned as he carefully pulled out of her, Kinta blinked a few times before slowly sitting up next to Hisoka.
"Hmm~" He cocked his head and peered down at her, an amused smile on his lips as he gently brushed a strand of her damp hair out of her face. "Are you alright love~?"
"Mhmm-" Kinta murmured, giving him a dopey smile as she slowly swayed in place. Words were beyond her right now, her brain still felt too fuzzy and her stomach felt like it'd been rearranged.
"Oh my~" Hisoka chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and carefully pulling Kinta into his lap. "Did you finally discover Subspace~? How cute~"
"Sub-space-?" She let her head rest against his chest heavily, letting the sound of his heart beat sooth her as she relaxed against him. Kinta almost felt high, like the only two people in the world right now were her and Hisoka. The events of the day or what she had to do next had totally disappeared, it was only her and her magic man.
"Subspace~ it's just a flood of happy chemicals in your brain~" He chuckled again, smoothing her hair with his hand as he spoke. "It makes you feel sort of drunk or high in a sense~"
"Hmm-" Kinta hummed before giggling softly. "That- that sounds about right."
"You did so well Kitten~" Hisoka murmured with his lips against the top of her head.
Kinta sighed contently, relaxing against his muscular chest, the dizzy feeling was starting to subside. She practically melted against him when his fingers started to massage her scalp. They stayed like that for a long while, Hisoka's strong arms holding her securely against his chest as his fingers glided through her hair. Kinta practically purred as the "subspace" sensation slowly wore off.     

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