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I woke up today and my brain was like "No break. Only Hisoka brain rot." So here I am, with a super early update 🙃. I'll be putting my own twist on Hisoka's past and will be building on it as the story continues. If ya'll want them to fall in love, he needs to go through some character growth first. Anyways, please enjoy and don't forget to comment/vote!
Thank you Thank you!

Hmm-" Kinta closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest. His heart was pounding, she wasn't the only one who had gotten a workout. Kinta practically melted against him at the feeling of his hand through her hair, she did feel very tired all  of a sudden. He readjusted his hand and Kinta had to stifle a groan as he massaged  her scalp.
A laugh bubbled up from Hisoka's chest, he tried to stifle it with his other hand.
"What's so funny?" Kinta glared up at him.
"You're practically purring~" He smiled, his gentle smile and his warm eyes made an odd feeling stir in Kinta's chest. "You really are like a kitten~"
Her face burned as she  carefully pushed away from him, even though she really didn't want him to stop playing with her hair. "I need a shower." Kinta murmured, she was feeling more sleepy by the second and she didn't not want to fall asleep all sweaty.
"Good idea~" Hisoka chimed and swung his feet over the side of the bed, placing her feet on the ground. "Can you walk?" He eye'd her as he stood.
Kinta rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself." She grumbled as she turned to walk towards the shower, but in honesty her knees felt like they might give out from under her with every step. She felt the soreness building already all the way down her legs and even in her core, she felt like her stomach had been reorganized. But she refused to give Hisoka the satisfaction of seeing her in such a state and forced her legs to walk.
She heard a soft chuckle behind her as she walked into the bathroom, a knot formed on  Kinta's  forehead when she realized he was laughing at her, but if she spun around to try and hit him she would probably fall. So she chose to ignore it. They stepped into the shower and Kinta practically groaned at the feeling of the hot water on her sore muscles.
"Uh~ Did you forget something~?" Hisoka chuckled, his hand moving to her waist.
"What-oh." Kinta laughed as she realized she'd forgotten to take off her bandage before stepping into the shower. She quickly removed it and placed it in the trash outside the shower. "Oops." Kinta giggled nervously and put her hand on the back of her head.
Hisoka rolled his eyes but his smile never left his lips.
Kinta turned her back to him, tilting her head back so the warm water ran over her face. She jumped when she felt Hisoka's fingers lightly trace the scars across her back.
"Why did your father do this~?" He murmured quietly, tracing another scar that ran down to her lower back.
Kinta paused before answering him, why would he care? "I burnt his dinner." Kinta chuckled bitterly and shrugged, hoping he'd take the hint and stop tracing her scars.
"All of these, over burnt food?" HIs voice was clipped as he palmed a larger scar between her shoulders.
Kinta shrugged again as she turned to face him, watching his hand drop back to his side. "I'm sure not all of them are from that, I didn't exactly keep count of the number of ass-whoopings I got." She tried to laugh lightly, but Hisoka's dark gaze stopped her.
She eyed him curiously while he stared at the fist-sized scar on her stomach. His gaze moving over her body, but not in a heated way, he was counting the scars that criss-crossed her body.
"Why do you care?" Kinta's voice was clipped as she spoke, nobody had ever really cared about her past before. And it's not like anybody had cared when these injuries had happened. Hisoka hated talking about his past, so why did he insist on bringing up hers?
"I don't know~" He murmured so quietly that Kinta almost didn't hear him.
Hisoka's eyes suddenly went wide, like he hadnt meant to say that out loud. "Maybe I just don't like seeing any other marks on you beside my own~" He chuckled darkly as he turned towards the water.
"Why?" Kinta pressed, cocking her head at his back and trying to ignore the butterflies his words had put in her stomach.
Hisoka sighed. "Because your mine, Kitten~."
Kinta swallowed dryly, his words had kicked the butterflies in her stomach into high gear. Why did this strange man have this effect on her?
"And what about your scars, Hisoka?" She murmured as she watched him scrub his hair. She watched the hard muscles roll under his pale skin, sure there were faint scars that criss-crossed his body as well, more than likely from the various battles he'd been in. But those weren't the scars Kinta was talking about.
Hisoka was silent for a long moment as he continued to wash his hair, Kinta knew that he'd heard her.  She watched the way he'd tensed when she'd spoken, although he was trying to remain as relaxed and aloof as ever. And based on his long response time, she knew he knew she was talking about his mental scars. She could feel the tension roll off of him as she waited for his answer. When Hisoka did finally turn towards her, he was wearing his relaxed smirk, even though the tension in his aura had not relaxed.
