Earned Strength

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"You can't just close all of your wounds with your Nen-equivalent of super glue and expect them to heal correctly." Kinta grumbled as she gently prodded the deep lacerations across Hisoka's chest and back.

The poor man looked awful. Bruises so deep that they'd turned black littered his body, angry new and old wounds contrasted starkly against his pale skin. His whole body looked swollen and painful.

"Hmm~" Hisoka barely even opened his eyes, too exhausted for one of his witty come-backs. Or even to tell her that his Bungee Gum was superior to any bandaging aid.

Kinta pursed her lips, trying to ignore how her stomach churned with guilt. Her magician  sat on a stool in the middle of the Heavens Arena suite, holding on to the edges of the seat like he needed help to balance himself. Kinta kept putting her hand on his shoulder to steady him as he swayed between cleaning and wrapping his injuries. The magician winced a little as she tightened the wrap around his torso, letting out a soft sigh as she finally finished and moved on to examine his hand. He didn't argue or try to tease her as Kinta gently lifted his hand, her heart dropping to her stomach as she saw just how destroyed it was. There was no way these injuries would heal without some major scarring. Kinta bit her tongue as she worked, trying to hide the whirlwind of emotions in her head. She was guilt-ridden, worried about Hisoka and most of all- she was angry.

"There." She sighed as she finally finished patching him up, Hisoka barely reacted. It seemed to be all he could do to keep his eyes open as he swayed on the stool again. It was gut-wrenching to see her magic man in such a state. Kinta reached out, sliding a hand through his still-damp hair that she'd cleaned the blood out of, before cupping the back of his head. She carefully pulled him towards her and placed a very gentle kiss on his forehead.

The magician looked up at her finally and offered her a very exhausted looking smile. The bags under his eyes were so deep that it almost looked like he had a pair of black eyes. "Now, explain~" Hisoka paused, blinking slowly and swaying again. "Explain what happened~"

"Why don't you get some sleep?" Kinta motioned to the bed. "You should see a doctor, but we can do that in the morning. And I'll explain everything when you're feeling better."

"No doctor~" Hisoka murmured, nodding slowly before he pushed himself off the stool, padding barefoot and wobbly towards the bed. All he was wearing was the softest pair of grey sweatpants Kinta could find for him. "I'll be fine~ Just need some sleep~"

"Uh huh." Kinta sighed, slowly shaking her head as she watched him slip into the bed. She'd drag him into the doctor tomorrow by his ear if she had to. "Yeah, we'll see about-"

She paused as she realized Hisoka was already asleep, in fact he was snoring softly already. He hadn't even pulled the blankets over himself yet. He'd literally fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Kinta came to the edge of the bed, carefully pulling the blankets over him. Hisoka didn't even stir. Kinta furrowed her brow as she noticed a small spot of blood on the pillow, the magician still didn't stir as she gently rolled his head to the side. Exposing the wound on the back of his head that she'd missed.

"Damnit." Kinta sighed harshly, he could have a concussion. She'd have to monitor him as he slept.

She quickly walked to the bathroom, grabbing some sticky gauze before coming back to the bedside and placing it over the wound. Kinta wasn't about to try and wrap his head up while Hisoka was sleeping, the poor man was exhausted. He needed to sleep.

Kinta moved to the other side of the room, sitting down heavily in one of the living room chairs facing the bed. She leaned towards, resting her elbows on her knees and sighed heavily, hanging her head for a moment before looking back up at Hisoka's sleeping form. 

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