Angels and Demons

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Kinta said nothing, but continued pretending to be scared as she called her own book out.
"You must be joking!" The stout man laughed. "You just started the game didn't you? It's not like you have any important cards, we just want those defensive spells you bought."
Kinta fought to maintain her scared facade as she summoned her ability to her finger tips, concealing it using In and sending towards the man's neck with a slight flick of her finger. She managed to hold it there, just inches from the shorter man's neck. Her trap had been placed.
A cruel smile spread over Kinta's face, breaking her facade as her aura flared. "This IS a video game right? Game's are supposed to be fun, right?" She purred. "So where would be the fun, if I just rolled over and let you take my cards?"
The taller man with the awful hair seemed to realize what was about to happen, he paled and turned to his friend as his book disappeared. "Get down!" He called but it was too late.
Kinta's ability whipped across the stout man's neck, almost taking his head off of his shoulders. There was a spray of blood as the man crumpled to the ground. Without missing a beat Kinta wrapped her ability around the taller man's neck, he fell to his knees in agony as it dug into his skin.
Kinta sighed and strolled over, kicking him hard in the ribs so that he fell on his back. She put her foot on his chest and leaned over him, keeping her leash on him taunt enough to hurt but not kill him. Not yet.
"Tell you what." Kinta sighed. "I'll let you live, if you give me some info."
The man bared his teeth and put his hands to his neck like he thought he could pull Kinta's ability off. But he only ended up cutting the hell out of his hands. "What the hell do you want?!" the man cried desperately.
"First of all, stop moving so much or I might end up accidently decapitating you. See, I haven't completely mastered my Nen ability yet-" Kinta gave him a cold smile.
The man froze and gave her a look of horror.
"Good man. Now-" Kinta sighed as she dug the heel of her boot into the man's ribs. Causing him to groan. "What's the best place to start collecting cards? Obviously I can buy some cards here and there are plenty of monsters. But where can I find specified slot cards?"
The man chuckled. Kinta was almost impressed at his spirit despite his dire situation. "You really are a Noob." He glared at her.
"Watch it." Kinta tightened her ability around his neck.
The man grit his teeth against the pain. "There is a town not far from here called Antokiba. They hold monthly tournaments with the prizes being various cards, but there's no guarantee that you'll get a specified slot card. To get those you just have to play the game, talk to the NPC's around town and find missions."
Kinta sighed. "Figures I have to actually talk to people, guess I can't threaten everybody into giving me what I need." she grumbled. "Alright, now then give me some of your cards."
"What?!" the man exclaimed. "That wasn't our deal!"
"Oh-honey you miss understand." Kinta purred. "We aren't making a deal, this is a do as your told or die situation. But I'll be reasonable! I only want to take five cards of my choosing. Just summon your book." Kinta ground her heel into his ribs again, feeling the bones flex under her foot.
The man groaned as he summoned his book. Kinta chose five cards from his book as promised. She took a thief card, Return, A detailed map, Accompany and a Golden Guide book. She was very pleased finding a Golden Guide book, not only was it a specified slot card but it would also allow you to find people of your sexual preference. It would come in handy if she got bored.
"Excellent. Now for the final step." Kinta grinned as her book disappeared.
"What-" The man started but Kinta kicked him hard in the side of the head, effectively knocking him out.
"I can't have you following me when I leave." She sighed as she released her ability and walked away. "Guess I'll head back towards Antokiba. But that's all the way back from the way I came." She groaned. "I could use drift. It might drop me at Antokiba, or I'll end up somewhere else." Kinta shrugged, if she ended up somewhere else then she would just talk to the NPC's and try to find a mission to do. She called out her book and picked the drift card.
"Drift on!" She called and suddenly she was flying through the air. Kinta couldn't help but laugh, this was actually pretty fun. A moment later she landed at a new city's gates, there was a large heart floating above the city making happy sighing sounds. The sign above the gate said that this was Aiai, the city of love.
Kinta blinked, this wasn't the city she was hoping that she'd land at but it certainly did not sound boring. She started walking towards the massive archway, smiling at the weird floating heart above the city. What kind of missions would this town have? Would she be able to get any specified slot cards? Regardless, a town called the City of Love promised to be entertaining.
Just as Kinta was about to step through the gate a chill went down her spine. Two powerful auras were coming towards her. She quickly ducked behind a tree and conealed herself with Zetsu , the aura's were familiar. A knot began to form in Kinta's gut as she prayed it wasn't who she thought it was, her blood ran cold in her veins as the aura's got closer. She clenched her fists at her sides, trying to ignore her trembling as she watched the entrance of the city from her hiding spot.
'It can't be them. It can't be.' Her mind raced as she hid in the shadows. 'Please, please don't be them.'
Kinta considered retreating even farther into the tree's just as Tenshi and Akuma walked out of the gate. The two twin brothers that Arthur had taken in as babys, the two who'd been trained as warriors their entire lives, who had immensely powerful nen and combat abilities. They were considered to be Arthur's bodyguards and second in command. They were rarely apart from each other so it made sense that they were both here. But why were they away from Arthur and the family?

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