Stupid Emotions

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Hisoka stood there, staring at Kinta's sleeping form. She'd instinctually curled into a ball, like she was trying to protect herself from something.
"Who hurt you?" Her words drifted through his head again. "What are you afraid of?"
Nobody had ever asked him that, nobody had ever dared or cared enough to ask. Yet this girl, that he barely knew, had the guts to call him out like that? And then go on to tell him that he was lonely?
"You certainly arn't stupid~" Hisoka chuckled dryly and ran a hand through his hair. "Trying to psycho-analyize me like that. I need to be more careful around you."
He finally turned and walked out of the bedroom, heading back to the table and picking up the glasses. His mind was still on Kinta, he found himself enjoying his time with her and that was dangerous because his defenses seemed to come down ever so slightly when he was around her. But she was just too much fun to stay away from and he was so dreadfully bored waiting for his little fruits. Although Kinta was more dangerous than he'd originally thought.
"I'll have to be more careful with this game of ours~" he mused to himself, a new smile forming on his lips. "How fun~"
"Kinnttaa" Arthur's voice called from the other end of the dark room, sending shivers down Kinta's spine. "Won't you come home Kinta?"
She wrapped her arms around herself and started to walk away. "Just keep your eyes down, don't make him mad, just keep walking." she told herself.
"Kintaa, come here." Arthur called again, somehow sounding closer than he had before.
Kinta started to run, but no matter how fast she ran she never seemed to go anywhere. It was a never-ending darkness. She felt his bloodlust building behind her.
"Kinta!" He roared.
She heard heavy footfalls behind her, terror clawed at her throat as she ran. Desperate to get away, or at least find a place to hide. Finally a red door appeared not too far from her, there seemed to be light coming from behind it. Kinta bolted for the door.
"Come to me." Arthur's voice followed her. "Or suffer the consequences."
Kinta stumbled through the door and slammed it behind her. When she turned around, Hisoka was before her. A look of agony contorted his face, and a gaping fist-sized hole in his belly. He sunk to his knees, blood pooling all around them.
"Hisoka!" Kinta cried.
Kinta bolted upright in bed, she checked her hands and all around her searching for the blood she was covered in just moments ago.
"It was a dream." She breathed and ran her hands through her hair, taking several deep breaths. "Just a dream."
"Yes~?" Hisoka's head poked out from  the bathroom door, making Kinta yelp.
He cocked an eyebrow at her. "You called~?" His hair was wet like he'd been in the shower.
'Oh god did I actually call his name?' She was mortified. "Ah- no. N-never mind." She quickly stood from the bed and started getting dressed. "Why the hell are you still here?"
Hisoka stepped out of the bathroom, not even bothering to wrap himself in a towel. "Where  you dreaming about me~?" He smirked at her.
Kinta almost dropped the grey sweatshirt that she had pulled out and blushed.
Hisoka chuckled. "How flattering~."
Kinta put a hand on the back of her head and chuckled nervously. "Y-yup. You caught me. Now- if you'll excuse me." She slipped her shoes on. "I'm going to attempt to run those images out of my head."
Hisoka gave her a suspicious look but didn't stop her as she slipped out of the room. Better to let him think she was having dirty dreams about him rather than let him think she was starting to care about him because she'd seen him mortally wounded in her dream.
Kinta clenched her first at her chest as she walked towards the elevator. 'What the hell was that?' People get injured around her all the time, she's had plenty of acquaintances die in front of her and done her fair share of killing herself. Sometimes she was the one that killed her acquaintances. Seeing him injured like that, seeing him in so much pain... "My heart hurt so much I couldn't take it." She muttered to herself and then quickly shook the thought out of her mind.
It shouldn't matter to her whether he lived or died, he was just something fun to play with while she focused on getting stronger. He was a great tool to help her test her limits in battle and that was all. 
She was outside now and started to jog. "I'm using him to get stronger and that's it." She told herself. "Once I'm done with him he can either bugger off or I'll kill him." She grit her teeth, her feet pounding the pavement now.
'I'm just his toy, he's just my tool. That's it, don't you dare get attached to that psychopath.' She thought to herself as she ran.
"You and I are more alike than you think." Her own words came back to haunt her. "You seem lonely, Hisoka." She'd called him and herself out with that, why did I say that?!
"Damit!" Kinta cried as she pushed herself even harder, strange emotions were bubbling up in her chest. Her legs  screamed for mercy as she sprinted through the streets, her lungs burned and tears stung her eyes.  The sky was full of hues of pink and blue and as the sun rose, Kinta ran towards it like she could catch up to the sun if she ran fast enough. Weaving through crowds of people, almost crashing into some but she refused to stop. She punished her body, running like she could escape the thoughts in her head.
After what felt like hours Kinta finally stopped, putting her hands on her knees and panting. 'Where am I?' She mused, pulling out her phone to look up GPS back to the tower. She was on the other side of town, she must  have ran a solid 15miles, possibly more.
Kinta sighed, the emotions that had been swirling around her head had finally solidified into something she could use. Anger and bloodlust. "Time for my next workout." Kinta muttered as she stalked towards gang territory.

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