Unexpected Guests

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A dry chuckle rumbled from the shadows as a short, older man dressed in purple robes seemed to materialize. His white hair was gelled up and his white mustache hung down below his chin. He kept his arms crossed behind his back as he approached her. "You were able to sense me even though I was using Zetsu? Your reputation precedes you, Kinta."
Kinta eyed the newcomer warily, how did he know her name? And why did he look oddly familiar?
"Well, your buddy might as well come out as well." She sighed, maintaining a bored-looking facade as she looked for the source of the other aura over her shoulder. These two were strong, they could mean trouble for her.
"Hm." There was a quiet grunt before the other man finally emerged.
Kinta eyes widened, how the hell had a massive man like that managed to keep himself concealed in the shadows? He stood well over six feet tall and had a massive, muscular build that rivaled Razors. Not only that, but his pale skin, bright silver-blonde hair and blue eyes should have stood out like a beacon in the darkness. He too looked oddly familiar.
"Who are you?" She let her eyes dart back and forth between the two, this couldn't be good.
"My name is Zeno." The old man spoke, sighing as he stretched his neck. "And that's my son Silva Zolydck."
Zoldyck? So they were Killua and Illumi's family, that explains why they looked oddly familiar. She could see the resemblance of the two to the younger brother, but she couldn't really see the resemblance to Illumi. Maybe he took after his mother.
"You know my name already, so why are you here?"
"Your father hired us to kill you." Silva's deep voice boomed through the small space.
"Of course he did." Kinta sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Perhaps letting Arthur hide in fear had been a bad idea, but it was too late to reflect on that now. Guess he can't bring her home anymore, so now he wanted her dead.
"Now, out of respect for saving Kalluto, we'll make your death as quick and painless as possible." Zeno spoke again.
Kinta pursed her lips as she eyed the two, they had her pinned between them, it would be difficult to counter an attack with an enemy on either side. "Right, cause I'm just going to stand here and let you kill me." She laughed darkly. "Sorry but, I've got some unfinished business to attend to. I won't be going down without a fight."
"I'm afraid it won't be much of a fight." Zeno sighed, finally pulling his hands out from behind his back as both of the assassins lowered themselves to their fighting stance.
Their auras flared, bloodlust slowly seeping out as they got ready to attack. Kinta tried not to show how nervous the pair made her, taking a page out of Hisoka's book and pretending to be unimpressed, as she subtly shifted her weight to the balls of her feet, ready to move at a moment's notice.
"Come at me already then, old man." She teased, testing the waters to see if he had a temper. Any buttons she could jab at to affect his mental clarity.
"Brat." Zeno rolled his eyes.
But it was Silva who lunged first, despite his size the man moved very quickly. He swung his massive fist down towards her face, when Kinta ducked to avoid it he simpy changed stance and went for a sharp upper-cut with his opposite hand. She wasn't going to try blocking his attack, he was using Ko and she didnt have the defences to block him, not yet at least. She leapt backwards, putting herself closer to Zeno who finally moved into action. But before he could attack she swung her leg out, hopping to knock the old man off his feet.
But he was surprisingly quick as well, leaping away from her attack- Kinta took the moment to leap away as well. Putting some distance between her and the assassins, while she may not have been able to land a hit on either of them yet at least now she wasn't stuck between them.
"She's quick." Zeno pursed his lips as his son fell into step beside him. "Be careful."
"Of course." Silva's voice almost sounded like a growl as they moved towards her again.

Kinta flexed her fingers at her sides, watching the two carefully, looking for any sort of a weak point she could exploit. A slight limp in the old man's gait perhaps? Did Silva favor or protect either side of his body more than the other? No, she was coming up empty handed. The professional assassins were going to be quite a handful.
This time, Zeno was the first to lunge for Kinta. But he didn't come at her with fists, he kept his hand flat- his fingers pointed towards her as he attempted to jab at her repeatedly. He was quick enough that all Kinta could do was try to block and parry his attacks as she waited for her opening. But Silva was still problematic, he circled the two as they fought, he was also waiting for an opening to attack. It was a clever strategy, Kinta didn't have much experience with a two on one fight. Not with this powerful of Nen users anyways. Then again, her brothers had used a similar strategy but she'd only defeated them when she'd managed to separate them. There was no way she'd be able to escape the two in her current predicament, not with the barriers down and cutting down walls would slow her down too much. She had to fight these two head-on.
Zeno's hand left a deep cut across her cheek as she narrowly avoided his attack, she wanted to use her claws or her scythe to push him back, but now isn't the right time to show her cards. Hopefully the pair didn't know about her ability, it would be the only ace up her sleeve in this fight. She managed to wrap her hand around his wrist as she parried the attack, Zeno's grey eyes widened, obviously surprised she'd been quick enough to grab him. A cruel smile spread across her lips as she planted her foot and managed to flip the man over the top of her, slamming him into the ground as she brought her other hand back to slam his face into the ground with a ko-powered punch.
But before she could land her hit, Silva came at her, even faster than his last attack. Again he aimed a Ko-powered punch at her face, forcing Kinta to release the old man and leap away before he made contact.
"Are you alright?" Silva grumbled, not pursuing Kinta but not taking his eyes off her as Zeno righted himself.
"Fine. She surprised me is all." He dusted himself off as he came to stand by his son again. "One thing for sure, we aren't getting paid enough for this."


I'm a bit of a sadomasochistic guys, I love cliff hangers 😏. I wonder how Kinta will fair against Silva and Zeno? Tell me your thoughts in the comments!

I STRONGLY recommend watching the last mission movie, I won't be going super in to detail on the actual plot of this movie. It should still make sense though even if you don't watch it, but you may miss a few little details.

Also, don't forget to vote on the new cover photo! It's in a separate thread, you should be able to find it if you go to my profile.
Don't forget to comment/ vote! Thank you Thank you!

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