Troublesome Assassin

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Guys check out this amazing fanart of Kinta by @_ rubyack3rmam_ !! Kinta looks so cute and badass at the same time, I love it so much!

Kinta stood, pale as a sheet, arms trembling with the effort it took to hold herself back and panting. "No-" She muttered again before violently ripping herself away from him. "No- No, NO, NO!" Kinta screamed over and over as she clutched her head and sunk to her knees in the grass.

"Huh?" Illumi paused and cocked his head at the girl as she writhed. "You're fighting my control? Impossible."

The assassin's aura flared and Kinta screamed as she doubled over in the grass, clutching her head tightly.

"NO! I won't- kill him! I won't!" She cried out, clutching her head as she crumpled in the grass.

"Let her go Illumi~!" Hisoka barked, as he ripped his hand free of the needle, ignoring the pain as he moved towards Kinta but he was stopped short by a sloppy swing of her scythe towards his face before she went back to clutching her head, Illumi still had some control over her.

"And why would I do that?" Illumi sighed as he pulled more needles from his vest.

"Idiot~" Hisoka growled, giving the other man a frustrated look. Anxiety over his pet clawing its way up his throat.  "If Kinta continues to fight your control, she'll die. You need her alive don't you~?"

Illumi paused, sliding his dark gaze back to Kinta who snapped her head up to look at Hisoka, a thin line of blood trickling from her inner eye. "Kill- me-" She panted.

"No!" Hisoka snapped, shifting his gaze from Illumi to Kinta, his eyes going wide as he watched the blood drip from her face. He'd never seen her in so much pain, not even when she was bleeding out in his arms- she was even crying. Her tears mixing with the blood dripping from her eyes as she cried out and whimpered in pain, Kinta never cried because of physical pain. She must be in agony. Hisoka's blood boiled with rage as his chest constricted with worry, if she kept fighting Illumi's control, she'd die.

"Kill him." Illumi spoke in a flat tone, narrowing his eyes at the girl.

Kinta eyes glazed over again, stiffly standing up before taking a disjointed step towards the magician. Hisoka turned to face her, ready to defend himself as her scythe began to appear in her hand. How could he defend himself without hurting her and try to remove the needle at the same time? But her scythe suddenly flickered like a light and disappeared again as Kinta blinked and stumbled back a step, her eyes focusing again as she shook her head.

"I- damnit, no!" She cried out again as she clutched her head, sinking to her knees in the grass again as blood dripped from her face.

This was his chance, Hisoka lunged for Illumi, at least this way he could have a one-on-one fight with the assassin without Kinta being used against him. The other mans aura flared as he approached, card between his fingers, ready to slice him to ribbons for the trouble he'd caused. But Hisoka was stopped short as Kinta let out a horrible, pained scream.

"Illumi~!" Hisoka barked, having to stop his pursuit realizing that if the assassin kept pushing for control he'd only kill her faster. Panic began to twist in his stomach as he realized how helpless he really was to save her. "You're killing her~!"

The assassin glared at the girl for a long moment, his aura flaring as Kinta writhed on the ground. Her breath became labored as her face contorted with agony, but she wasn't giving up. It was impressive that this girl was able to fight his control at all, very few were able to withstand a manipulator. Especially a master like Illumi. But even Kinta could only withstand so much, she was now on her side in the grass, looking like she was on the verge of passing out as he eyes started to roll back. 

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