"You're going to have to be more specific~" He held out his arm and motioned to a scar on his wrist, another on his bicep and one on his thigh. They were all extremely faint, Hisoka obviously took care of himself, but you could still see them when you were close enough. "Which one's are you talking about? I can't guarantee I'll remember where exactly they all came from though~"
Kinta looked at the magician for a long moment, staring directly into his yellow eyes. He knew that wasn't what she'd meant, she could see it in his eyes. Sure he wore his relaxed smirk and to anybody else he'd look just as confident as he always was. But Kinta saw something else, she could see him practically pleading for her not to push the subject. She felt the unusual tension in his aura, she watched his throat muscles as he swallowed uncomfortably, waiting for her answer. Kinta could see a crack in his facade.
After a long moment of silence, Kinta finally sighed heavily. Sometimes the best way to win a game, was not to play the game at all. "Hisoka, don't ask about my past if you're not willing to talk about yours." 
Hisoka blinked as she shrugged and stepped out of the shower, she wasn't mad at him. But it was unfair of him to ask about her scars while being unwilling to talk about his own, and she wasn't about to play his one-sided game. She looked at herself in the mirror as she toweled off in silence, the wound on her side had healed nicely. It didn't even need a bandage anymore.
Kinta sighed as she walked out of the bathroom, gently closing the door behind her. Maybe she shouldn't have done that, Hisoka was obviously very protective of his  facade, it was there for a reason. That mask was his way of protecting himself, Kinta could understand that. And as much as she wanted to see past it, the two of them would still be enemies at some  point. From a strategic standpoint, letting Kinta see past his mask was a bad idea, it would be exposing his weaknesses to her for her to exploit at her leisure. He had no way of knowing that wasn't her intention.
She slipped into a long, green shirt and grey panties before sitting heavily on the edge of the bed, listening to the water still running in the shower. What happened to him? Why had the magician turn out the way he did? Despite his seemingly cold and aloof attitude, Kinta could tell that he craved companionship. But if that was the case, why did he enjoy breaking people he liked? And why did he put on a facade instead of showing his true self?
After a couple minutes, the water in the shower turned off and shortly after, Hisoka stepped out. Kinta stretched out on her side on the bed, it was dark out now, how long had she and Hisoka been going at it for? Hisoka strode towards the dresser, padding along in silence as he dressed in pink sweatpants and a white shirt. He paused when he closed the drawer again, sighing heavily before he turned around and leaned his hip against the wall.
"You have to be more specific~"  He said again, his golden eyes watching her in the dimly lit room.
Kinta sat up and cocked her head, giving the magician a confused look.
"About my scars~" He spoke slowly, crossing his arms over his chest and shifting uncomfortably. "You have to be more specific."
Kinta blinked, was he really going to answer her questions about his past? The guarded look on his face told her that she needed to start with simple questions and to be careful how far she pushed it. "What- what was your life like before the circus?"
Hisoka sighed again and looked at the floor for a long moment before looking back at her, he looked very unhappy with this game. "We~ moved around alot. My mom didn't like staying in one place for too long and~ we didn't have very much money." He spoke very slowly, eyeing her warily like he was trying to gauge her reaction.
"Are your parents still around?" Kinta tried to offer him a reassuring smile.
"No." He huffed before running a hand through his loose-red hair and  turning towards the dresser. "My father died~" Hisoka picked up his deck of cards and started shuffling them through his hands repetitively.
Kinta watched his hands as she spoke again. "And your Mom?"
Hisoka tensed, a singular card dropped from his hands and landed on the floor. It was the queen of spades. "She~" The magician sighed as he bent and picked up the card, flipping it over in his hands before returning it to the deck. "She left shortly after."
'So Hisoka was abandoned?' The thought made Kinta's heart ache. Were his fingers trembling? Kinta could feel the tension rolling off of him even more intensely than she had before. Talking about this brought him no joy, offering him no gain, and obviously made him extremely uncomfortable. Yet here he was, answering her questions without any personal gain to him. The thought made Kinta smile as she watched him feverishly shuffle his cards, Hisoka was no longer looking at her. He was too focused on appearing calm and relaxed as he concentrated on the cards in his hands.
"You know-" Kinta stood from the bed and cautiously walked towards him, still watching his hands move.
Hisoka looked up at her as she approached, she felt like she was trying to gain the trust of some wounded, wild animal. The intense look in his eyes told her that one wrong move could very likely be her last, but Kinta simply leveled her gaze with his as she approached. 
"I still haven't figured out how you do that." Kinta pointed to his cards and cocked her head at him. "Think you could show me again?"
Hisoka blinked and looked at her for a moment before visibly relaxing, his signature smirk returning to his face again and he shuffled the cards through his hands again. "Sure~"

Magicians Pet (🔞Hisoka Smut🔞)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora